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MySpace Typos Being Sold Like Hotcakes

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Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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I say that I don't really care enough to argue with "The Pain" who is'nt even a domainer but rather just an ongoing instigator, it's always the guy on the sidelines that claims to know everything about everything....we are talking about "myspace" here people, not microsoft, it's a blog site and it's free..it's funny how the issue can get so convoluted in threads and the seemingly experts apply all their circular logic from other unrelated issues into the discussion and act like they proved something...myspace CANNOT take all the typos clear and simple, there are way too many and most of them are just not worth bothering with..just like google doesnt bother with all the many low traffic earthgoogle/googleearth typos (and they are 1 of the worst for TM takeaway)...I do not feel there is a large risk at all, or even a medium one for that matter considering there are literally hundreds of them and some of them ARE very hard to detect...The domain in question that was supposingly C&D'd was from what I know a VERY large very high ovt typo...in the thousands range...probably one that was won in the recent high publicity drop auctions and got alot of public attention on it due to the high winning cost of the name..as for any other comments made towards me or about me by members like Stocdoctor, etc...I really don't care and I have WAAAAY better things to do with my time like make money and buy/sell domains than argue over nothing! Good luck guys and don't let the propaganda scare you into not making money from good traffic names...if and when a name owner gets a "Cease & Decist" letter that's usually as far as it goes and much more money & legal action is required to take a name away...they are not gonna do this on silly little myspace domains getting a few hundred hits a day...maybe if it was a company losing loan applications to a competitor, etc..but there is nearly ZERO financial incentive to go thru the trouble in this specific scenario...for all we know the name or names in question were pointed to porn sites or something and thus got letters...and furthermore we don't even know that this is true to begin with...could be misinformation or even a scam letter the owner got!

In closing..Anyone buying any domain that is a typo - type-in takes some risks and we all already know that, DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH

So...if it's too hot in the kitchen then maybe it's time to get fast food instead!

Some people just take what's handed to them in life and in business and smile, I am not one of them...and most domainers on DNF are risk takers to many degrees..as long as the benefits of owning and buying a name outway the potential "risks" then it's an easy choice...you win some you lose some, so far myspace typos have always been winners...from my actual hands-on experience with about 15 of them! So I would expect any further input to come from people that are qualified to answer the question this thread asked in the first place..

...Which I was, so I gave my input from what I know..sorry if one or two people don't agree or feel differently..that's 100% your choice of course and I'm ok with that! This is just a friendly forum discussion over myspace typos! So relax! :)
Domain Days 2024

The Pain

Level 2
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 24, 2005
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Mocus said:
I say that I don't really care enough to argue with "The Pain" who is'nt even a domainer but rather just an ongoing instigator, it's always the guy on the sidelines that claims to know everything about everything

How could you profess to know this? We have never met, but I can guarantee we do run in different crowds. As for being an "instigator", it seems anyone that disagrees with Mocus is an instigator, or not a "pro" like you keep telling people you are.

I prefer to try and help people on these forums instead of posting selfserving drivel that some choose to. Oh yea, and I post my honest opinion on topics. I think that is still allowed.

The Pain


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 27, 2003
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The person whos claiming to get the cease and desist letter from myspace should post proof. He very well could just be saying that for his own benefit.


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 24, 2003
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The real reason: Myspace traffic is complete garbage.

You can say they convert at dating, some obscure ppc, etc. I don't buy ANY of it.

GT Web

DNF Addict
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Feb 21, 2003
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Mocus said:
myspace CANNOT take all the typos clear and simple, there are way too many and most of them are just not worth bothering with..just like google doesnt bother with all the many low traffic earthgoogle/googleearth typos (and they are 1 of the worst for TM takeaway)...I do not feel there is a large risk at all, or even a medium one for that matter considering there are literally hundreds of them and some of them ARE very hard to detect...The domain in question that was supposingly C&D'd was from what I know a VERY large very high ovt typo...in the thousands range...probably one that was won in the recent high publicity drop auctions and got alot of public attention on it due to the high winning cost of the name..as for any other comments made towards me or about me by members like Stocdoctor, etc...I really don't care and I have WAAAAY better things to do with my time like make money and buy/sell domains than argue over nothing! Good luck guys and don't let the propaganda scare you into not making money from good traffic names...if and when a name owner gets a "Cease & Decist" letter that's usually as far as it goes and much more money & legal action is required to take a name away...they are not gonna do this on silly little myspace domains getting a few hundred hits a day...maybe if it was a company losing loan applications to a competitor, etc..but there is nearly ZERO financial incentive to go thru the trouble in this specific scenario...

1) The Pain did not instigate anything, neither did I, neither did Stoc, looks like the only one doing any instigating (or name calling) is you.

