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Scientist: Global warming could melt ice caps, eliminate half of Earth's species

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Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 23, 2004
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CO is poisonous, yes it is and I did not say they would die that way.

I said their lungs would give out, and they would give out after they did not have all the oxgen they needed, because it was replaced with CO2 instead.

Any gas will make the sun rays stronger, everyone should under stand that much. I live in PA and can feel the suns rays getting stronger, it's like I'm sitting in a car even when it's cooler out. You would take a chance with peoples lives, but my guess is most people will kill you before you could kill them from it. It's no longer a game, people are suffering from global warming already.

You can talk all the crap you want, but unless we change this what the terrorist are saying. About us will be true, and in the end we will all suffer greatly from it. I'm 1000% sure though, that the markets selling high tech stuff will fix it. You are not fooling anyone but your selfs now, in a short time well as soon as bush leaves office. Things will start changing, bush will not or can not bring him self to act on this now.

But who ever comes after him, will be forced to act going ahead. And if that don't happen, the other people of the world will give up on us. And when that happens, they will be forced to try and stop us from killing them. We all need to wake up, and under stand what the rest of the world really thinks of us. Many countrys, really do think we are evil it's just that simple.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 9, 2006
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You are not fooling anyone but your selfs now, in a short time well as soon as bush leaves office. Things will start changing, bush will not or can not bring him self to act on this now.

Everything will get better when the evil Republicans leave office. These things seem to only become newsworthy issues when they are in power. Even homelessness, poverty and racism disappear when Democrats run the country.


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 23, 2004
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( evil Republicans leave office )

I don't think republicans are evil, but democrats worry more about things like global warming. The point I was trying to make is, that many places think of the USA as evil. And infact the terrorist really do think they are doing GODs work, and are indeed willing to die to kill the evil USA. If we do not start working on global warming, after bush leaves office many people will give up on us stopping it.

If that happens, many will join them to try and help stop us I'm sure. And now that global warming is here, every bad weather damages they will point at us. They have started doing that already, and started demanding we help with money to take care of it. The UN already started a help fund for it already, and the blame and finger pointing will go to us. Us people in the USA, must wake up and see what the world really thinks of us.


Bush to address global warming in annual speech

Lawmakers hear approach to fighting global warming

Scientists, evangelical Christians will join forces to combat global warming

Sanders plans to re-introduce Jeffords' global-warming bill

Global warming 'wreaking havoc' on Alpine skiing


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 23, 2004
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Some leading scientists and evangelical Christian leaders have agreed to put aside their fierce differences over the origin of life and work together to fight global warming.

This is some thing you will not see every day, infact it may be the only time this ever happens. But it is a very good sign, that people really do care and are willing to do what it takes to help. :)


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 31, 2006
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Just, for the sake of discussion, suppose global warming is NOT happening.

What are the consequences for artificually manipulating and REDUCING the earth's temperature?

Considering the war cry of the 70s democrat platform was the forthcoming Ice Age, could it be argued that "we succeeded" in warnming the glove to avoid that catastrophy? Perhaps a bit to far... into a "warming" trend?

If that could be argued, then can we not go to far and send the Globe back into a COOLING trend?

What happened to the coming Ice Age and how did we stop it? If we could figure that out, then perhaps we will know just how far to go in combating Global Warming.

Incidentally, what is the "idea" temp range for the Planet that we should strive to control and keep the planet's heating/cooling trends within?



Level 9
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Aug 3, 2003
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A more direct and immediate path to extinction would be to reduce CO2 levels. That would bring a quite death to all plant life, resulting in a complete stop of oxygen production. You can survive a termperature change better than a lack of oxygen.


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 23, 2004
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( A more direct and immediate path to extinction would be to reduce CO2 levels. )

Do you know how dumb that sounds, we are wipping out trees like crazy. CO2 levels will not drop that much, there are normal ways that CO2 is put out normally.

Not only that but we will not be able to stop global warming, we are talking about slowing it down. And making it a softer landing, the CO2 levels are not going to drop that fast. We are 50 to 100 years away from stopping, all human CO2 out put if not longer.

At this point, we can only slow down CO2 out put. There is no real fix for global warming, it's here and it's going to keep on staying here for years. But slowing down CO2 out put, buys us some very much needed time. And will help soften it, but we still will have to deal with lots of global warming problems to come.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 9, 2006
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Not only that but will will not be able to stop global warming, we are talking about slowing it down.

Is that so. How did global warming stop before? We know it has occured before, so what stopped it? Do you give this even a moments consideration?


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 14, 2006
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Doubtful. In California (the land of eternal sunshine), we just had a freeze that ruined our citrus this year, a big part of our economy here. That proves -

global warming is a myth.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 9, 2006
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I avoid boad statements like "this proves..." but I do question how people can predict the weather 20 years in the future after all kinds of changes and variables, when they can't even come to predicting it this year.


Is that so. How did global warming stop before? We know it has occured before, so what stopped it? Do you give this even a moments consideration?

I don't think we can compare something that happened and progressed over a few hundred thousand years with what we are talking about now that will happen in 50 to 100 years due to the extremely high co2 humans are pumping into the atmosphere daily. The high concentration of co2 is causing the greenhouse effect surrounding the world, which in turn, causes our planet to continuely heat up. As tas said, this has to stop....and soon because we are already seeing the severe problems it causes.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 31, 2006
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we could just blame the terrorists, that normally works. :)

How 'bout we just KILL the terrorists... forget that Political Correct BS, ACLU, equal rights crap and just put 'em down like dogs. No breathing, no contributing to CO2 production.

