is a parked page.
Should forward it to a dominatrix/femdom site.
The Coalition Against Domain Name Abuse ("CADNA") is a 501(c)(6)
non-profit organization dedicated to ending the systemic domain name abuses
that plague the Internet today. Its members include the following global
corporations: American International Group, Inc.; Bacardi & Company
Limited; Compagnie Financiere Richemont SA; Dell Inc.; Eli Lilly and
Company; Hilton Hotels Corporation; HSBC Holdings plc; Marriott
International, Inc.; Verizon Communications Inc.; and Wyndham Worldwide
Corporation. For more information, please visit
Isn't the
501(c)(6) the same organization that launched the "Swift Boat" attack ads against John Kerry?
Sometimes I think domainers shoot themselves in the foot.
After the Virginia Tech shootings, more domain names were registered at a faster pace than any other time in history. Tens of thousands of domain names were registered in a matter of hours relating to this tragedy breaking a previous record set by Hurricane Katrina.
Many on this and other forums were steadfast in preaching their right to reg what ever the hell they please and used the nonsensical rationale "if the media is profiting off of it then so can I."
The issue, as it was repeated time and time again, was that it is the media's task and responsibility to report the news and follow-up. It was not domainers' responsibility to reg the tens of thousands of domain names for the sake of being the first one to get it.
Within hours, bogus memorial funds were established and set up seeking donations. One particular individual came on this very forum to sell his VT domain names with a heart wrenching sob story while all the domains were forwarded to adult and penis enlargement sites.
I can not recall so much press given to domain names, domaining, registrars, and web sites in the week that followed. Story after story regarding the BS sites, the money made off of a name, parking, and what was on Cho's arm made headlines and the news on the internet and local and national television media. Not a single word of it was good or in a positive light.
But yet many on this forum continued to insist that it was their right.
Myself and a couple of other members warned that this would only bring intense scrutiny on the domainers and domaining industry
especially going into an election year.
It did not matter if anyone felt it was their "right" and "it is no different than the media making a buck off of it mentality." Those same sharp witted domainers forgot one thing. Mass media is powerful and influential. Domainers are not.
The media had the ability to pick up this story and broadcast it all over the planet followed by the domain registration fiasco also broadcast all over the planet.
Call it grand standing or what ever you want to call it, this has all the markings of exactly what I was referring to. Senators attempting to pass a bill limiting the use of domain names in attempts of curbing phishing scams and illegal activity. In an election year. Imagine that.
Sure, we can say this new bill is all directly related to commerce and industry. But we know its not. We can say that the VT massacre has nothing to do with this but we know that isn't true.
Not all pit bulls are bad dogs.
But it is what people do with pit bulls that give pit bulls a bad name.
I live in a county where they are now trying to pass an ordinance outlawing the breeding of pit bulls along with 4 other breeds that are deemed dangerous.
Hey, not all domainers are bad folks.
But it is what domainers do with domains that give domainers and domains a bad name.