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On Frank Schilling and The End of Domaining

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Jul 24, 2006
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Hey Guys

I believe this is one of the greatest threads in this forum.

Why? Because considerable experience, feedback & opinions are being presented. No one is trashing other members posts.This is what makes a great forum. Educational posts, friendly personal opinions on the subject.

This is how we learn. This is how you gain respect.


Telling it like it is
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 8, 2003
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Newbies don't see that the most reported big sales happen between the members of fat cats club", and between the "fat cats club" and "retail public at large". The "fat cats club" never buy from you, not even when you're selling for $500 something they are happy to shell out $7k in drops.

And somehow weekly big sales (as reported by the gospel trade) never happen to you. It's always to others, it's always the usual suspects as the beneficiaries. It's strange how big guys sell some crazy far-fetched shit for $60k, something you can't sell for $60 for years.

Hey Guys

I believe this is one of the greatest threads in this forum.

Why? Because considerable experience, feedback & opinions are being presented. No one is trashing other members posts.This is what makes a great forum. Educational posts, friendly personal opinions on the subject.

This is how we learn. This is how you gain respect.

My threads are usually like that. People either love it or hate it, no in-betweens. But you'll always find someone to interefere and sabotage it by making it personal.

In any case, do you know that Vancouver Island is home of one of Frank's old friends and former domainer "idols"? You might learn more in person by popping for a coffee at his hacienda.


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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I'm so sorry I haven't reported my $xx,xxx sales to you, Sasq. But that's something that I'd rather keep to myself, my CPA and the IRS.

It's hilarious how much anonymous bashing can do to one's bloated ego.

Feeling cheated, Sasq? Then by all means become the industry's idol, THEN come around and talk to us about it.

As the old Aesop's fable has it, it's easy for the fox to call the grapes sour simply because it can't reach them.


Telling it like it is
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 8, 2003
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I'm so sorry I haven't reported my $xx,xxx sales to you, Sasq. But that's something that I'd rather keep to myself, my CPA and the IRS.

Don't stroke it. Nobody even referred to you anywhere. Nobody talks about you because you aren't worthy of mention. You're like an old mustache-od spinster Greek woman offering your opinion on every phreaking subject in the village.


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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Of course Sasq. And that's the beauty of it all, I don't need your patronizing nor anyone on this forum needs your pseudo-philosophical, bashing-ridden cesspool of ASCII mumbo-jumbo, especially towards successful individuals that you loathe so much.

Penis envy? Or lack of breastfeeding as a child?

When you gain a brain, a dick and a name, come talk to me again.


Telling it like it is
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 8, 2003
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Of course Sasq. And that's the beauty of it all, I don't need your patronizing nor anyone on this forum needs your pseudo-philosophical, bashing-ridden cesspool of ASCII mumbo-jumbo.

I though that Gold Cafe was a little dead, so I stopped by to shake things up a bit.

When you gain a brain, a dick and a name, come talk to me again.

I knew you were into dicks, but had no idea you cared about brains. Oh you little bookish slut.


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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Well done, Sucksquatch. Finally your true colors come forward :D

I will enjoy this confrontation here so much, because I am prepared to not only rip your retarded logic to pieces - not that there is anything in that fake skull of yours - but also because you are now so upset that you jump up and down for attention.

Want to get on subject of why you hate successful individuals so much? Perhaps some deep-rooted psychological traumas that you only tell your shrink about?


Telling it like it is
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 8, 2003
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I will enjoy this confrontation here so much, because I am prepared to not only rip your retarded logic to pieces - not that there is anything in that fake skull of yours - but also because you are now so upset that you jump up and down for attention.

I will not indulge you. The only thing you can rip is that phony false bravado you're wearing on your sleeve. The last time you had a meaningful dialogue with anyone is when you started high school back in the old country and demanded that you momma gives you her tit back.

Want to get on subject of why you hate successful individuals so much?

I don't hate "successful individuals". In fact I read books about them. I even read the biography about that guy who came up with Winnie the Pooh. And when did I ever said anything bad about Yun Ye, or Scott Day?

But again, just because the inividuals are successful it doesn't mean they aren't full of shit, or that they can't be even dangerous for your bottom line.

