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Rick Schwartz Is Mad As Hell And He's Not Going To Take It Anymore

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Level 11
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 8, 2005
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Rick is on the war path because his TRAFFICS bookings are down.

What he doesn't understand is that people are getting tired of his crap.

He pushed dot Mobi, he pushed dot Asia and now he and Moniker are pushing dot ME. No wonder people want a break!

He has promised so much and delivered so little, but charged handsomely for the privilege.

Most people now understand that an overpriced ticket to TRAFFICS is not a passport to instant wealth. Indeed, you will probably have your eyes taken out.

I agree, most of the domainers I have talked to said exactly that.

Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 20, 2007
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Rick is smart. He is hungry for media attention. Granted his portfolio compliments his needs for attention. The media attention (like it or not) but it is true - automatically adds a few $000's to his sales negotiations.

I'd like to hog the media attention as well. but I realize that my portfolio does not qualify for me to rant and rave and self appoint me for any titles.

Every domainer has to find a niche (seek new creative ways) to make money from their portolfio. Whether be it ppc, leasing, sales or something yet unheard of.

One instance that comes to my mind is Bodis. At least Matt had the balls to do what no one ever did. Pay 100% in PPC revenues for new customers.

Granted, not every one has the resources to bring about change other than expressing ideas. But, those who keep the converstaions alive, like Rick and we in the forum, will some day bring about the change we all crave for.

Keep the discussions ongoing or we will never anticipate the dangers in our industry if we simply rely on what works as of today.

Rubber Duck

Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 29, 2004
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And when it comes to "Conflict of Interest", I took that up with Monte in this very forum three years back.

Where was Rick then?

Oh, and if you are all dying to understand the magic formula behind Rick's dot Mobis that he might tell you but he would have to kill you, then it is this:

They all have 7 letters the same as a US telephone number after the code.

Why is that important? Stuffed if I can understand it!

Anyway, take the information for what it is worth and save yourself a couple of thousand bucks. Save even more by simply putting it straight in the dumpster!
Last edited:

Sonny Banks

<span style="font-weight: bold;"><span style="font
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 18, 2008
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Rick is on the war path because his TRAFFICS bookings are down.

What he doesn't understand is that people are getting tired of his crap.

He pushed dot Mobi, he pushed dot Asia and now he and Moniker are pushing dot ME. No wonder people want a break!

He has promised so much and delivered so little, but charged handsomely for the privilege.

Most people now understand that an overpriced ticket to TRAFFICS is not a passport to instant wealth. Indeed, you will probably have your eyes taken out.

I agree 100% with you.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 11, 2006
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Oh, and if you are all dying to understand the magic formula behind Rick's dot Mobis that he might tell you but he would have to kill you, then it is this:

They all have 7 letters the same as a US telephone number after the code.

Why is that important? Stuffed if I can understand it!

Sounds like someone's been pulling your leg - because the first two I thought of didn't have 7 letters, one has 6, the other 9. Keep looking for ring Frodo :lol:


Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 18, 2002
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I'm beginning to think one of my predictions for 2008 is coming true:

"Rick S. won't have to worry about the things people are saying behind his back next year, because they'll be saying them directly to his face."

Rick is on the war path because his TRAFFICS bookings are down.

What he doesn't understand is that people are getting tired of his crap.

He pushed dot Mobi, he pushed dot Asia and now he and Moniker are pushing dot ME. No wonder people want a break!

He has promised so much and delivered so little, but charged handsomely for the privilege.

Well said! Can't be said enough, Rubber Ducky your the one :)

Dale Hubbard

Formerly 'aZooZa'
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 24, 2003
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There are bigger fish in this industry than RS and I know some of them personally. NONE of them make themselves into public figures, so in my experience with the really wealthy players; the quieter they are, the more they are worth. The premise of this thread reminds me of the adage "opinions are like ***; everyone has one", so I take RS's opinions accordingly but on the other hand I don't believe he's a fool.

I did have to laugh at Raider's tombstone pic, and another poster's reference to RS's site.

This place is becoming more entertaining by the day as senses of humour seem to be sharper :D


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 11, 2006
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Whatever happened to old Sasquatch? He used to rail on Rick Schwartz for weeks on end.


Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 18, 2002
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Whatever happened to old Sasquatch? He used to rail on Rick Schwartz for weeks on end.

Always fun reading Sasquatch on the forum, sure hope that wasn't him layed in that cooler in Georgia.


Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 27, 2002
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Everyone wants change, but no one wants to change their ways. My ire is specifically directed at the wisdom of the crowd which is tainted with preset yet flawed knowledge distributed by vested interests, which is not reflective of the world outside of domaining.

How can we expect change when any god damn domain sold is valued only for its traffic and ppc revenue? Traffic and ppc revenue must be taken into account as partial indicators of the domains value and not the basis for it.

Unless, it is a blatant typo, I shudder to price my names based on traffic and ppc revenue. Ask the industry to change and it won't. Post a name for sale and the first thing a buyer will ask is - Traffic/ Revenue, Stats. Which is appropriate. But what pisses me off is, then the offer is made based on those stats. A true and knowledgeable domainer will know the domain's value, the moment he or she lays eyes on it. He has to know the buyer for it exists the moment they see it right before their eyes. Until then, newbies and those uncertain in this industry will always rely on stats thus diminishing the true potential of the name.

