For this reason, I will always distrust the parking companies. They claim they provide disclosure. But I do not trust them at all.
Parking companies have thus far gotten a free ride. This will soon change. They know this as well. They will milk the system for as long as they can.
that's what it's all about buddy.forget about what anybody says.just keep doing you and get money.nothing lasts forever.when the poker craze was around 2 years ago everybody wanted to make money off's all about a hustle.if this business dries up, grab your cash and move on to the next business or.that's what makes a real entrepeneur.
like the famous jay -z said," i was born to get cake,move on and switch states"
I don't understand the bashing of Rick Schwartz.
I don't understand the bashing of Rick Schwartz. Until I attended TRAFFIC in May, I was skeptical about the efficiency of the event and had not let my defenses down, in a true Doubting Thomas manner. But I will tell you this: a lot of people don't like Rick's self-proclaimed title of "domain king", disagree with the leadership efforts he has undertaken and refuse to believe in the alerts he has been ringing about. I think it's foolish to talk a lot and not listen, to criticize and not experience, to deny and not examine. Yes, Rick is "angrier" than ever, and so should you be; angrier against the changing economy and the way it cascades down to the domain industry. You should be angrier towards the powers that want to take away your established means of income, the parked domains, the revenue from generic domains and the increased litigation against nominal domain holders. You should be angrier and more ready to adapt to the coming changes. It's called survival of the fittest.
I'm sorry you don't understand it. He's basically passing judgement on the methods of domainers and parking companies, while simultaneously peddling porn (e.g., low-quality PPC results, and outrageously expensive admission tickets to self-indulging domainer conventions. He's a big crybaby watching his revenue stream shrink, not being satisfied with over-the-top profits from domain sales. Perhaps he thinks peddling buttplugs and trannys is better for the domainer business than what he spews to dnjournal and suckers who plop down a few thou to attend the conventions he sponsors.
Wow! You can't even attempt to hide your jealousy can you...!
1. I imagine most of us on here have at least a few adult ; I do - the adult industry drives the internet; it's the #1 innovator.
2. He can charge what he likes for his conference tickets - it's not compulsory to attend.
3. Crybaby? A crybaby would be someone who whines but does nothing about it. The ppc companies he's 'crying' about pay handsomely to attend his shows; do you think they want to hear his ranting - I wouldn't be suprised if some pulled out of future events.
4. Over-the-top profits from sales - that must really hurt you? Are you a communist or something? What's a fair amount of profit?
I'm sorry you don't understand it. He's basically passing judgement on the methods of domainers and parking companies, while simultaneously peddling porn (e.g., low-quality PPC results, and outrageously expensive admission tickets to self-indulging domainer conventions. He's a big crybaby watching his revenue stream shrink, not being satisfied with over-the-top profits from domain sales. Perhaps he thinks peddling buttplugs and trannys is better for the domainer business than what he spews to dnjournal and suckers who plop down a few thou to attend the conventions he sponsors.
Sounds like you were shown the door before.
Oh, I am wrong and not insightful, but you can fart from the mouth without having made any valid points - other than your dislike of Rick Schwartz and the you keep tossing around.
I don't like or dislike Rick Schwartz, I don't know him.
Among other valid points, one which I made is that you are not insightful. I don't like or dislike Rick Schwartz, I don't know him.
Rick is on the war path because his TRAFFICS bookings are down.
What he doesn't understand is that people are getting tired of his crap.
He pushed dot Mobi, he pushed dot Asia and now he and Moniker are pushing dot ME. No wonder people want a break!
He has promised so much and delivered so little, but charged handsomely for the privilege.
Most people now understand that an overpriced ticket to TRAFFICS is not a passport to instant wealth. Indeed, you will probably have your eyes taken out.
That's why R. Schwartz is showing us the higher road by example. Check out for the path to domainer righteousness, courtesy of R. Schwartz. We all know a site highlighting buttplugs and trannys is much more noble than your average registrar or PPC company.
I don't think that the tiered pricing of $1495 - $1795 - $1995 is expensive, given the opportunities that are present for oneself to educate, socialize and network at such an event. If you find these prices expensive, you haven't been to an analogous convention in the corporate world. Also, to a professional this cost is an expense at the end of the tax year.
Acro you went to only one relatively dead domain conference and instantly became a Traffic cheerleader. If you go to to the next Domainfest, we won't be able to shut you up.
*the exceptional businesses of our esteemed moderators