Nice move Jason! Was the former owner a domainer?
Here is why you never bid on domains while sleepy. i really thought it was correct!
vancouverealestate - I don't know if Vancouver has eal estate or not!
On the bright side, I can use it as a small website to sell my other real estate domains - sort of an example of why people should buy better domains!
Was that you that outbid me Roy?? Thank god. I didn't notice the typo on the first go round.
Well the sh*t is going to hit the fan.
Sibername has admitted I was right concerning the terms of the auction and nobody should be allowed to bid on thurs if they haven't bid on wed. They just allowed more bidding today so this is the email going to them.
Pursuant to the terms of the auction which are clearly posted on your site stating a bidder must bid by wed 13.45 to be able to further bid on the domains we require the following domains be awarded to us as we were the only bidder by wed. Once again Sibername improperly allowed bidding on these domains on Thurs.
All of these domains were at $15 by Wed 13:45 and we expect them to be awarded for that price.
I'd suggest if anyone else got ripped for a domain that you write them NOW and demand it.
Auctions are required to conform to certain legal standards and ignoring rules or terms that allow people to get around the auction terms won't fly with the consumer affairs dept.