If it makes you any better, I hate stupid people period. Remember the time when Blink came around here started the thread about how should people register remaining three-letters .us domains, and within two days they were all gone. Or the way average domainers only think what sells now, they will spend mid xx,xxx for a two character domains that have no life or meaning on its own. But they will not see worthy paying mid x,xxx for a smashing category defining name.

Perhaps some deep-rooted psychological traumas that you only tell your shrink about?

Terribly original. They don't call you a wise ass for nuthin'.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2005
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Pick a niche, read up, invest wisely and work hard. It does pay off, not every day or even month but each time it does it makes it worth it.


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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Sasq, you must be the evil reincarnation of Mole. After all, you share the same piss-head attitude, lack of manners and you even sport his username in your sig. Or perhaps you two were "too close" to begin with ;)

On the subject of how much of a crapload you unloaded in this thread - "telling it like it is" - I will ask you to list your achievements and why you think that Frank Shilling is unworthy of one's admiration. Because you focus on one's personal life and behavior and use that as a plastic weapon to challenge their professional side. Frank might be a wifebeater for all I care, but what he's done in the domain industry is a paradigm.

On the other hand, you only bitch about things you cannot touch.


Telling it like it is
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 8, 2003
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Well I cannot comment on others I will speak from my own experience and myself.

I started just over 2 years ago. Initial invest was as follows...

$800 in reg's that all expired one year later without one single offer or dollar earned. ( I was new, unlearned and reg'd foolishly )

At the same time I bought for $500 after researching the acronym market and sold it for $XXXX

Took that $XXXX and bought, as public knowledge that sold for $15,100

Took that $15,100 and bought....

Get the picture, $500 and determination has evolved into a 6 figure a year payoff each of the last two years and the train is still in motion. I can add over half the names I sale are never seen on the board and usually are larger or equal to as I have built a little client list.

Pick a niche, read up, invest wisely and work hard. It does pay off, not every day or even month but each time it does it makes it worth it.

Your strategy is highly unreliable since it appears to be based on flipping to other resellers. Your lack of sales to end-user speak volumes. Domains are supposed to be "internet properties, online brands, media outlets, and selling them to the greater flipping fool isn't a right target for an accurate marksmanship.

You might have made what you claim you did (highly unverified), but the nature of your transactions means you probably underheld, and therefore undersold. You're onsey-twoseydude, far from that "fat cat club" I'm talking about. Your strategy isn't a clear-cut blueprint for success.


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 29, 2005
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Well I cannot comment on others I will speak from my own experience and myself.

I started just over 2 years ago. Initial invest was as follows...

$800 in reg's that all expired one year later without one single offer or dollar earned. ( I was new, unlearned and reg'd foolishly )

At the same time I bought for $500 after researching the acronym market and sold it for $XXXX

Took that $XXXX and bought, as public knowledge that sold for $15,100

Took that $15,100 and bought....

Get the picture, $500 and determination has evolved into a 6 figure a year payoff each of the last two years and the train is still in motion. I can add over half the names I sale are never seen on the board and usually are larger or equal to as I have built a little client list.

Pick a niche, read up, invest wisely and work hard. It does pay off, not every day or even month but each time it does it makes it worth it.

same story here, I started late in 05 despite having registered my own surname .com back in 2000 and a bunch of other names that have since dropped...

I started with $700 or so with a from Snaps, took that resold for x3, bought some, started investing more money and have since grown like Josh (albeit I like to spend more whereas he likes to save) :)

Partnerships is another great example where both parties can benefit, if you read any of the big domainer's background you'll see that in one way or another they worked in pairs, investing together or hunting together and generally speaking leveraging the strengths of each other...

There are no fat cats in the game, in fact (and I rarely agree with my other fellow Greek) he's right in saying your post sounds like sour grapes. I got admitted in Rick's forum shortly after I started just by sending a nice application to Rick and being eager to start off in this business..

