Today I've been sending emails to organizations (including the ACLU), citing the bill's name & number, noting "protecting First Amendment rights, serving the common good of the people and not Big Business, protecting citizens from predatory legal actions and preventing Corporations the power of 'Eminent Domain' in the Internet space".
We need lots of people to send letters to organizations, grassroots movements, and media making them aware of this issue. If we can get more organizations to pick up the fight the better chance we have of getting this bill revised or shot down entirely.
If they even look at the bill and understand it, the ACLU is not likely to care about this bill. I hope that I am wrong, but please try and see what you can do. However, the ACLU has lots of things to be concerned about, and it is just not likely that they will get it.
The ICA was created because companies like and Sedo, and individuals like Frank Schilling ( and Rick Schwartz (TRAFFIC) do get it. That is, they understand how US politics work. US Trademark laws already heavily favor Big Business, because those interests have spent millions of dollars on lobbyists to get legislation passed that favors TM owners. The ICA was created so that you and I could be represented by our own organization that will fight back.
I was born in Washington, DC and I grew up in the DC suburbs. I also understand how the game is played in that town, even though I now live in California. Every industry has at least one organization representing it in Washington. Most of those organizations are headquartered in or near DC.
You belong to DNForum because it is a forum by and about domainers. You also need to belong to ICA if you have any significant domain portfolio. If you own 3 low-value .info domains, then joining ICA is probably not very important. If you own a domain portfolio worth more than $10,000 and you do not belong to the ICA, then you are lazy, cheap, or you just do not get it.