I wish I wouldn't of cashed out on my names now.. seems value has tripled+++!
I think makeup.ca went for 5k and also there were other bids for 3.5k, 2.5K, 2k etc.. crazy bids......
Makeup.ca went for 11k no? thats the bid I saw at Sibername not sure if they picked it up or not though...
hard to believe names like that are dropping when you think about it.
Imagine how you'd feel if you were a former owner and one day googled your old url to find these threads finding out how much it sold for...
Something big happened in .ca today!
It's Wednesday - our drop day! Last couple of weeks have seen a big uptick in the prices domains are going for in .ca world.
I didn't follow escorts before it dropped so I didn't see who owned it. Maybe they died, or maybe the company went insolvent. Maybe they haven't even noticed it expired and dropped because of an old lapsed email?
Something big happened in .ca today!
Almost went unnoticed - .ca total registration is now well over 900,000! What a surge in the past month! It's now at 909,031 as of this post.
*the exceptional businesses of our esteemed moderators