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My moms house burned down to the ground

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Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 3, 2003
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I'm probably going to get my head bit off for this, BUT...

I asked why she isn't being taken care of by her PARENTS, and you only talked about the mother. What's wrong with the FATHER? Visiting once a week is not parenting. And if there is some reason the father is unfit, then you really need to be looking into putting her up for adoption and/or a foster parenting program. What about the mother's parents?

It's obviously NOT in the child's best interest to be living with an elderly couple who don't have a place to live, and it certainly is not a good thing for your parents at this stressful time.

There are a couple of pictures of kids in the photo portfolio that you linked to, but if it's the one I think it is, that child has a very obvious and severe physical problem that is directly related to a lack of parenting. Hopefully I don't need to state the obvious about what I'm seeing in the photo, and you know what I'm talking about.

I really don't mean to pick on you, and obviously this is a tough time, but maybe nobody else has pointed this out to you:
There is an emergency with this 10 year old that is FAR bigger than the fire and housing problem you're talking about in this thread.


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 23, 2004
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Yes I posted to photosig and dnforum only, and dnforum was the ones that help with it.

Yes it was on the 6th of march, here is the info to call the bank where the fund was set up for them. My mom remarried so her name is bumbaugh, my name is Schlauch because my real dad is schlauch. I have the news papers online story, and the papers photos as well but did not post them. Because of the news papers copy rights, some one would of said some thing about it. If you don't trust me, just call the bank and it will verify about the fire and the fund. You can then send a check or money order, to the fund address below.

Then there is no need to worry or trust me, and they will get the money at the fund set up for them. I only give my pay pal account, as I knew just about everyone here had one. And that some people would not send it to the fund, so please don't let you not trusting me stop you. Call the bank and verify the fund, and send it to the back to help no problem with that.

I do have photos from the news paper, it shows the house burning plus I got a photo of the house. Before the fire, but I did not take any of it after the fire.

Rita & Dave Bumbaugh
First Columbia Bank & Trust
Columbia Mall Drive
Buckhorn PA 17815

You can verify it with the bank at, ph# 1-570-387-6100

Edited In:

I'm probably going to get my head bit off for this, BUT...

I asked why she isn't being taken care of by her PARENTS, and you only talked about the mother. What's wrong with the FATHER? Visiting once a week is not parenting. And if there is some reason the father is unfit, then you really need to be looking into putting her up for adoption and/or a foster parenting program. What about the mother's parents?

It's obviously NOT in the child's best interest to be living with an elderly couple who don't have a place to live, and it certainly is not a good thing for your parents at this stressful time.

There are a couple of pictures of kids in the photo portfolio that you linked to, but if it's the one I think it is, that child has a very obvious and severe physical problem that is directly related to a lack of parenting. Hopefully I don't need to state the obvious about what I'm seeing in the photo, and you know what I'm talking about.

I really don't mean to pick on you, and obviously this is a tough time, but maybe nobody else has pointed this out to you:
There is an emergency with this 10 year old that is FAR bigger than the fire and housing problem you're talking about in this thread.

What is all this about, and what severe physical problem are you talking about. Kitara don't have any physical problems, and my mom and dad can take care of kitara fine. My mom had a heart oparation some times back, but at the time my sister was there to help. And I already said kitara's mom has bad mental problems, she lives with me and that is why kitara lives with my mom and dad.

I have already said they got a trailer to live in, from my dads old boss so they got a place to stay. My dad does work, but they lost everything they had so his check can't cover everything. You asked about child services, what do they have to do with their house burning down. They needed help not a foster home, I don't know who you think we are but kitara has always been well taking care of.

I'm not sure where you are trying to go with this, but my mom and dad can take care of kitara. And kitara has never been miss treated ever, and has no physical problems at all. but I'm 110% sure you must be, thinking of some one else. You said I know what you are talking about, but I don't know what you are talking about. Kitara has never been miss treated, and I'll repeat she has no physical problems.


RR Media
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 1, 2007
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I'm not sure where you are trying to go with this, but my mom and dad can take care of kitara. And kitara has never been miss treated ever, and has no physical problems at all. but I'm 110% sure you must be, thinking of some one else. You said I know what you are talking about, but I don't know what you are talking about. Kitara has never been miss treated, and I'll repeat she has no physical problems.

I think Juniperpark was referring to her age and weight, nobody is picking on you Tim, dont take it personal. I will call the Ph#, Thanks!


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 23, 2004
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She was 8 years old in them photos, that was posted there some time ago. She is short like my mom, and kitara mom christine is short as well so she gets that from them both. I'm 5'11 but kitara did not get any of my tallest, but she has never been miss treated.

