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NamePopper missing?

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DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 15, 2002
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Originally posted by izopod

Here is my theory: This is a male dominated "sport". I find it funny that LawPsych is the only "declared" female to really post on this board. My guess is there are others, such as ""

izopod philsophy: The "matrix" isn't always what it appears to be. If you really want to know what's in the "matrix" just open your eyes.

Now, that's a new one. I never thought of myself as being the only "declared" female to post on this or any other board! I think that there are several other women who post here who would be surprised to learn that anyone thought that they were male.

Many years ago, when "online" communication consisted of no graphics and just a lot of words on sites such as Compuserve, there was an incredible mess caused by an individual who claimed to be a multi-handicapped lesbian female, but who turned out to be a male psychiatrist in New York. This case was covered in MS Magazine in an article written by Linsay Van Gelder entitled "The Strange Case of the Electronic Lover." I was interviewed by Lindsay to comment on the effect of gender or perceived gender on online communications.

In that particular case, the person who chose to pose as "Joan" did a great deal of damage, in that 'Joan" would befriend women whom "Alex" would then date. After a date, "Joan" would then interview the woman about her experiences with "Alex" and would use the "Joan" persona to extract all kinds of personal information from the "victims."

The worst part of that scenario was that several young men became suicidal when they learned that "Joan" was actually a male, because they felt that "Joan" was the only woman who had ever paid attention to them or been interested in them. Discovering that "Joan" was a male was extremely upsetting to them. If anyone is interested, I believe that the Van Gelder article is still online somewhere. If you wish, I can try to look it up and post a link to the story.

With all of that said, I do not believe that any of that has ANYTHING to do with Namepopper. Whatever Namepopper's real name is, he was a real sweetheart who never hurt or exploited anyone. If he is around and reading any of these messages, I want him to know that there are many of his loyal friends who still love him and would do anything for him. And if Namepopper turns out to be female, who cares? If this online community and others were more heavily populated by the likes of Namepopper, this would be a much nicer, kinder, gentler, and ethical world. We should only be so lucky!!

Hugs and Kudos to Namepopper, wherever you may be. Just be safe and healthy and come back to us soon!!



Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 24, 2003
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Pam I believe is a female as well.

BTW, Hi Sheila! Havent seen you for a while :-(


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2002
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Originally posted by lawpsych

And if Namepopper turns out to be female, who cares?

Exactly! If it does turn out NamePopper was a female, I would be the first one to welcome "him/her" back to DNF. NP never did anything, but contribute to DNF to make it a better place. When it comes down to it, that's what really matters. What did you do today to contribute?


DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 15, 2002
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Well said, Izopod!!

Very well said, indeed.

These thoughts and feelings just make me miss Namepopper even more.


Mr Flippy Returns..
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 13, 2002
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Originally posted by lawpsych
Many years ago, when "online" communication consisted of no graphics and just a lot of words on sites such as Compuserve, there was an incredible mess caused by an individual who claimed to be a multi-handicapped lesbian female, but who turned out to be a male psychiatrist in New York. This case was covered in MS Magazine in an article written by Linsay Van Gelder entitled "The Strange Case of the Electronic Lover." I was interviewed by Lindsay to comment on the effect of gender or perceived gender on online communications.
That reminds me of the famous 'bimmler' who raised hell on usenet back in the early 80's. Posting as rabbit!bimmler (in the days before the @ symbol) he would start threads and generally get into arguments with other members.

Eventually, it emerged that bimmler was an Artificial Intelligence program written by Rob Pike (who now works for Google). In hindsight, most of the posts were complete non-sense, but people replied anyway.

The point being that irrespective of the content of a post, some people will read into it whatever they want to.

Mr Webname

Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 29, 2003
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Originally posted by Beachie
In hindsight, most of the posts were complete non-sense, but people replied anyway.

Not much changes Chris does it? :-D


Mr Flippy Returns..
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 13, 2002
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Originally posted by Mr Webname
Not much changes Chris does it? :-D
The more things change, the more they stay the same, Roger :worried:


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 13, 2002
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So, to sum up.....NP is a crossdressing lesbian with an overgrown yard??

