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My moms house burned down to the ground

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DNF Exclusive
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 26, 2006
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donated $15. All the best.


Hi tas.....I'm so sorry to hear of your families loss. I just added $50 to your paypal account. I would suggest you contact your families local churchs as I'm sure they would want to help in a situation such as this. They will also know of other places where financial and other help is available.

Our prayers are with you and your family....Bill


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 23, 2004
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Thank you............

I live about 45 miles from my mom, in pottsville pa and she lived just out side of bloomsburg PA.

The updated amount so far is: $330.33 with pay pal fees taken out.


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 23, 2004
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Yes the red cross gave them the hotel for 3 days, and the $500 ATM to get some direct needs cared for.

Edited IN:

Kitara just called to talk to me, she said her teacher called her last night and talked to her. She also said that everyone keeps saying the dogs, must have died in the fire. She asked that if a dog was your best bubby, that they would come back home to you no matter what right. And started crying some, I told her that there is a chance they are still alive. That they may have went to some ones house, and what was posted here to check the shelters for them.

She said she was up all night, and could not sleep at all. And had trouble, sleeping from after the fire. She was to go back to school today, but stayed home because she did not get any sleep I guess. They are at my sisters right now, and she said ohhhh because she had to take a bath there. I guess all what happen has now set in, so she will have to work through it all. Pretty normal stuff she is feeling I'm sure, but she is talking about it so that is a great sign.


Senior Exclusive Member
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Dec 4, 2005
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good to see that many people are helping tas38 out


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 23, 2004
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Thanks, to everyone the helped so far!

The updated amount so far is: $349.95


Queen of Domainland
Legacy Platinum Member
Feb 6, 2006
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tas- how old is your daughter


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 23, 2004
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She is 10 years old, she called me tonight to tell me some one said, they seen toby their dog. She sounded a little hopeful, and said they did not see stacy and that stacy was so small and old. That she would not be able, to keep up with toby. I told her that may be they did not see stacy, because she was so small and toby sticks out way more.

Edited IN:

I also talked to my mom tonight, she sounded depressed but ok. She added that they went back to the hotel, and they would need another day there. She said they found a trailer in ringtown, and they could go there and stay but had nothing to put into it. I told her that I posted to this forum, and that so far they got $349.95 in pay pal from the forum members and their friends.

I also told her that I would keep the money there till monday, and hopefull there will be more, at that time transfer it to my bank account. And get the funds out for them, and that it's money they can count on. She seemed to have picked up a little then, she asked how could they get the funds there so fast. And said the bank told them, that it would be a few weeks to be able to get any money given to their fund.

I told her how pay pal works, she then sounded much more like my mom. So right now, they need money and stuff to live in the trialer. Hopefully the funds will grow in the pay pal account, until monday so they can get some stuff for the trailer. I asked kitara if she had a backpack yet, as I know she loves backpacks. She said yes but she had to put what cloths she had in it, my mom and kitara still seemed over overwellmed by it all.

And big Thanks to everyone, that helped so far from me and my family! :)

And hopefully there will be some more money by monday, at that time I'll transfer all the funds to my bank account. And get them to my family, to get much needed stuff for the trailer house.

I said to my mom, that they will make it through this ok. She said, ya but everything takes so much time. That is when she said about the trailer, so all the funds from the pay pal account, will help them to move into the trailer, so any amount of help here will help a lot.


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 23, 2004
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I'll give everyone another update, pay pal amount is still at $349.95.

I talked to them tonight, my mom finally talked like my mom this time. Toby their dog was seen one time, but he has not been seen again. My mom said they are staying at the hotel, for 2 more days to try and get some stuff for the trailer. So far they got a table and chairs, TV, fridge, and that is it. Kitara's teacher come to see her last night, at the hotel room and she gave her a few things.

My mom said, that the school is going to let kitara keep going to her school. Even though she will be out side their area, my mom is going to take her and bring her back every day. As my mom said to me, there is no way she should lose her school and friends as well. And she said that kitara goes back to school monday, my mom said they paid for 2 more day at the hotel. And the lady at the desk talked to the manager, and come back and give her the money back.

I was glad to hear my mom, talking much more like her self today it made me feel better. She said that kitara could not sleep right, because toby and stacy use to sleep in her room with her. And that she sat in a chair the first few nights, my mom said she hear her, calling toby's and stacy's name a few time in her sleep. My mom also said, that the paper had the story but did not put the fund info with it.

So they can still use all the help they can get, to help get stuff they need to live in the trailer. Here is the info to help.......

Rita & Dave Bumbaugh
First Columbia Bank & Trust
Columbia Mall Drive
Buckhorn PA 17815

You can verify it with the bank at, ph# 1-570-387-6100

I'm adding my pay pal email here, as was asked for before.

My pay pal email is: [email protected]


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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Hopefully things are getting better.


Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 3, 2006
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Ill paypal 10.00 tonite ....when i get home..


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 23, 2004
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They are doing better, they got most of what they need now. And can fill things in as they go, the school kitara goes to rised $1,200 for a mall gift cert for anything at the mall. Plus her teacher also got her some stuff, like backpack school supplys and stuff like that.

