What gets me though is the great domains no matter what price they finish at mostly get parked and stay that way.
it's sad to see the bulk of .ca's best domains are permanently parked.
WB, you're right, it's not only sad but it's a problem for .ca quality as a whole. I'm one of those people who tend to "park", so guilty as charged. It's not that I don't want to develop - I have have done a small handful of very innovative projects. It's simply that I don't have the time to spend on it, and parking is the shortest path to making the names pay their rent. I'm guessing lack of time and the convenience of parking is why so many do exactly that.
I am making plans to do more development with my names however. Have some interesting ideas about how to scale this more effectively accross multiple names - where each build isn't a custom-made project - but not too cookie cutter either. Basically, trying do builds in a way that's a lot more convenient.
I'd like to try this with a handful of perhaps 30-40 names, and if it works, perhaps look at it for the majority of my portolio. If anyone else is interested in experimenting more with non-parking options (or you are one of the few people who tends to build rather than park already), maybe you have an interest in pooling (excuse the term) a few names together for such an experiment. Or, at minimum, share information about what works and what doesn't? Even basics like who is the best multi-domain hosting company (e.g. reliable but not too expensive) would be very useful to know.
Anyone interested in a conversation along those lines?
Pool_1481 outbid me on all of my domains today and so I was left with nothing!
For those who didn't see it. Neuropathy.ca went for a whopping $3,000. Pool_1481 had a max bid set for it of $5,000.
And a few days back there's little old me thinking "there's a good find, I should be able to pick that one up cheap".