Again I ask, where is the rule that dictates the time frame in which YOU, the SELLER must reach out to the BUYER, who wants YOUR PRODUCT must comply with his ORDERS to PM him.
Here is my rule on the situation:
There was no trade. No monetary value exchanged hands. No domain pushed. No follow-ups from either party.
Negative feedback shall be removed. The best way to solve this is to put each other on ignore list. The even better way is to educate the newcomer the proper way to complete transactions, and make the community a better place. Give the newcomer a chance to learn. A warning from mods is enough instead of giving him death sentence.
Case closed.
When I came back to check the thread here, I saw that another member was interested in one of my domains, claiming it as "sold" for a mere $20.
Now, because I had other offers coming in from other sites, I did not contact this potential buyer...
I want to make it clear that this buyer never sent me a PM.
Can someone please explain to me where I did anything that would warrant a negative mark on my account? Is there an obligation on my part (other than for cordiality's sake) to let the potential buyer know that the domain has already been sold or that I am not interested in selling to him within a certain time frame?
The truth is, there is no explicit rule stating the number of days that a transaction must be completed by. That's food for thought for the mods.
I think 10 days is way too generous.I am thinking on this, sometimes snags come up, my initial thought is that the transaction should be completed within 10 days, unless explained to the seller in the thread at time of purchase.
thoughts on that?
The biggest issue is this: no body takes the time to read all of that crap to begin with!
I wholeheartedly agree.I think people read the fine print when they want the domain, I know I do.
The more details placed in the thread, the less confusion there can be later.
Great idea. I suggest you get on this right away!It would be nice if there was a special form on top of the sale forums so we wouldn't have to remember so many rules. We could tick a box to alert of multiple forum listings and it would automatically put that notice into the thread for us. It would automatically figure out the closing date and automatically figure out the "pay by" date among other things. It would assist newcomers to learn how things are done at DNforum and probably assist the mods with prevention.
I came back to check the thread here, [...'but'...] I did not contact this potential buyer,
I think people read the fine print when they want the domain, I know I do.
The more details placed in the thread, the less confusion there can be later.
in this case neg feedback was harsh, should be removed
but as he took so long to get back to buyer to let him know either way it may have looked to buyer like he was avoiding
but again was christmas and new year period it fell over almost exactly and most people aren't doing business then
*the exceptional businesses of our esteemed moderators