Also, I like how none of you Global Warming experts even tried to dicuss the PAST events... what happened to the 1970s ice age, what happened to past global warming, past ice ages... If we are to blame, then how in the world did these ever happen in the first place?

And don't give me that "difference in time" pitch... you talk about that with words like "will" and "proven" and "absolute" while things like normal climate shifts and the earths natural axis shifts and other totally normal cyclic facts are dismissed as "hypothetical", "right wing conspiracy" and "hearsay"

The Global Warming issue is Political... nothing more. The 5 inches of snow that fell yesterday here, where it hasn't snowed in 15 years this time of year, is proof enough for me that Climate Change is obscure... but totally normal. As completely normal as the Lefties drumming up the next unstopable natural disaster in order to "solve" is and become heros. It's about the tick on the Voting Board, not the ticks on the Thermometer.

You're being USED for political gain. And it's not bad enough that you don't even know... what's worse is that some of you DO and simply don't have the dignity to care.



sorry you feel that way Scott...just wait another year or so and I'm pretty sure you will get some convincing evidence that will cause you to change your mind.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 31, 2006
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I'm willing to wait and see. :)

Time is the great equalizer and I'm not above being wrong. I'm all for helping the planet and preserving our resources, but to instill public panic for political gain is just plain wrong. Whomever and for whatever.



I'm willing to wait and see. :)

Time is the great equalizer and I'm not above being wrong. I'm all for helping the planet and preserving our resources, but to instill public panic for political gain is just plain wrong. Whomever and for whatever.


I agree but I don't see where you're coming from with this "public panic" thing. I haven't seen any of that. What I have seen is the actual findings and reports from most all the creditable climate scientists in the world supporting the global warming theory and the attempts to discredit those reports by the very ones who stand to lose the most money when the public reduces their dependence on burning fossil fuels.

That's really what makes me mad. When I read about Exxon and other big oil companies spending hundreds of millions of $$ to discredit the global warming reports just so they can make more profit...that burns me up! I guess you know Exxon made more profit last year than any company in history....Hundreds of Billions of $$$, clear profit! And our government is just as bad....Bush refuses to even refer to the problem as "global warming", they call it "climate change". Do you know why? Bush and Cheney both are big time oil men. Their family fortunes depend on the production and sale of oil. All the other political puppets you read about who try to discredit the climate scientists are being paid in one way or the other for their skeptic voices.

Anybody who sees this and understands what's really happening will surely be pissed off just as I am. I see it as the greedy and money hungry trading our planet for their greed. They have no right to do this. This planet and its well being belongs to me and you and our loved ones and everybody else on it. Its not theirs to use and destroy for their greed.

There is no public panic yet...but there will be if people don't wake up to what is really happening before its too late to do anything about it.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 31, 2006
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With all due respect, I believe that it IS climate change and when I refer to "panic" I specifically refer to the attempt to instill panic, to promote panic, to propogate panic... not that the people of this planet have fallen for it and are indeed panicing. Very few are.

Algore... is making MILLIONS promotoing Global Warming. It is fueling (no pun intended) his presidential hopes as well as his financial ability to run. His movie was not much more than a political fund raiser.

There are certainly credible scientists that have established a solid theory of Global Warming. As there are also credible scientists that have established a credible theory that there is NOT.

For me, it's not whether there IS or IS NOT a warming trend, the issue for me is the hand wringing and the finger pointing.

Simply put... MANKIND did not narrowly avoid the Global Ice Age that nearly laid siege to this planet in the 70's. The doomsdayers were simply WRONG. Many a credible scientist had "evidence" that was undisputable and yet... here we are discussing a WARMING trend. Yet at the same time we are discussing a warming trend, many areas around the world are discussing RECORD lows, uncharacteristic snow and ice.

I think it is arogant for you and I and these other "credible" people believe that we know all there is to know about this planet and "Mother Nature". I think it it even moreso that we think that we can choose, decide and manipulate what it is that Mother Nature decides she's going to do.

That's why she's called mother nature... because she is bigger than all of us, more uncontrollable than we imagine and can be an angry, random bitch if she chooses to be.

A tornado plows though a town leaving only one house standing... or moves mennacingly over a town to only touch down and destroy ONE SINGLE house.

Why? How? We can't even predict or control that one single element of the Weather and climate... how are we supposed to stop or affect global temperature trends that have been shaping our World since before mankind was even here?

My point is simple... we SHOULD be responsible with our resources and actions. But, politicizing a natural phenominon for Political and financial gain is WRONG and in truth... ALL that is happening.

Note my specific intention to be apolitical here. The point is true no matter which side you are on or what you believe.

As I look out my window at the (literally) 14 snowmen my kids made yesterday, I have to ask myself why we haven't seen snow here in the last 15 years.

I can quickly come to the Conclusion that there isn't a single big oil man responsible for that. Do you have stocks, bonds or invest in a 401K plan? If so, are YOU responsible as well?



Scott...I respect your right to your opinion and I don't believe there is anything I can say or post here that will change your mind.....nor is there anything you can say or post that will change my mind. Being a betting man, I wish there was some way I could make a bet with you but I know of no way on line since we don't even know each other. I will simply refer you back to my previous post (#35).

Maybe there is a global warming bet-line somewhere online. If anybody knows of one please let me know....I believe I could get rich betting against the


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 3, 2003
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GoPC: Very well thought-out, logical post.

With the 2006 hurricane season over and the record-breaking freeze of 2007, your bet would be like betting on an football game that has already been played. You've ALREADY lost -- and you still want to make the bet?

I know, I know, I should stop trying to confuse you with things like "facts", "evidence", and "history", you've already made up your mind.

And finally, a check on today's "global warming" headlines:
Winter storms kill 66, chill Sun Belt states
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