2) No financial incentive? MySpace may be a free service, but I bet its making a tidy profit from advertising. Just because the website doesn't specifically sell something, doesn't mean you are allowed to cybersquat on the their names and it also doesnt mean they should allow their domains to make profits for other people.

3) It might be impossible to get ALL typos of MySpace.com, but it is certainly pretty easy to get a whole bunch of them. If filing through WIPO costs $2000 per name, its a heck of a lot less than most owners are asking for their typos on DNF. If you were the owner of MySpace, I am sure you would go after people profiting off of your advertising/promotion/good name.

Steen is very correct in that these typos are not worth nearly as much as their traffic may indicate. 5000 visits per day is great, but when the quality of traffic is as poor as in MySpace typos, you are taking a huge risk.

The Pain was completely correct as well, in that if you are buying a typo name, you better be sure you can get your investment back quickly, because you may receive a C&D in the mail anyday. Why not just save your money and buy a really special generic .com instead of wasting money on typos with low-quality traffic that can be taken from you any day of the week?


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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Steen said:
The real reason: Myspace traffic is complete garbage.

You can say they convert at dating, some obscure ppc, etc. I don't buy ANY of it.


Again, more speculation from the sidelines....

GT Web said:
Steen is very correct in that these typos are not worth nearly as much as their traffic may indicate. 5000 visits per day is great, but when the quality of traffic is as poor as in MySpace typos

I'm glad both of you know this firsthand..more backseat drivers..lol, go back and read my earlier posts about traffic volume and CPM advertising and you will learn something...and it seems that certain people get all super "ethical" and anti-typo/TM and pull that cat out of the bag when you need it...give me a freakin break man...the cornerstone of MUCH of the domain parking business is typos..please argue this one, fact of the matter is..you asked a question GT, I gave an answer..some people agree some don't..nothing further..

ALL of my many great myspace domains I previously had have always converted at a minimum of about 3% CTR, sometimes much higher...when you have a domain that gets 500 or a thousand hits per day this ads up fast..people click no matter what ads are there..when it's real traffic and not all people in korea or china or something from some IDN "generic" lol. It's simply rudimentary math, if you expose enough real live people to your ads or site, someone is going to have their interests spiked and thus click on something or get involved...myspace traffic is some of the most targetted middle age Internet consumer traffic you can get ahold of cost wise and almost all USA traffic...but keep thinking what you're thinking please..thats just more inexpensive traffic and money for myself and others!


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 24, 2003
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Mocus said:

Again, more speculation from the sidelines....
You have no clue...


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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I guess we will all just be the poor helpless victims here despite all of "The Pain's", GT Web's & Stocdoctors valiant and ohh so brave attempts to save us from the wrath of the devil myspace typos! Guy's you really need to get out more... LMAO :eek:k:

Steen said:
You have no clue...

Ok, tell us about all your specific myspace typo experience Steen..please amuse me and the others..

GT Web

DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2003
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Mocus said:
but keep thinking what you're thinking please..thats just more inexpensive traffic and money for myself

Enjoy your C&D, it will be served tomorrow with your choice of fries or a side salad.


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 21, 2004
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Only discussion about the topic and no personal comments about anyone.


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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Enjoy your C&D, it will be served tomorrow with your choice of fries or a side salad.

Well we all know whos a rat then..since you seem to be inferring some involvement or collusion with myspace against us domainers in this matter...

trust me...if I did have one anymore and it did ever get a C&D I would tell them to kiss it multiple times and bring it to Internet court...lol
They can spend the money to get it as far as I am concerned, just like any of us had to do...and FYI most times C&D letters are lame scare tactics..most serious companies don't waste time with Cease and Decist letters...but you probably have never actually been in that situation...I have several times and it has NEVER been with a myspace name..like i said to begin with..

GT Web

DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2003
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Mocus said:
Well we all know whos a rat then..since you seem to be inferring some involvement or collusion with myspace against us domainers in this matter...

Obviously, that is the only reason I am here at DNF - to screw as many domainers out of as much money as possible. Why else would I be here? To expand my own business? No, of course not :rolleyes:

And thanks for continuing to make personal insults and remarks while the rest of us focus on the topic and issue at hand


Domain Lover
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 13, 2005
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Companies have begun banding together to search out TM offenders and target them. They have much better research, money and attorneys at their disposal than any and all typosquatters. Only reason the squatters have gotten away with it so far is that the companies weren't focused on it.
There are some companies who are very focused on typos and TM's.
Pool, Snapnames, and Namewinner sure are focused. You should see all of typos and TM's in the backorder section of my account.