As for Sahar for those who know him (yes I guess he circles around fat cats) is one of the nicest people you'll ever meet. He's down to earth, always willing to help and provide guidance.. There's TONS more people like him that barely make headlines let alone circle the forums such as Eric Rice, Donna Mahoney, Adam Strong, Dave Evanson, Alan Reid, Jeremy Padawer and the list goes on. People like these have dealt in domains since the early days, have amazing portfolios and yet they are so much down to earth it's not even funny!

The only thing that you've identified correctly in your little essay here is the purpose that some of the big guys going public are serving and that is to GROW and become PUBLIC in one way or another (acquisition target, BD, general awareness,....)

Ultimately the issue boils down to most domainers having Type A personalities and I guess it's kind of hard to stay afloat if you're submissive :smilewinkgrin:


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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Dear "Fat Cat" Sasquatch - again, I will not satisfy your craving for tabloid material - that's where you only exist, apparently.

How the **** do you know what happens in the domain industry? Are you only reading DNJournal, which is a great collection of occurring sales but not the holy Bible of domaining?

Do you think the rest of us exist solely to indulge in a game of "I have the longest domain penis" by publicly announcing what we sold to whom and for how much?

Some of my recent sales, dumbass, to companies and corporations include:

Department of Defense
Got Milk campaign
Bayern Powerplant - Germany
P2P software startup
Greek newspaper conglomerate
Soccer club

The list goes on. I came to this country 9 years ago with simply a suitcase and have bought and sold two homes, paid off three cars and made corporations that I worked for, millions in revenue. So trust me, I take offense to inane postings by loser, low-life anonymous scumbags like your kind that smear the effort of those that shed blood, sweat and tears to accomplish their position in life.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2005
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Your strategy is highly unreliable since it appears to be based on flipping to other resellers. Your lack of sales to end-user speak volumes. Domains are supposed to be "internet properties, online brands, media outlets, and selling them to the greater flipping fool isn't a right target for an accurate marksmanship.

You might have made what you claim you did (highly unverified), but the nature of your transactions means you probably underheld, and therefore undersold. You're onsey-twoseydude, far from that "fat cat club" I'm talking about. Your strategy isn't a clear-cut blueprint for success.

I do not think you want to hear anyone has had success.


Telling it like it is
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 8, 2003
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There are no fat cats in the game, in fact (and I rarely agree with my other fellow Greek) he's right in saying your post sounds like sour grapes.

The only thing I'm guilty is expressing myself in a gung-ho manner. Oftentimes I don't have a cemented opinion of something or someone, but a lot of things I do get to find out do contribute to my views.

I got admitted in Rick's forum shortly after I started just by sending a nice application to Rick and being eager to start off in this business..

The keyword being "nice" application, Why couldn't be just an application? Who the **** is he that you have to make a "nice" application. And why private membership at all? Did he pissed off a lot of people, or he can't stand a lot of people? Nobody in this world can say Rick's nice, down to earth kind of guy. The guy is household salesman turned adult mogul who pisses away some of the best adult properties into Fabulous landers (some smarts there). He is just a once-lonely geekster who convinced himself that he is a mainstream business mogul with type A personality.

As for Sahar for those who know him (yes I guess he circles around fat cats) is one of the nicest people you'll ever meet. He's down to earth, always willing to help and provide guidance..

I have no right to judge Sahar other than to comment on his admission that he "dreamed of making a lot of money since he was a kid". Not only is that so selfishly vain, and terribly unoriginal, what did he do to earn my ear? And make no mistake, vast majority of down to earth people are only content in front of you because they sliced the pie amongst themsleves, and now are free to give your fake smiles, useless encouragements and fluff - but ask yourself would they really give you a dime of their time when it comes really down to your things.

Ultimately the issue boils down to most domainers having Type A personalities and I guess it's kind of hard to stay afloat if you're submissive :smilewinkgrin:

Wrong, only bloated egos and fluffy, not-up-to-task personalities find it hard to be normal when successful. Real champs let their actions speak louder than words. If people like Rick, and to some degree Frank, really were champs they should've let their deeds to the talking, not their mouths, because quite often what they say and what they do are two different things.


Level 10
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 28, 2005
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I believe this is one of the greatest threads in this forum.

Why? Because considerable experience, feedback & opinions are being presented. No one is trashing other members posts.This is what makes a great forum. Educational posts, friendly personal opinions on the subject.

