I thought that the poster 'Jungle' made some excellent points, spot on.
As for the .mobi, certainly it seems more well advanced this side of the pond than to the west in the US. Too, everything has it's up's and downs, especially market values across the board, it is by it's nature, how economics work. Given time, things will rise again, after which they will fall again, and then rise again etc. To focus purely on the here and now, crying doom and gloom is a very short sighted vision, you need to think long term, see the overall picture, spanning many years if needs be. To make the assertion that a TLD is hopeless just because of a downfall in certain geographical areas of the global marketplace which is reflecting falling prices across many industry sectors, is at best a completely daft assertion.
Equally as daft, is using DNF, one of the most respected domainer's forums for mud slinging and name calling and to be honest, one expects to receive better reading than that thusfar provided here in this thread.
Doc Com - you just sound very rude in this thread to be perfectly honest.
Why not keep on track and write with a little more professionalism rather than resorting to calling your fellow domainers, dense, lame idiots etc? (The question is absolutely rhetorical)
Good day.