I'm sorry I guess I should of said, why kitara was with my mom and dad right off. But kitara mom having mental problems, is not some thing you go telling people unless you have to. I'm sure people can under stand that, below is a photo of christine I took a few years back.



Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 3, 2003
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OK, my last post on this -- you'll get it or you won't.

This photo:
claims to show your daughter at age 7 so extremely obese that her entire neck is not visible and her facial features are distorted by rolls of fat. I am absolutely shocked that you would write that she "has no physical problems whatsoever"!

At 7 (and at 10), the adults have to be buying the food, making sure the child is getting exercise, and learning proper nutrition. Looking at those photos it should be clear to anyone that this child is raised with a SEVERE level of neglect. That child will pay the price of that neglect with lifelong physical health and emotional problems.

"Kitara has never been miss treated, and I'll repeat she has no physical problems." Have you checked her blood pressure, resting heart rate, and cholesterol? There is NO WAY the child in that photo is anywhere near healthy levels.

As I said before, the house fire is a much smaller problem, which will be forgotten entirely in a few years. The destruction that you're allowing to occur to your daughter is going to shorten her life and cause her quality of life to be reduces while she is alive.

Again, I'm not trying to be mean, and I continue to struggle with weight/nutrition issues that started when I was very young. Forget the parents, they chose their lifestyle, they chose to live in a house so fire-prone it couldn't be insured, and they chose to live in a cold climate. Your daughter didn't choose to be with people without parents, and it's up to you to put her in a home where she has a chance at a healthy, happy life. If that means bringing in a state agency to help find her a home DO IT.


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 23, 2004
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You keep saying this stuff, but kitara is not really heavy like you make it sound. You also say she is with out parents, but my mom and dad are her grandparents, kitara sees doctors for normal heath check ups. Or if she gets sick, and my mom makes most of the heathy home cooked meals they eat.

This makes me wonder if you know anything about kids, lots of kids are a little heavy. Before they start getting taller, and her doctor said it was normal. And just watch she did not eat to much junk food, but she has to have some some times they said.

And I can tell you, I'm closer to kitara then most parents ever get to their kids. I spend every hour I'm with her as Q time, we talk and play games and stuff all the time. You also keep saying it like, my mom and dad don't care for her right. But you are wrong, they make sure she eats good food. And take vitamins every day, and drinks only good drinks and lots of water.

She bushes her teeth every day, and gets 8 hours of sleep. And she takes bath all the time, and has clean stuff to put on always. They took some of the little money they had, and get her a new bed and cloths after the fire. My mom and dad will do with out, to make sure she has what she needs. They love her, and she loves them as well.

May be it is hard for you to under stand, but grandparents normally love their grand kids. There is nothing they would not do for her, and there is nothing I would not do for her. And my child knows her dad loves her, and she loves me as well. And as I said, I'm close to kitara and she sees by my actions how much I love her.

I will post a photo showing, kitara is not that heavy where it's hurting her heath at all. As soon as I find one about that time, so you can see you are just plain wrong about it.

Edited In:

The photo was taken that same day see her hair, you can not tell me she is very heavy and unhealthy. She is pretty short, but as I said so is my mom and her mom.


And here tell me she is not happy, it's me and her on her brithday.



Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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She's a pretty Girl Tim, I have to agree that the other pics made her look a bit heavy, maybe it was the camera angle or the guy behind the camera :). I'm glad to hear she's getting the proper medical care, My situation is somewhat opposite of yours, I have 2 children that don't eat enough, kids need proper nutrition as Juniperpark pointed out, the Food Pyramid run by the USDA is a excellent source for nutrition info, I learned a lot from it! you can visit there site at: http://www.mypyramid.gov/mypyramid/index.aspx

I hope you and your Parents take my advice and visit your State welfare office, they can provide you with the emergency assistance you need right now, you really NEED to do this!

As I sent you in my PM, I cant figure out why the Paypal payment wont process, My mailing address is clearly showing "Confirmed", my Bank account is also showing "Confirmed" and it keeps showing that you wont accept a payment from a unconfirmed address???....I opened a support ticket, once I have it resolved, I'll send that amount. My Paypal account is over 6 years old and I've never had a problem like this before.


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 23, 2004
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Thank you RaiderGirl, ya I know what you mean about them not eating right. My mom makes kitara eat veggys as snacks, and when she gets to have ice cream only a small servings of it. She likes soda's as well, but they get her bottle water and juices to drink.

One good thing is, she likes to drink the little bottles of deer park water. I'll ask her if she ask the walfare for help or not, I do know they will give you food stamps the same day.

I just check my pay pal settings, and set them all to allow any kind of payment. The one was set to ask me, and I set it to allow them so it could of been it wasn't sending me a notice. If that was the case, it should work now as it's set to allow the payment.