This is how we learn. This is how you gain respect.

You had to go and say that... now look what happened.


Telling it like it is
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 8, 2003
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So trust me, I take offense to inane postings by loser, low-life anonymous scumbags like your kind that smear the effort of those that shed blood, sweat and tears to accomplish their position in life.

Listen freak, "loser/winner" terms in life are not measured by the empty suitcases and paid off cars. I know it takes some out-of-the box thinking not to think in those terms in the country founded on the principles of free greed.

Anywho, you are a mother****er by nature, so it's hard to draw you on piece of paper that the world doesn't revolve around you, and that of 100,000 people in the world who are trying to make profits with domains, only a few dozen are making more than 10k per year.


Level 10
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 28, 2005
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Well I cannot comment on others I will speak from my own experience and myself.

I started just over 2 years ago. Initial invest was as follows...

$800 in reg's that all expired one year later without one single offer or dollar earned. ( I was new, unlearned and reg'd foolishly )

At the same time I bought for $500 after researching the acronym market and sold it for $XXXX

Took that $XXXX and bought, as public knowledge that sold for $15,100

Took that $15,100 and bought....

Get the picture, $500 and determination has evolved into a 6 figure a year payoff each of the last two years and the train is still in motion. I can add over half the names I sale are never seen on the board and usually are larger or equal to as I have built a little client list.

Pick a niche, read up, invest wisely and work hard. It does pay off, not every day or even month but each time it does it makes it worth it.

I don't see how this strategy can be knocked - I bet it's been done by many on different levels, thanks for sharing it!


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 29, 2005
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The keyword being "nice" application, Why couldn't be just an application? Who the **** is he that you have to make a "nice" application. And why private membership at all? Did he pissed off a lot of people, or he can't stand a lot of people? Nobody in this world can say Rick's nice, down to earth kind of guy. The guy is household salesman turned adult mogul who pisses away some of the best adult properties into Fabulous landers (some smarts there). He is just a once-lonely geekster who convinced himself that he is a mainstream business mogul with type A personality.

I really don't understand your reasoning here... Building relationships is a give and take.. So it's Rick's own board a concept he describes his own living room.. I'm sorry but elitism has been a concept since the beginning of civilization so get over it...

As for judging somebody based on his background I don't recall ICANN requirements to have PhD and MBA from HBS before you can register domains.

A nice application = to the nice impression you want to give to a prospective client or employment unless your idea of building relationships is similar to your original post in this very thread?!

I have no right to judge Sahar other than to comment on his admission that he "dreamed of making a lot of money since he was a kid". Not only is that so selfishly vain, and terribly unoriginal, what did he do to earn my ear? And make no mistake, vast majority of down to earth people are only content in front of you because they sliced the pie amongst themsleves, and now are free to give your fake smiles, useless encouragements and fluff - but ask yourself would they really give you a dime of their time when it comes really down to your things.
So you read DNJ cover story, congratulations and you isolate one particular quote and build your own perception of who he is... I can't reverse your opinion about Sahar, but I do know from my personal interaction & experience that every time I had a personal issue or question he has always responded to me....


Telling it like it is
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 8, 2003
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So you read DNJ cover story

Yes, I do read DN Journal cover stories. Keep hoping to read one about people like Josh who turned out successive six-figure years with only a single initial $500 investment. But all I get is kiss-ass articles about the agenda-driven elitists of du jour.

I also try to read about end-user sales, but to no avail.

You know what's the average end-user sale? Roughly 2k-3.5k. I took that number out of my ass, but I;ll tell you it's closer to truth than you know it.

All these inflated figures you aread about in DnJ are domainers selling to each other, and doing it via back alleyways to shake the mainstream America up. Various Rick Latonas, and Domain Capital lenders and their clients are repsonsible for all the big BUYS in the last year or two. It's like ****ing your own sister, and telling people around you're getting laid a lot.

It's the phucking microcosm, this domain business is, feeding off of each other and off of endless stream of newbies (important source of income for seasoned veterans) while waiting for elusive end-users who simply aren't blinking - just yet.

Will they ever?
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