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Relative worth of .com, .org, .net, .biz, and .info

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Level 1
Legacy Platinum Member
Feb 23, 2003
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Any thoughts on the relative worth of the gTLD's?

For example, let's say hypothetically that I have a domain name registered in each of .com, .org, .net, .biz, and .info. What would be the relative worth of each domain name assuming that it is rather generic (such as "music", "weather", "best" and so on)?

My thoughts (taking .com as 100):

.com = 100
.org = 30
.net = 35
.biz = 55
.info = 45



Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 20, 2002
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Originally posted by backslash

My thoughts (taking .com as 100):

.com = 100
.org = 30
.net = 35
.biz = 55
.info = 45

No offense - but to rate (.info & .biz ) ahead of (.org & .net) - is not only wrong but it's laughable.

Don't get me wrong - I think those ext's (along with .us which you didn't include) have some value - and possibly a bright future - but they are not on par with the mainstream ext's yet. That doesn't mean they can't still be good ext's though - and I own a few of them myself - and I'm looking forward to the future.


Level 8
Legacy Gold Member
Jan 2, 2003
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Originally posted by NamePopper.com

No offense - but to rate (.info & .biz ) ahead of (.org & .net) - is not only wrong but it's laughable.

Don't get me wrong - I think those ext's (along with .us which you didn't include) have some value - and possibly a bright future - but they are not on par with the mainstream ext's yet. That doesn't mean they can't still be good ext's though - and I own a few of them myself - and I'm looking forward to the future.

I tend to agree:
.biz 1.5
.bz 0.5
.cc 0.5
.ca 1.0
.com 5.0
.co.uk 1.5
.info 1.5
.jp 1.5
.net 2.5
.org 1.7
.tv 1.0
.us 1.5
.ws 0.5
.de 1.0

Good Luck!


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 20, 2002
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Hey guys/gals - I'm moving the thread over to the 'Misc' section. Nobody did anything wrong - but the 'Appraisal' section is only for actual domain names (that are registered) to be appraised.

Thanks - and carry on! :)


DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 13, 2002
Reaction score
.com-- 100
.net-- 40
.org-- 35
.biz-- 5
.info-- 3
.ws-- 1


Level 1
Legacy Platinum Member
Feb 23, 2003
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Originally posted by NamePopper.com

No offense - but to rate (.info & .biz ) ahead of (.org & .net) - is not only wrong but it's laughable.

Don't get me wrong - I think those ext's (along with .us which you didn't include) have some value - and possibly a bright future - but they are not on par with the mainstream ext's yet. That doesn't mean they can't still be good ext's though - and I own a few of them myself - and I'm looking forward to the future.

I'm interested to hear your and others thoughts on why you think this is so. Here are my thoughts:

Simplistic (valid?) analogy: The various gTLD's are like planets, where the majority of the people live on .com. There are many more facilities and services on .com. The other gTLD's are satellite planets. .org and .net are rather crowded. Most people who settled there did so because land on .com was scarce or expensive. The newer .biz and .info planets have more land available. Facilities and services are not as good there yet but the land is more usable for businesses.

.com is now recognized as a generic web site term (not necessarily .commercial). .org and .net are not considered to be as generic and generally not business related.

Search engines don't favor one gTLD more than another.

computers.biz or computers.org? computers.biz for me. For a particular product I'd prefer .info than .net.

My view is that $worth is greater where $ can be made which is generally in the more business usable (products and services) domains, particularly looking forward into the future.

BUT: If people are paying more *now* for .org and .net names than .biz and .info on the secondary market then I guess they are worth more! Is this true?

No flames please! I'm very interested in your thoughts.



Old Timer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 3, 2002
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Previous poll on the subject of relative value across extensions. Not the same thing as relative value for identical second level domain, but personally I think relative value for identical second level name is not the most relevant question considering differences in availability and price to acquire across different extensions. Anyway, hope this is helpful -- :)

"Which extension(s) are the best for investing in domain names -- considering differences in current prices and your expectations of possible increases or decreases in future value?"



DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 24, 2002
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I see it something like this (based on sales):

.com 100
.net 25
.org 20
.biz/.info/.us 20
.co.uk 10-30 (very good .co.uk will probably fetch more than the same domain in .net)


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 28, 2002
Reaction score
.com = 100
.net = 40
.info = 30
.org = 20
.biz = 2


Old Timer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 3, 2002
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My estimate in current market for these six:

.com = 100
.net = 30
.org = 25
.info* = 20 (higher for prime generics and lower for non-words)
.us* = 15
.biz = 5 ?

*most likely to increase in next year


Level 1
Legacy Platinum Member
Feb 23, 2003
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Thanks DomeBase. I didn't find that poll/thread when I looked around before posting.

The poll sample is fairly small but significant nontheless. I guess people around here think that .info has potential but not .biz.

I left .us out of the mix because I wanted to focus on global TLD's.



DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 15, 2002
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None of us knows for sure what will happen in the future, but I'll throw in my 2 cents worth. I think .info and .us will definitely have an impact on the marketplace but I have major doubts about .biz. It is seeing some acceptance in Europe and other countries but Americans seem to almost universally dislike it. I think buyers here, who need names that have already been taken in .com will flock to .US instead of .biz - unless they market products worldwide. The vast majority of American businesses sell only within the U.S. though.

If .biz fails to catch on in the largest market in the world that will limit it's overall acceptance. To me the extension has always sounded far too much like slang to be accepted by conservative American corporations. I'm only a small business person and I would hesitate to use it for the same reason. I have bought a very small number of them, just in case my gut instincts prove wrong but when I see a URL with a .biz it currently leaves a negative impression on me. Perhaps that will change in time. It also has a big built-in liability among resellers with the rule against reselling names only (that keeps a lid on registrations). Right now there is no doubt that .biz has the poorest resale value of the 5 global TLD's (and from what I have seen, poorer than .US as well).

I don't think you can accurately rate the same name in various extensions as a percentage of .com value. For example, some words will work very poorly with .org but others will be great with it. I personally have found good .orgs far easier to sell than .nets. I have begun abandoning .net after originally thinking it was a good alternative. Right now I would only buy it if it was a great one-word or 3-letter domain (or an ISP name, the use it was originally designed for). I think .info will face the same situation as .org. It can be great with the proper words and terms but more limited with others.

That is why I am so bullish on .US. It works with any term that will be of interest to the American market and that gigantic market is the sole focus of the vast majority of businesses based here. There is also a demand for the extension from foreign companies that want to do business here. It has none of the baggage .net and .org come with and is more versatile than .info (though .info has the advantage of being a global tld).

The only thing I can see standing it its way is recognition and with the US government now required by law to start spending tens of millions of dollars to promote it, that liability will be overcome. I have been around long enough to see the once ridiculed FM radio band completely overtake AM....and I have seen once despised UHF TV stations gain an equal footing with formerly superior VHF stations, thanks to cable. All extensions enjoy the same "reception" on the internet (in terms of the ability to tune in the picture), so only recognition and usage separates them. As radio and TV have already shown, that situation is highly susceptible to change.

You need only look at Germany to see how successful a country code can be. For those who say .com is the US country code, maybe so...but the inventory of good .com names has been exhausted and is now priced out of reach for thousands of small businesses. That creates a market demand that will have to be met by one of the new extensions.

Whatever happens it will be fascinating to watch it play out over the next few years. My opinions have changed over the past year and could change again...but that will be dictated solely by sales results.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 20, 2002
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Originally posted by DomeBase
My estimate in current market for these six:

.com = 100
.net = 30
.org = 25
.info* = 20 (higher for prime generics and lower for non-words)
.us* = 15
.biz = 5 ?

*most likely to increase in next year
I think DomeBase has a pretty accurate & realistic table in my opinion. However - I would argue that .ORG should be 'even' with .NET (based on worldwide success) but that is a mute point since he has them close anyway.

