but if I had to choose between one Generic .com, or 5 or 6 Generic .info's, i'd have to stick with the .info's.
You would buy canada.info, france.info, spain.info, italy.info, germany.info, and mexico.info, rather than Canada.com for the same price? 6 NewYork.info's are not going to level out with 1 NewYork.com in value, unless you feel NewYork.com is only worth roughly 420,000.00 USD. Clearly the $40 you borrowed from DCG isn't where your mouth is Ashaw. Head over to dnjournal.com when you get some free time, it's an informative experience.
80% of the non domainers I know, are completely unaware that .info even exists [take a private poll and see for yourself]. Contrast that with the fact that 100% of those same individuals know .com, .net, .org, and a variety of ccTLD's exist. That is not to say .info won't continue to strengthen, but it's far more speculative at this point, and that's spoken from someone who owns a few decent geo .info's. Before I consider reward, I like to look at risk square in the face. If a tech savvy domainer driven bubble bursts, I want my equity to have a cushion to fall back on, and that's the supply and demand of the non domainer after market. .com has the money and brand behind it to offer me that. According to Rockafeather however, if Rick Schwartz has better domains than I do, his logic trounces all reason. As I'm digging away in the .com gold mine, I'll have a nice laugh.