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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GT Web said:
And thanks for continuing to make personal insults and remarks while the rest of us focus on the topic and issue at hand
..I illustrated throughout this thread information and helpful advice on why people should not be worried since they have you doomsday naysayers or "negative nellies" (as my buddy jackson 5 would say) pumping their brains full of unnecessary worries about some typo domains that are just very popular and available right now...I have no reason to induce anyone into buying one since I am not selling any! But I surely am looking for some for me!

&...What did I say about you other than respond to what you posted?
You said "enjoy my C&D letter" a specific remark about me...if anyone deviated from the thread subject it is you and your play pals..
GT, we know you always try to play the good guy dude, you have been arguing with me about everything and anything since we ever met on here..this is the last time I give my input on one of your posts...it's so pointless for you to ask for opinions and info from people and then argue with them about it and bash them in the thread...Like I said before..myspace is'nt taking domains and if someone happened to get a C&D letter that proves nothing other than a random incident...when I see dozens getting contacted then I would worry..and that has never happened dude..I don't think it will either..that's my educated opinion..which I am surely entitled to....in fact I just saw stats on one that I might be buying shortly that's making $8/day on PPC...so I'll surely enjoy the typo traffic revenue in my bank account...please keep DEVALUING these so I can buy them up cheap! Yes...they are all getting taken away..uhhhmm..uhh yeah...sell now cheap..to me!


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 24, 2003
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scorpio said:
Only discussion about the topic and no personal comments about anyone.
For the record, my comment was in response to Mocus' comment (in reponse to me). Not an insult directed at Mocus himself.


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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Steen, I think it was in response to GT saying I would be getting a C&D letter tommorrow and making it seem as if he was behind it...which is really immature imo...and scary..domainers don't do that type of stuff to each other and that's way uncool man...I hope for all of our sakes "people" don't do the type of thing that was threatened...I love all of you guys (refer to "The Happy Thread" please) I am just very certain there is no mass C&D going on with myspace typos and I guess certain people almost WANT it to be true...but really to domainers like me and most others on here with alot of PPC experience and years of buying and selling traffic names, we can usually filter thru the propaganda....

In Forrest Gump voice.. thats all I have to say about thaaat.


** Mr. Pink **
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 6, 2002
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GT The cost for a WIPO action is $1200 or less depending on the process status, and can involve all similar names or TM typos in a group for that one cost, not $2000 per name. The filing fee for a Federal case is less than $400 and can involve multiple domains. More companies that are defending their names and traffic are considering the Federal suit route because they can set examples by burning some squatters very bad.

The concerns raised by myself and others in this thread are merely pointing out to the newbies that there are real risks (as well as ethics questions) to investing in TM typos. Of course the sellers hyping these names for sale will tell you that it's impossible for the companies to find you, and there is either no risk, very little risk, or that it's buyer beware anyway and everyone knows all the risks. That is baloney and self serving. Those sellers will then get insulting and attack anyone raising legitimate questions. They deserve warning points for that.

The reason that some long time members like myself are getting more vocal about these issues is that we see a lot more newbies coming into the fold here, and a lot more activity by what appears to be groups of experienced pump and dump hype-sters (also newer members) looking to take advantage. They are then backed up sometimes by older members here who have built their portfolios with TM typo stuff and do NOT want to see that market fade away or lose value. It is losing value, and it is going away. Invest at your own risk, but read the warning messages contained on the forums here as well as all the hype.


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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Yeah...everything you said pretty much is true, all the would be's and could be's and "what if's"...except for the ala' "Sarah thread" accusations of "pumping and dumping" I don't think anyone has really posted here that is even selling any of these names...I know im not..I could care less what anyone thinks they are worth...that was never the issue here..it was are they being taken away by some mass legal action by myspace...and so far we have only heard of ONE unconfirmed C&D "email" someone has gotten, that could very well be fake..they are no less valuable than most of the other typos being sold on here daily and TM domains are pretty much an average days work and a part of almost everyone's portfolio to some extent..they just happen to get more traffic than everything else..and now all of the sudden that's making them the center of attention...the issue is not what they are worth or that anyone is pushing them for sale to anybody old or new...the issue and actual content of this thread was whether there was some secret behind the scenes take-away going on with myspace typos..and the answer is NO. Don't let certain people here divert that point with propaganda and all their usual conspiracy theories...wear tin foil hats on your head if you must!

The Pain

Level 2
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 24, 2005
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Mocus...but really to domainers like me and most others on here with alot of PPC experience and years of buying and selling traffic names said:
Forrest Gump[/B] voice.. thats all I have to say about thaaat.

I'm sure hundreds of experienced domainers here (including me), would prefer you didn't speak for us. It is people spewing out that you don't have too worry about TM's and the such that are spreading propaganda. And yes, and thanks goodness, most real domainers can sift through the BS and halftruths that are often posted on these boards.

The Pain

Forest Gump voice, "Stupid is as stupid does"
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