Also I *hope* .BIZ does better since I just bought a few. Hehe :)

Originally posted by backslash
BUT: If people are paying more *now* for .org and .net names than .biz and .info on the secondary market then I guess they are worth more! Is this true?

Simple answer. YES! (and it's not even close most of time) For that matter - anybody who is this business should know that. That doesn't mean there are not sales exceptions though - and there always will be.

It's also worth mentioning that many of the seasoned domainers will not even take part in threads like these. Do a search for all the similar threads before - and you will see what I mean. Every month or two someone comes along with the same thing - and the subject can only be debated so often before it gets pointless. Most people are busy selling names - and could care less what anybody has to say in these type of threads.

Plus - there are some people who just refuse to think 'worldwide' - and outside of their own country. ORG for example is 'as popular' worldwide as NET - and even 'more popular' in some countries. Then there are those who think .com is the ONLY ext worth owning. So there is no point in arguing with people who are narrow minded. That's why so many people don't even get involved in threads like these. I'm not saying any of this applies to people in THIS thread necessarily - but I'm just talking about the 100 that came before it. Hehe!

For me personally - I sell whatever sells. COM & ORG & NET sell relatively easy. In particular .ORG has been doing very well over the last few months - and with the right selection of single word ORG's - I myself have been very successful with that little extension! This coming from a guy who didn't even own a single ORG until a couple months ago. Luckily - I opened my eyes and listened to people from around the globe - and not just people in my own country. (USA)

Recently - I have grabbed a few nice .US - .INFO - & .BIZ names myself - and fully intend to support the growth of those extensions. I have high hopes for them - but I'm not convinced yet.

However - you can throw all this out the window if you don't choose good 'words' to begin with. A crap word is going to be crap in any extension. It also helps to find 'suitable' words for the appropriate extension. For example - you gave Computer.biz -VS- Computer.org - and it may indeed be better - however I will take Life.org over Life.biz any day of the week. Not even a close call.

Bottom line: there are so many variables - and outside of being filthy rich - there is no easy route to success in this business. It takes a lot of hard work - research - creativity - and an open mind. It also helps to be a good 'salesman' - and have the ability of making the most of what you got.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 20, 2002
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P.S. - Nice post by Duke and I agree.

I would have mentioned it above - but I was busy writing my own little novel and hadn't seen it yet. :D


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 26, 2002
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Given the perception and and embrace on .org by not profits.

.org should be viewed in a different category as long as it is a non

profit 60/100; I'll have to say even then .org should use .com as

redirection otherwise half the value is gone to something like 35/100.



DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 23, 2002
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Is the question, what is the value right now or in time?

Right now, values would be:

com-- 100
.net-- 25
.org-- 15
.info-- 5
.biz-- 1

This is based on perception, marketability and use.


We are speculators, thus we must look at the market 2 years from now. Remember, it took .com many years before a vast majority knew what it was. With promotion and actual use of non .coms tlds, their value will rise. Unfortunately, .nets and ,orgs have a stigma that they won't be able to shake, but .info anf ,us will increase. Prediction in 2 years:

com-- 100
.info-- 45
.net-- 30
.biz-- 20
.org-- 10

The amount of users will dramatically increase, so the use of non .coms will gain acceptance. I strongly believe .infos will be #2 at some point because they are the most versitile. You will not be able to be creative with non .coms as you would with .com. But the question was for generic terms. non .coms value will rise in value,. You can only have so many creative domains before people will start looking more sensible domains in other extensions. My 2 cents.


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 1, 2002
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What exactly is the "stigma" that .org has? That it's a noncommercial organization? If you actually *are* a noncommercial organization, that's hardly a "stigma" at all. (Of course, if your only mindset regarding the Internet or domain names is as a way to Make Money Fast, anything noncommercial *would* be stigmatized for you.)


While Duke has a point with the States being very dotcom centric as of now, I think its a nisnomer to say biz is not a term that holds no meaning to other parts of the world. It's just a matter of time. The internet is a big place to fish :D

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