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For Sale Namewinner has new look and features

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Mr Webname

Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 29, 2003
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Looks like you can only select names from their expiring lists and direct entry of names is gone.
Namewinner as we know it appears to be dead - this seems now to be just an alternative domain auction site.


Cool Member
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2002
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Originally posted by beatz
..when trying to insert a name that is in pending delete, it told me my current bid would not meet the minimum bid - although it had that default(?) $15 in the input field.So i clicked on "view" and it showed $25 minimum required.

What's up with that?

Even more, i just looked the name up in the "expired names" search and indeed it is listed there and indeed it shows a base bid of $15 - so why does the system tell me a minimum bid of $25 is required( well it didnt tell me that to be exact; it said my bid is too low and i had to find out myself that minimum apparently is $25); and why is it $15 anyway when i thought for me as grandfathered customer it would be $8.75 ?

Namewinner Guy - ANSWERS PLEASE !

Thanks. :)


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 11, 2002
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Originally posted by Mr Webname
Looks like you can only select names from their expiring lists and direct entry of names is gone.
I have the distinct impression that NameWinner will only allow bids on names in Redemption period, or PendingDelete. They are making a point of posting that: There are currently 87305 domain names in the delete cycle. Everywhere. I'm not sure that's a bad thing.
Originally posted by Mr Webname
Namewinner as we know it appears to be dead - this seems now to be just an alternative domain auction site.
"Dead"? I think it is just changed. Metaphor or not, I don't think things have to sounds so dramatic.

~ Nexus


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Jul 19, 2002
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Well I thought it would be a regular working day but I cant do anything now till I figure out how their darn system works :(

Thanks for making things all that more confusing in an already confused game.



DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 11, 2002
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Hm. Does look like you can't see the "minimum" bid until you've outbid it. A current message says:
Bid $25 on [domainname]: Bid was less than minimum bid

It should say:
Bid $25 on [domainname]: Bid was less than minimum bid. There is a winning bid already in place. You will need to OUTBID the current high bid to gain this name.

I understand not revealing the bid amount increases their potential figures. I guess they want to encourage use of the "proxy bid" system to pay ONLY the highest required out of your final ceiling.

I think the NameWinner system (as we knew it) is still there. The "change" is forcing people to ACT more the OBSERVE. No doubt a change of flow for people, but those who would bid at NW anyway just need to go ahead and bid, and it will be like before. Just without the "peep show", unfortunately. It WAS a nice peep show.

~ Nexus


Level 2
Legacy Platinum Member
Feb 9, 2003
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Originally posted by Tippy
The old system was so easy to use why oh why NW?


Obviously to make more money. Most of the starting bids are going to be £25 instead of £8.75.

They get pre catch bids in, look at the ones that are high and concentrate on those. Then hope post catch that those bidders will carry on and push prices even higher. Notice how short the post catch auction is, (From memory) No bid within 15 mins and the auction is closed == feeding frenzy.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 11, 2002
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You just need to GO for it. I just got outbid by proxy, but now I can see the bid amount for the name I wanted. If someone isn't willing to OUTBID you, they won't be able to snipe/spy you without putting their money where their eyes are. After active bidding has occurred, only those actively bidding (and having won at some point) can see the prices and make their decisions.

I'll have to agree that the previous incarnation of NW fostered a lot of "reporting" of NW's figures on these boards, and it appears that that aspect of NW is definitely over (unless you get in FIRST on a name and get outbid). All the way until the name drops, you'll see how far it goes.

I'm wondering if after a name is acquired if your "watch" will dissappear onthe final price. I don't think it should. At that point, I think the bidder has earned the priveledge to see what happened to the name.

~ Nexus


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Jul 19, 2002
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Not that I use Pool, cant afford to but I hope they continue to kick NW's butt after this move on their part.

I also dont understand the grandfathered $8.75 thing, its not clear at all.



DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 11, 2002
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Originally posted by Tippy
I also dont understand the grandfathered $8.75 thing, its not clear at all.
I assume that if a name has NO bid on it already, and you type in a bid of "$8.75", that this bid will "TAKE". If the name is already being bidded on, it does look like an ambiguous message until you are "winning".

NameWinnerGuy, you guys really should have put together at least two different examples of someone using the system, and how it might occur. Reading the "process" and then trying to experience it without any point of reference is pretty unsettling for people.

~ Nexus


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 19, 2003
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I did go to the site and "wondered" around. However, I haven't tried to enter any names since the new program was initiated.

I assume they grandfathered all bids that are IN THEIR SYSTEM before the new program was announced. But, all future bids will be at the new pricing?