These practices were set by the big boys as bargaining chips in their favor. I never fell for it. Neither should any smart domainer. If you do, you will end up losing thousands of dollars. I made over 100k in sales in 2007 for less than 30 names and very little traffic or reveneus to boot and gunning for more in 2008. I never followed the traffic/ppc bullshit. I cringe when non typo names are sold for based on their revenue. Well, this is a choice a seller has to make, whether to sell based on stats. But when this becomes the industry norm, then I smell trouble.

Those domainers investing a lot of money based on revenue returns are in for some big surprises. They are paying for a trend. Unless they make themselves an expert and determine the lasting value of a name, they will always buy names based on a trend. And stats for those trends are not a certainty.

Whereas a good name will always remain a good name regardless of stats or trends. I have seen some pretty well known domainers dismiss some of my offers based on its stats value. I then went on to sell them for thousands.

Everyone is jostling to carve a niche as an expert. And when it is time to determine value. guess what! They (just like any newbie) will ask the age old question.


Rely on your knowledge, educated instinct and know who your end buyer will be. The more you spend time doing this and refine your expertise, the more money you will make.

If I had not taken this approach, I'd still be at my old job coming home to check my ppc stats.

very very intelligent point


Level 11
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 21, 2006
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i second that.
parking is bulls*t & only pays for a smidgeon of names on a percentage basis.
having had the pleasure to own a few great names also in the past i can tell you even they had relatively low traffic on what you would expect.
if you want shedlloads of traffic then guess what? best way is to develop, of course having a little traffic gets you going but there are ways to get a site going and successful with zero traffic, i have gone from a standing start many times.
this past year if you haven't been developing guys what have you been doing?
i am also very suspicious of names with traffic, they can get it from many sources and traffic can stop like a tap so be careful about buying ON revenues alone.
of course a truly great name with truly great traffic is a rare thing and those names will get offers on a daily basis

basically i forgot the parking companies a long time ago, i have a few parked up at parked who imo are the best of the the lot
sedo are downright rotten imho, i think they may even get found out one day for witholding a ton of revenues, of course only imo :cool:
but the fact that everyone smells crap over there has to say something

you are far better imho redirecting your domains to your developed sites, use the traffic in your favour, it also protects against reverse hijacking imo, as parked pages are just a red rag to some wannabe hijackers

lastly just want to say great article as always Ron, but Rick is such a turd, how friggin dare he get mad over anything with all that dough, the guy has had the rub of the cloth for way too long, get over it, and whilst i applaud his brilliant sales skills, second to none in this industry, thats all he has imo.
apart from some hideous clothes ;)


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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This only problem I have with Rick is his arrogance and charging thousands to attend one of his conventions, as RubberDuck pointed out.

One instance that comes to my mind is Bodis. At least Matt had the balls to do what no one ever did. Pay 100% in PPC revenues for new customers.


100% of what?

Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 20, 2007
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This only problem I have with Rick is his arrogance and charging thousands to attend one of his conventions, as RubberDuck pointed out.


100% of what?

Well, 100% of what we were led to believe. Isn't this how most payouts occur. 50% of this and 80% of that.

Funny only we domainers have to be stringent regarding stats when it comes to selling our names. The rest just throw percentages at us and we don't have the &^%^ to question - exactly how much?


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 22, 2008
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Its all about furthering a bank account not a industry.

Not that there is anything wrong with capitalizing while progressing but more times than not its one big circus of flying crap and lining pockets.

that's what it's all about buddy.forget about what anybody says.just keep doing you and get money.nothing lasts forever.when the poker craze was around 2 years ago everybody wanted to make money off's all about a hustle.if this business dries up, grab your cash and move on to the next business or.that's what makes a real entrepeneur.

like the famous jay -z said," i was born to get cake,move on and switch states"


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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Hey, can always rob banks too! :laugh:


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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Well, 100% of what we were led to believe. Isn't this how most payouts occur. 50% of this and 80% of that.

I don't want a newbie reading your post and believing that Bodis offers 100% revenue share, when they really don't.

Sorry for going OT.


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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I don't understand the bashing of Rick Schwartz. Until I attended TRAFFIC in May, I was skeptical about the efficiency of the event and had not let my defenses down, in a true Doubting Thomas manner. But I will tell you this: a lot of people don't like Rick's self-proclaimed title of "domain king", disagree with the leadership efforts he has undertaken and refuse to believe in the alerts he has been ringing about. I think it's foolish to talk a lot and not listen, to criticize and not experience, to deny and not examine. Yes, Rick is "angrier" than ever, and so should you be; angrier against the changing economy and the way it cascades down to the domain industry. You should be angrier towards the powers that want to take away your established means of income, the parked domains, the revenue from generic domains and the increased litigation against nominal domain holders. You should be angrier and more ready to adapt to the coming changes. It's called survival of the fittest.


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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Good points acro, good point of view.
But "survival of the fittest" here is Google & Microsoft surviving..not us!

Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 20, 2007
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I don't want a newbie reading your post and believing that Bodis offers 100% revenue share, when they really don't.

Sorry for going OT.

Don't be sorry Raider. I mean you did not say anything disrespectful to apologize.

Regarding Bodis paying 100%. I was just quoting them. Guess, we will never know for sure. Even though some parking companies claim they only keep a specific %, we will never know that unless they reveal in 2 separate tabs, what the provider gave them and how much they paid us from that. Anything else is just a ploy to keep the status quo.

For this reason, I will always distrust the parking companies. They claim they provide disclosure. But I do not trust them at all.

Parking companies have thus far gotten a free ride. This will soon change. They know this as well. They will milk the system for as long as they can.
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