My mom said the fund had not got any money, that was last friday when I was over to see them. They are settling in now, they only have to paid lot rent and utilitys for the trailer. My dads old boss owns it, and told my dad they can stay there as long as they wanted.

The money rised here, help get some stuff they had to have paid. Some others also help, get things they really needed as well. But as my mom said, they also needed cash like from here. She had to get pro gas for heat, that cost them close to $300. But most of the help was gift certs, or hard goods they needed.

I thought for sure they would get some money, sent to the fund that was set up. But that has not happen as of last friday, then again the paper did not run the fund info at all. They said they would, but then did not and said they would of had to paid to do that. That seems crazy to me, or a cop out by the news paper.

I'm trying to put them a computer together, I got some parts here plus some one give a LCD monitor for it. I got some photos printed for kitara, and give my mom some I had of kitara right after she was born. As they had no photos at all, I will be getting more printed for them as well. Some one seen both of the dogs, but they would not go to them.

We got a foot of snow last friday, the roads was really bad here. I had set up to go see them firday, and went in the bad storm anyways, because kitara really missed me and wanted to see me. I could not let her down I had to try, but my old 92 olds, got me there and back but it was very slow going. The road was pretty much untouched, they plowed after the storm was over after I got home.

( Ill paypal 10.00 tonite ....when i get home.. )

Thanks Gamefinest, they can use it that is for sure. I'll make sure they get it, I gave them the $350 pay pal money friday. I also printed out the pay pal info for them, right from my pay pal account so they would see that info for them selfs.


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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Tas, I'm real sorry to hear about what happened to your family, it tears me apart reading your thread. May I ask if your family applied for any Goverment assistance? and did the owners of the home have insurance? also did the fire department complete there report on the cause of the fire? you said the home did not meet certain building codes, that's why I ask.

Please let me know OK? I will send $50 to your Paypal account this evening, I know its not much, but I hope it helps....RG


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 23, 2004
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Yes they tried getting all help they could, but that was for 3 days at a hotel room. And a ATM card for close to $500, they also help with some food once they got into the trailer.

The fire cheif said it was wiring under the bathroom, but could not pin point what had happen. Because it was burned to bad, The gov't places, told them to get help at the other places. That was the 3 days hotel, and ATM card was the only help from them then. Plus a gift cert for a food store, to get some food once they was into a home.

My mom ask the landlord about his insurance, but he said he was getting very little from it, my guess is was $10K default payment that is standard with old houses. So they got no insurance money at all, he just her that if they got a trailer. They could put it there, and pay lot rent if they wanted.

The house was out on a farm, and went by state codes. And that is if it is a old house, they did not have to update to newer code standards. That also means, they only had to keep the old stuff in working order to meet state codes.


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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I don't know how deep the homeowners pockets are, but it sounds like your family may have a valid case against the owner, that is if there was faulty wiring in the home, regardless if building codes were up to date or not, the owner would be responsible.

The government programs I was referring to was Public welfare, I know Pennsylvania has a food stamp program, and housing assistance, has your family applied? You should really check with them, I'm sure they can provide your family with emergency relief, please visit this link



Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 3, 2006
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Sent you paypal, hope everything works out..


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 3, 2003
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Something's just not right here. Why has a 10 year old been dumped on an aging couple who already couldn't support themselves? Now they're burned out of the rented home, so -- where are the parents? Were are child protective services and/or permantent foster care? The others in the story are adults, who chose the lifestyle and risks (and I'm not buying the 'couldn't buy renters insurance story, either), but the 10 year old seems to be the true victim.


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 23, 2004
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I got the $10 from you, Thank you!


kitara is my 10 year old girl, her mother has some bad metal problems. And kitara lives with my mom and dad, nothing fishy about it really. That is why I go to see her once or more every week, after the fire that was one of only 3 times I ever missed seeing her ever.

I love my child more then anything in this world, and she loves her dad just as much. Sorry I guess I should of made that clear, but thought people would know that by what I said before. But she is my child, but like I said her mom has bad metal problems.

Edited In:

If you want you can see photos of kitara, my mom, toby their dog and the farm closest to the farm where their house burned down. If you read the details on many of the photos, I posted on photo sig you will see stuff about the farm. And you can also see a photo of me there as well and dates posted, so you don't have to think anything fishy is going on here. Just check it out for your self, if you want to see full size photos there it's free to join.



RR Media
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 1, 2007
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Hello Tim, I see you posted your unfortunate situation with photosig, not that I have a problem with it, its actually good to see that DNF members have been more giving.


From time20n/Timothy (7,005) on March 7, 2007 3:07:41 PM EST
Here is a shot of the news paper story on it, this is the best they have of it online with out paying. You can't read it, but it shows the house as it was burning, and what was left after it was done. Note it was run on the fornt page, of the small town news paper. I'm not sure how long, they will have it online before it changes though.


The post you made above refers to a home page link of the newspaper, can you provide the actually story link? was the date of the fire March 6th? I know your into photography, if you can post photos of the house after the fire, I would feel more comfortable with helping your family out.

Thank you!
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