I haven't heard anyone complain that the new program will take more of our time. Now, it goes past the normal deadline time before the drop. But, also. You have to monitior and bid after they catch the name! Which, could go on for minutes. or hours?

I guess they won't get any of my money today!

But, no one has commented on NW initiating this just before WLS.


Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 27, 2002
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NAMEWINNER GUY, I think that instead then put all the attention on how to make more money you and your team at NW need to concentrate also a little about cutomer service, since many many days am still sending emails becuase I WANT the user ID and Password to edit the names you get for me and already charged with the your new registrars partner, no answer till now, again concentrate a little also for customer service, its really frustrating spending a lot of time to find names, bid, being charged and don't have the access for the name, as you know I spent many thousands $ with NW, just this month I think am at more then $ 15k, I don't usually post anything about this kind of things but now am really tired, AGAIN give to the peoples what they already PAID, I will not tollerate anymore something like that........., am posting here because I dont get answer by email.

Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 13, 2002
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I got this notification few mins ago:

This email is to inform you of an action taken on the NameWinner web site.

ACCOUNT ID: 440288

ACTION: you have been outbid
BID: $160
TIME STAMP: 1062165919

You can place another bid on this domain by visiting the following URL:

I'm not interested in making a counteroffer but, if I would, how could I do that ? Surely not by following your link !
NameW. Guy, answer please because we'd be good customers for NWinner if able to understand again how it's currently working, thanks.

NameWinner Guy

Level 2
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 6, 2003
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Originally posted by Stocdoctor
Hey Those fraud bidded names that NW caught a few months ago and promised an auction have been deleted from my manage list. Where did they go, and when is the promised auction?


We will reintroduce those names into the new auction model. We will be notifying our customer base when the time comes.

We will also be more strict about unpaid names. They will be thrown back in the auction after the grace period.


Cool Member
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2002
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NameWinner Guy - would you mind answering the numerous questions that have been asked in this thread.

Might be helpful.

Might be good for NW's business, too.

Thanks. ;)


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Jul 19, 2002
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Another thing I noticed.

I normally put min. bids on names I am interested in and then on the final drop day I would review the names I am going after and decide to go for them or remove them from my buy list, well I cant do that anymore it seems.

NW you cant just changes things in the middle of the game and not tell/warn your customers, theres 2 names that I want removed from my buy list NOW, yesterday I would have been able to remove them as I have always done in the past. If you catch these names I will do a charge back, that was really sneaky of you to disable the removal of names while I sleep, FIX IT!


NameWinner Guy

Level 2
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 6, 2003
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Originally posted by bidawinner
Let me see if I am understanding this correctly.. after I have become high bidder and the name has actually been deleted and You..namewinner.. have picked up that drop for me.

clear my throat...instead of placing the name in my are going to let other people pay $50 and rebid for a name I already won..

Is that correct

With the new auction model, if an auction is forced into a possible private auction, we are not grabbing the name on behalf of the high bidder, we are grabbing it on behalf of all bidders who bid on the name. Only auctions that get extended AND have bids in the final 5 minutes of the extended period will be private auctions if we get the names.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 3, 2003
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Originally posted by beatz
Oh man.

To say the new system is confusing is not true.

Truth is, it's CONFUSINGLY confusing - i just don't get it.

Also, although i am a long time customer at NW, when trying to insert a name that is in pending delete, it told me my current bid would not meet the minimum bid - although it had that default(?) $15 in the input field.So i clicked on "view" and it showed $25 minimum required.

What's up with that?

I thought we were grandfathered?

Also, why is it not possible to look up the minimum bid as soon as you have added a name to your "watch list" (i had to use the "back" button of my browser to go back to adding process to view minimum bid)?

Geez - how come everyone and their mother seems to think making it more difficult for their customers is the new way to go lately(NW,snapnames etc.etc) ?

This system obviously was not well tested, and is very buggy. The grandfathering of pricing IS NOT working, as I mentioned earlier. I spent an hour trying to enter and bid on redemption perion names... even bul bidding is broken and spewing error messages!

NameWinner Guy

Level 2
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 6, 2003
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Originally posted by Rebies
compliments on the design. the rollovers should be preloaded though.

critisims have to go out to the auction situation. I don't want people bidding on names I fairly won in the pre-drop auction. I also liked the $8.95 pick ups, but most of those were bidded on within a few days of dropping.

There goes SnagAName's usefullness in that regards!

As an auction gets extended and potentially goes to private auction, there will not be a winner of the pre-drop auction per se. You may be the high bidder but not winner, should it go to private auction.
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