I wish I could see his reaction to this whole thread :-D


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 7, 2003
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Originally posted by lawpsych

Now, that's a new one. I never thought of myself as being the only "declared" female to post on this or any other board! I think that there are several other women who post here who would be surprised to learn that anyone thought that they were male.

it goes two ways ;)
i used to think -RJ- was a girl :-#
dunno why :huh:


Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 26, 2002
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Originally posted by DotLeader
it goes two ways ;)
i used to think -RJ- was a girl :-#
dunno why

Is that why you kept hitting on me? :goofy:



Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 7, 2003
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Originally posted by -RJ-

Is that why you kept hitting on me? :goofy:



DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 15, 2002
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Oh My!!! Hehahaha ... tee hee ... har har .. guffaw .... can't stop laughing .... oh, help me ... if I keep laughing like this I'm going to fall off this chair ...

ROTFLMAO ... I haven't laughed so hard in decades.

I knew you were special, RJ, but I didn't know just HOW special you were ...

Thanks for the laugh ... Wow, did I ever need that!



Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 10, 2002
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Nick had another user name here and I elevated it to Platinum right before I sold. Domebase thought the other user was me. :-O

Now that user name is gone. I see you can buy user name changes now. The plot thickens. :-D

I thought RJ was a girl too. :laugh:


Old Timer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 3, 2002
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Originally posted by Gregr
Nick had another user name here and I elevated it to Platinum right before I sold. Domebase thought the other user was me. :-O

Now that user name is gone. I see you can buy user name changes now. The plot thickens. :-D

I thought RJ was a girl too. :laugh:

Hey... Some stuff is getting declassified over time, LOL :) Yeah. I did think it was you, Greg, but then NP said that it was not so I took him at his word. Later I saw something which suggested that it was NP... but I kept that to myself until very recently.

For my two cents, whoever NamePopper was/is.. whether a single individual who valued his privacy or whether he was/is an alias or a guy or a gal... he was/is an amazing person with an engaging wit, kindness, and sense of humor.. a great moderator... and a friend. Part of me is curious about the mystery of his identity and part of me says it does not matter.. we can still pray for his well-being and care about him no matter what his/her identity or address. If he does return, or if he is reading this now, I hope that he will feel welcomed and affirmed and not too pressed to answer all our questions. Like Mr. Rogers would say -- we love him just the way he is :)

Jack Gordon

Serial Entrepreneur
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Nov 6, 2002
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Originally posted by DomeBase
For my two cents, whoever NamePopper was/is.. whether a single individual who valued his privacy or whether he was/is an alias or a guy or a gal... he was/is an amazing person with an engaging wit, kindness, and sense of humor.. a great moderator... and a friend. Part of me is curious about the mystery of his identity and part of me says it does not matter.. we can still pray for his well-being and care about him no matter what his/her identity or address. If he does return, or if he is reading this now, I hope that he will feel welcomed and affirmed and not too pressed to answer all our questions. Like Mr. Rogers would say -- we love him just the way he is :)

very eloquently stated. you should be a writer :-D

btw... nice to see you! if this thread has done nothing else, it has been good at digging up all kinds of old bones around here!


Old Timer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 3, 2002
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Originally posted by MovieDomains
btw... nice to see you! if this thread has done nothing else, it has been good at digging up all kinds of old bones around here!

old bones? :laugh: man, have I been gone that much/long?

I guess so. Just don't start carbon dating my posts! :cheesy:

Jack Gordon

Serial Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 6, 2002
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I meant it in the nicest possible way :-D


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 16, 2002
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I just read the DNJournal story. I did not know he was a lifelong resident of this area (Plano, Richardson, Dallas, and even Arlington mentioned).

I happened to be in the chat room at dnf about 6 months ago when namepopper was very emotional with another member who doubted that he was ill.

NP didn't seem to mind that I was there, but the other person was taken aback that NP was truly ill. He was emphatically stating that he ill and in a wheel chair. The other person thought he was joking, but seemed to change his mind by the end of the chat (2 or 3 other people were chatting while this was going on).

Hope some information will turn up because he sure has a lot of friends worried.


Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 9, 2003
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So... we seem to have established a few facts:

1) Nick has not been seen or heard from in months
2) He/she was known to be ill toward his last known communications
3) Noone remembers having a phone conversation with him/her
4) Several of his/her beloved doamins were allowed to expire
5) Phone # and address are appaerntly ficticious
6) No records under his/her name appear in any know database
7) No death notice (with his/her real name) has been uncovered
8) He is probably NOT Gregr
9) RJ is not a female

What am I leaving out?

To me, all this seems to point towards one conclusion more strongly than others, and it ain't good. NP was using an alias, was inflicted with some undisclosed terminal illness, and by now may have passed to the great registrar in the sky, leaving no instructions as to the disposition of his/her domains and various online memberships.

I hope this is not the case, but wherever he/she is, I wish him/her the best.
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