Job...what job?
I have 2¢. This is advice I got many years ago. For me, it has proven to be true. If you haven't already quit your job, these things might help.
I don't know your financial situation, but remember that your wife's job could end at any time. My ex's did after 17 years on one job. I have a little stash of cash, but when you have to dip into the well every month it can go empty real fast.
Setup a budget to operate on as a trial. It'll show you exactly where the money goes, and where you need to spend it.
Save enough $$ for your family to live off for a minimum of 6 months (sometimes that isn't even enough). Especially with a child in the family you have to make extra allowances. We lived like hippies again for a while.
When I say $$ for 6 months I mean include $$ for house note, food, car note, health insurance and medications, house and car insurance and utilities. Also allow funds for car repair and possibly deductable for homeowners insurance. And don't forget entertainment which is very important for the family if times get hard.
If you're in your own home, remember that the air conditioner or central heating unit can go out at any time. If those repairs aren't more than your deductable, it's on you to pay for them. Don't forget medical and other emergencies. Always try to keep some extra money saved as a cushion. And on and on and on.
Maybe that was more than 2¢. Good luck with whatever decision you make. Take care and be well.
I quit my job years ago.
In the first few months, it was not easy. It was damn hard. But when you put yourself in that position (where you can't go back to your day job and you have family to take care of), you have no other choice to live on it. Your mind will automatically force yourself to find a way. Eventually, you'll be just fine.
But when you say later, later, later... it won't happen.
However, I'm not going to be the one who recommends you to quit your day job. This is your life. Just because I'm okay, doesn't mean you're going to be okay... and it doesn't mean you're not going to be richer than you are today.
If you think you're nuts, then I must be nutser than you.
G' luck, mate!
they say on order for a business to be successful you must dedicate yourself full time to it.but how can i when i have my job in the day and my son at night? i want to dedicate full time not just to domaining,but web development as well,which is why i'm considering quitting my job for 09' and staying at home with my son and manage my portfolio.i know that usa is going through rough times and people should hold on to their jobs,but i believe that this is still a lucrative business and want to capitalize on it before it's too question is has anyone here quit their jobs recently to pursue this, or am i nuts and should be thankful that i am employed and continue to work.your thoughts and opinions are appreciated.
*the exceptional businesses of our esteemed moderators