Did this guy really have 800 (!) names related to Chris Bosh? Creepy.
No, he had 800 different celebrity names plus his own name... which the judge took as well. :lol:
Not sure if any of you have seen this but it's kind of scary.
A domainer (called a "cybersquatter" in the article) bought several domains for up and coming athletes and celebrity children's names. After failing to show up for court, the judge awarded Toronto Raptor Chris Bosh nearly 800 domain names from the domainerâs portfolio. The article also includes the actual court order by the judge.
A federal judge awarded Bosh $120,000, but believing Zavala wouldn't pay, Bosh's lawyers asked for the rights to the names Zavala had been using.
Another year or two, most of these names will likely expire and drop...
so where is the internet attorneywho will pro bono the appeal?
That is the risk this guy took by not even showing up to court.Thats just dirty.
...and when he says 'offer the return of these domains' he isn't talking about selling them either. See the full list."I am thrilled that I am able to offer the return of these domain names to a host of other athletes and celebrities whose names were cyber-squatted,"
Why domainers are throwing their hands up in disgust over this ruling is beyond me. As pointed out already, this guy is the definition of a cybersquatter...exactly what makes our industry look bad. Zavala registered hundreds of names of NBA players, NBA prospects and many other famous peoples first+last names. He monetized them by putting ads on these domains relevant to basketball and sports. He ignored court dates and ultimately was ordered to pay $120k to Chris Bosh and return ChrisBosh.com. Bosh, not wanting the cash asked for the squatters domain portfolio instead and the judge abliged. What is so hard to understand about that? Was his portfolio worth $120k?? Hell no.
Calling Chris Bosh a cybersquatter now because he holds this portfolio now is ridiculous.. Especially when these were his words after the judgement:
...and when he says 'offer the return of these domains' he isn't talking about selling them either. See the full list.
are you famous?what if my name was chris bosh - could i sue him?
what if my name was chris bosh - could i sue him?
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