Originally posted by President Gringo
so how do you think they will regulate this industry? Heavy fines? Strict code of practice? Total ban?
Originally posted by DnPowerful
I don't think it has anything to do with moral crusades or PC-ism. It has to do with the fact that young children are bombarded with explicit porn email and porn website traps all day long, despite the middling success of blocking software. Whatever your feelings about porn, this is just plain wrong, and I personally think pornographers *should* be spanked for it.
The concept that a 10 year old child should open his or her Hotmail address to find 100 pitches to "Cum all over my ****" is outrageous. The fact that this same child types in an innocent URL and is redirected to penetration hidden only by little starbursts is also outrageous.
Originally posted by gregr
All porn sites should be mandated to move to www.huh.com.
Originally posted by ReignDomain
Regulations and "strong measures" will make matter even worse. Cigarette tax hike has already produced enormous underground activity.
Misdirected (as always) regulations simply shift the public attention away from real problem (which in this case is irresponsible parenting ), and concentrate it on "villains of the day". For what? For political gains only.
"Protect us from tobacco! Protect us from porn! Protect us from making our own decisions! Regulate our lifes so we wouldn't have to think for themselves! "
Well, there are many bad and ugly things in this world. And parents have the responsibility to protect and educate. Without relying on government.
Originally posted by NameBox
I agree with our about a parent's reponsibilities. However, DnP is correct in stating the the industry is shooting itself in the head by allowing scumbags to spam explicit content indiscriminitely.
You now anything about Spam Filtering? Few solutions are effective, so a typical Hotmail, etc., user would have an inbox swarming with porn comeons.
How are you going to effectively protect someone from receiving an email touting 'barnyard sex" or incest, rape, etc. Revolting really.
As for tobacco, if PM, RJR et al, weren't pumping 400 + chemicals into their cigs to really kick start someone's addiction, all the while claiming that cigs really AREN'T addicitive and DON'T cause cancer, then maybe I'd agree with you. But a smoker's selfish self distruction affects society, through higher premiums and health care costs.
BTW, why should anyone have the right to blow smoke in my face, while I'm enjoying my sushi Kill yourself if you want if you want to suck back those cigs in self denial, until you get lung cancer and then sue the Tobacco companies for $$$ Billions for not STOPPING you from smoking all the while ...
Funny litigious culture in the USA I must say ... that and Charlton Heston ranting ... Guns don't Kill People, People Do ....
Gotta have limits somewhere ... I say the .xxx ghetto is good (failing that the global huh.com porn monopoly, as long as I can share in the profits with my good friend GregR .. )
Originally posted by ReignDomain
Ok, so what do we do about drunk driving that kills thousands every year. Oh I know, we should ban beer.
Originally posted by NameBox
Let's not get rash now ... ban beer ... no way!
You can pry my Pint of Guiness out of my Cold Dying Hand! (with credits to Chuck Heston).
Originally posted by ReignDomain
But seriously. DN Powerful for example is so "touchie-feelie" about children being subjected to porn spam. Well, I guess he simply has a choice to stop being a part of "smut industry". How about that? Cause his grandstanding on this matter is kinda laughable. [/B]
Originally posted by BigFart
Protect us from Beatz
That kind of talk is just ridiculous -- it makes NO distinction between people who promote legitmate porn in legitimate ways VS the scumbags who promote illegal things like child porn and bestiality, and who send spam with explicit imagery to everyone and their mother.DnPowerful, frankly all your ramblings remind me of "Yes, I did kill. But I simply obeyed the orders. Besides, everybody did it."
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