to be honest i would try hypnotherapy or something. 2 or 3 packs a day is very serious, especially in this day & age, when we know what it does to you.
don't worry i'm not some mineral water swilling californian lol.......
i smoked for 20 years too, so know all the angles of why we like/d it so much.
you don't need it. i've given up for best part of a year now. best thing i ever did.
try switching to roll ups. once you get used to them (& use filters) there is an art & enjoyment to rolling your own & (with a filter) much better for you than standard cigarettes as they have far less crap in them. also you won't be able to rol up as many as cigarettes (eg driving etc), so will cut down.
trust me, even when i was a smoker i hated the smel of standard cigarettes as they smelled like car exhausts compared to quality rolling tobacco. maybe try that first?
you need to drastically cut back though, seriously :yes:
well done for trying & stopping for a month, it shows a level of commitment.
you will stop for good when the time is right, don't wait for a serious health condition to stop you though. i used to trty to quit a couple times a week, so know it's hard.
I quit for the month of Jan , thats what i had decided upon ..a month of no smokes. Now that I am back to it, I feel a bit wierd.
My lungs dont seem to take ciggs in as easily as they used to. (I used to smoke 2 packs a day and 3 on weekend).
I also started swimming/badminton and maybe its because of that, but dont know..the urge of smoking is still there..I guess thats why I started with a bet to quit for a month.
I just hope I will be able to let it go ....I love them too much...all I felt was I AM NOT READY TO QUIT AS YET... is there something wrong with this thought ? or is it normal for all smokers to do it.