The photo may have been the angle, and the lens I was using as it was a 200mm telephoto lens. So that can distort the photos some what with the compression, when you get close up like I was with that shot. The one from the arcade, was a 50mm f1.8 prime not much distortion with that lens.


Hi Tim,

Don't be concerned about the negative comments from Juniper Park. Its obvious to me you have a very beautiful and healthy looking little girl, I can understand your love and pride in her. Please take RaiderGirl's advice...if anyone deserves help, your family does. I wish you the very best.....Bill


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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Payment sent

Good Luck Tim!


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 23, 2004
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I got the $50 RaiderGirl, Thank You Very Much For Helping!

I tried not to take it personal, but I thought that some of what JuniperPark was saying was out of line. My mom woke out of a dead sleep, to alrams blasting and smoke in her room. She did not know what was going on right even, but went right to go upstairs where kitara was also sleeping. Seen the bathroom had flames and smoke coming from it, shut the barhroom door to buy some time.

Then got kitara up, and got them both out of the house in time. That was no small thing, and it was dark out all that time. She said the power went out, as she was trying to get the truck away from the house. And she could not see the keyhole even, to open the truck door to get in it. She even left the dogs out, as she was on the porch to let the dogs get out. She said she had to call stacy the 2nd time, because she had run back into the house.

I'm 110% sure if not for her shutting that bathroom door, and risking her own life kitara would of died in her bedroom. And she did not have time to think at all, she just started doing what needed to be done. I know the people down the street from my house, had their 6 year old boy only feet from the door laying dead from fire. There was 3 adults in their home at the time that got out, and they went right by him and did not know it even.

JuniperPark made it sound like my mom, could not take care of kitara right when it's just not true. My mom said kitara went to the apple tree, like they had told her so many times before if some thing happen. They had way more fire alarms then was needed, all with good batterys and that is what woke my mom up from a sleep. She said there was smoke in her room already, and she did not know what was going on right. She just knew, she had to get kitara out of that house fast.


Queen of Domainland
Legacy Platinum Member
Feb 6, 2006
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tim- you took those pics??? they are beautiful, all of them. i dont know your financial status- it sounds rough all over- but do you do anything with these pics you take? sell them? (not the family ones obviously) they are just gorgeous


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 23, 2004
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Thanks, smashfactory! :)

Yes I took them all, it's has been a hobby for me. I never tried to sell any of them at all, but have thought about it a few times but never tried. And yes money wise, things are very tuff all around for sure.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 10, 2002
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I sent $100 and your daughter is cute and not fat. No big deal if she was.


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 23, 2004
Reaction score
Thank You, FearLess!

I got the $100 just a few min ago, and you are right I would love her no matter what.


Queen of Domainland
Legacy Platinum Member
Feb 6, 2006
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tim- places like istockphoto= go check it out- you get royalties every time one of your pics is downloaded- there are other places that do this i am sure- but if your pics are just sitting there, and you dont have the time or $$$ to get it sold professionally, doing this is free to get started- and you can make a huge portfolio- and everytime one of your pics is downloaded, you make some money- it looks easy enough- do something like that to start a cash flow- your photography is just excellent!
study what are the top downloded photos- and get an idea for what is hot- then go in for the kill :)


Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Mar 12, 2005
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tim- places like istockphoto= go check it out- you get royalties every time one of your pics is downloaded- there are other places that do this i am sure- but if your pics are just sitting there, and you dont have the time or $$$ to get it sold professionally, doing this is free to get started- and you can make a huge portfolio- and everytime one of your pics is downloaded, you make some money- it looks easy enough- do something like that to start a cash flow- your photography is just excellent!
study what are the top downloded photos- and get an idea for what is hot- then go in for the kill :)

istockphoto, i never heard of this, thank you for the good info.

very sorry to hear about fire...it is best to go to your state to ask for help, you pay taxes for this, so you should use it.


You must find out how the fire started. Who/what started it. Have your purchased any insurance plan?


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 23, 2004
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Great link, I'll check it out and let them know about it then.

Kitara just called today, she said they got the direct TV hooked up today. But it was still not working right, she also said that easter dinner was going to be at my sisters this year. My mom normally has all the hoilday dinners, and that kitara was going to help her saturday and sunday make it. And that I should come there on sunday, things are looking better now as they got most everything they have to have now.

Last friday me and kitara went out side, it was really nice out and we play ball. She was her old self once again, smiling and joking with me like she use to. She made me run after the ball a lot, that is how she normally is so I was happy to chase the ball around.

My mom told me, I better give everyone on this forum a GREAT BIG THANKS! The forum members here give $505 cash, to help them out so a BIG THANKS! From me as well, my mom is doing much better as well. She was doing wash and cooking, when I was there friday so she is keeping busy.
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