RD I truly doubt Rick personally makes a lot of money at Traffic, or needs that money to begin with.
Well, you're probably right AND wrong. When Traffic was new and exciting he probably made noteworthy $$$$, but today's Traffic conventions are obviously drawing smaller crowds, hence smaller amounts of $$$$. That's probably one reason he's lashing out at other scoundrels in the industry, plus frustration and dwindling parking income. You really don't know if he "... needs that money ...", unless you know his personal finances. It's easy for you and I to surmise that Rick's got plenty of dough because we read about his domain sales. But if he's not keeping much of it, he could be in a financial bind.
But don't be naive and think Rick and Howard repeatedly sponsor conventions and lose money time after time. Between the admission fees for vendors and participants + hype to inflate values of names auctioned, the $$$$ must have been okay early on, not to mention potential tax write-offs for every cocktail consumed while bloviating about domain portfolios.
Yeah he's upset now, the PPC model (as it stands today) is headed for the toilet, domainers are out of money to pay over-the-top prices for domains (even .coms), and ICANN is diluting everyone's portfolio value by introducing boutique domains to the system, chipping away at the usefullness of gTLDs.
I'm continually amazed that Schwartz and those of his ilk get accolades for PPC, porn, and domain resales. A good deal of those accolades come from others in the industry with a vested interest in keeping domain values in the stratosphere (if you don't know what the stratosphere is, check out
www.stratosphere.mobi ).