Originally posted by dvdrip
Well I think YOU don't understand. I didn't say .biz is shit.
It is still better than .tv, .bz, .fm and all those country domains.
I think it is the worst from the gtlds: .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz.
Also think it is worst from a few country domains too: .us, .co.uk, .de and maybe .eu or .cn. The future will tell on those.
Actually you said it didn't have any use, sounded funny and no one knows about it. All false. Hence my blow by blow analysis of your comments. Also from your comments you still don't understand what a ccTLD is as it relates to people who live outside a particular country. .TV/.CC/.WS would be the exceptions, but they are for a different discussion. Point being, a dot .EU is going to mean nada for me. However for someone who has the ability to register a top tier name may feel otherwise. This is in stark contrast to the gTLD's.
Originally posted by dvdrip
Why are you giving me this google search?
To see that there are 1000000 pages with .biz?
Try .info and see.
To show me that people are using it? Of course they are! Those that can't get one of the above domains will get a .biz. But the thing is, it should be or may be their last choice.
Hey if you own a lot of dot info's that is not my problem. I was giving you the ".biz" to show you that it does have use. Something you said earlier that .biz's didn't have.
Take a look at who is using them... A lot of small businesses. A good sign if you are at all familiar with economics and how businesses grow.
Also let me get this straight: You are of the opinion that most dot biz owners are people who missed out on getting the .com/.net/.org/.info version of their name, so they just "settled" on dot biz?? Yeah, that must have been a tough one to swallow when it came time to choose a name for their website address only to find the .org/.net/.info versions of their name already taken. :laugh:
Originally posted by dvdrip
I said that you can't sell a .biz cause there are mostly resellers in here! And the case is you can't unless it is developed. And in here most appraisals are on undeveloped domains.
Actually you said dot .biz was a bad TLD because you can't sell them [nothing else followed]. I was the one who said you could if they were developed. Glad you clarified yourself. Btw: Where do "appraisals" fit into our discussion. Rambling only makes your position less believable. Appraisals are about as reliable as the person who is giving them. Keep that in mind.
Furthermore, I think it's laughable to say there are ONLY resellers here. I would suggest to you that the we have a healthy mix of both resellers AND developers.
Originally posted by dvdrip
From where you sit there may be no issues at all. If you choose to ignore the whole world and "live" in your town that is your choice.
Who is "ignoring" the world. I think I succinctly put your drivels back into their respective box. You said, no one outside the US is familiar with dot biz. I said, it really doesn't matter to me as most people in the US aren't that familiar with the TLD either. IN time however they will. I also went on to let you in on a big secret: People from outside the US would be hardpressed to switch to a gTLD when most like/prefer their own ccTLDs. The default of course for some outside the US has been dot com. I went on to say that in time it's conceivable that some will default to .biz as some german/uk/korean businesses have.
Originally posted by dvdrip
So by what you are saying and from the stats you gave earlier
you are reducing the .biz market to the us which immediately decreases the .biz value. Just think how many have never heard biz and how many have never heard info. Also Net and surf are actual dictionary words. Biz is slang maybe found in a few dictionaries.
I think we should take from those stats one thing: The US has way more internet users/developers then most countries. Since the popularity of dot com has made it difficult for US businesses to get a "good" dot com name, some businesses have turned to .biz. I'm sure some will turn to .us as well. Hence the big push by Godaddy to start making .biz/.us attractive.
As far as .biz not being "valuable" because there are more registrants from the US then almost all other countries is laughable. You definitely don't understand the US market.
The US needs new domains for their businesses. Dot .Info has been primarily used as a "special project", "interesting product info" URL address. .Biz on the otherhand is being used as a "stand-a-lone" address. Those that have short memorable dot biz names will definitely have a "valuable" asset as more dot biz addresses are advertised in the media.
Oh, one more thing on this subject: Care to take a guess at how many of these people who have dot biz addresses will advertise their name??? Probably in greater #'s then all new TLDs combined. Businesses need to advertise if they want to stay in business. It's pure economics.
Originally posted by dvdrip
Also Net and surf are actual dictionary words. Biz is slang maybe found in a few dictionaries.
You again fail to see my line of reasoning. Here it is again in bold print
Slang has in the past crossed over to become a common term. Since more and more media outlets (in the US) are using "biz" to mean "business", it won't be a matter of a few years before "biz" is an abbreviation to mean electronic business, rather than a slang variant of "business".
Originally posted by dvdrip
If I had a US "Buziness" I would buy both .biz and .us(if .com.net.org were taken) but I would choose to brand .us.
I doubt you'd last a month in business in the United States if you had one. Keep in mind US citizens see dot com (a gTLD) as their "ccTLD". I think that is why many have chosen to go with .biz as it is "country neutral". However I could see a day when we use dot US. But what would this matter to you. You are a reseller that buys names that will resale to others outside the US.