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The boycott is on!!

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Originally posted by Stocdoctor
Bye Bye BookMyName! Transferring out.

La France est erronée pour fournir des armes à l'Irak. Ont-ils oublié que les USA ont sauvé leur âne? Je suis contre la guerre, et le buisson est un idiot, mais je suis toujours un Américain.

I agree fully with you - don't take it bad but I must say that it appears you used one of the translation sites out there. No native speaker would say it quite like that - Nevertheless it is understood - even in broken French.

Anthony Ng

Legacy Exclusive Member
May 22, 2002
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Just picture this: the U.S. goes to war without any UN resolution; this totally breaks the rules of the UN (not to mention that she might not even win the war so easily ... remember Vietnam?) THEN, the general assembly of the UN would pass a resolution reprimanding the U.S. for waging an unjustified (or even unjust) war on Iraq and consequently impose an embargo against the U.S. ... LOL! Talking about a boycott.


DNF Addict
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Aug 13, 2002
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Originally posted by nameslave
Just picture this: the U.S. goes to war without any UN resolution; this totally breaks the rules of the UN (not to mention that she might not even win the war so easily ... remember Vietnam?) THEN, the general assembly of the UN would pass a resolution reprimanding the U.S. for waging an unjustified (or even unjust) war on Iraq and consequently impose an embargo against the U.S. ... LOL! Talking about a boycott.

Nonsense. Resolution 1441 specifically and explicitly gives legal authority for war should Iraq not fully comply (which they have not). The fact that certain other nations do not want to help militarily does not mean that this war breaks UN laws.

Anthony Ng

Legacy Exclusive Member
May 22, 2002
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Originally posted by Ed30
... Resolution 1441 specifically and explicitly gives legal authority for war should Iraq not fully comply ...
This is EXACTLY where the dispute lies.

Anthony Ng

Legacy Exclusive Member
May 22, 2002
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To be frank, I HATE helping this ridiculous dictator out as much as many others (evey time I see his BIG portraits in the news, it makes me laugh), but millions around the world see the US Bush Administration as a GREATER threat to world peace.


DNF Addict
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Aug 13, 2002
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Originally posted by nameslave

This is EXACTLY where the dispute lies.

Countries who are now unwilling to back military action are going back on what they signed up to. The US and the UK and a few others are the only ones willing to uphold the resolution.- that's why France, Russia etc.. are doing so much damage to the UN. Why the hell did they sign up for the resolution in the first place?


DNF Addict
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Aug 13, 2002
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Originally posted by nameslave
Millions around the world see the US Bush Administration as a GREATER threat to world peace.

Yes - millions of idiots.


Cool Member
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2002
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Originally posted by nameslave
millions around the world see the US Bush Administration as a GREATER threat to world peace.

Btw - i belong to these "idiots".
In fact, the reason for not supporting the US in their unjustified war is *not* because anybody would be pro Saddam; it's because we're against the US' obvious plans to conquer and rule the world.Which is the real reason behind the war plans.

- On 9/12/2001 Rumsfeld already told Bush to concentrate on Iraq, in other words abusing the WTC tragedy for their plans to get Saddams oil.
- To bypass a decision or veto by UN members and going to war anyway is a violation of international law.Still the US don't care.
Which in other words means:" We don't even try it behind your back.We want that piece of cake and we'll get it - no matter what you say."
- The US has reserved the right to bomb the hell out of Den Haag, should any american be accused of war crime.I guess they know why.

And so on and so on...i could list a hundred other things.

Anthony Ng

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May 22, 2002
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There is also news that the Bush Adminsitration is naming senior Iraqi officials as war criminals. Hmm ... I can also see Bush, Cheney, Rice and Rumsfeld (poor man, he's not even in charge) on the list. Why don't these warmongers get it?!


Level 3
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Jan 27, 2003
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Originally posted by Stocdoctor
Ont-ils oublié que les USA ont sauvé leur âne?

Lol, Stocdoctor :D

So, the French have forgotten that the USA saved their donkey?

Those translation tools are funny, yet I get your point!

Best regards,


Cool Member
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2002
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Rumsfeld is not exactly a "poor man".
It was him that delivered Anthrax to Saddam in the days of war against Iran.
Actually what the inspectors are searching for now is the stuff the US gave to Saddam when they supported him.


Level 6
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Oct 9, 2002
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there is much historical documentation about the UN and pacifist countries sitting on their hands while atrocities were perpetrated against helpless citizens.

the middle east has been a hotbed for hundreds of years and the last thing i think we should do is get embroiled in the mess. the people have been supressed to this day by outsiders and their own governments and they will reach a breaking point. i dont want to be there when it happens.

the unfortunate part is that we are probably the straw that is stirring that drink but it really is a struggle against their own govts in the end - govts that we have supported all the while knowing how repressive they are.

i'm not sold on this war...but the day won't be won by feelings and conjecture.

i also have no doubt that hussein is simply an evil individual that needs to be contained...if not now when and by whom?

on the war criminals issue: i dont think we are even participating in the UN sanctioned tribunal are we? makes that presidential decree a toothless tiger.


you know what really irritates me though?

recently several african countires came out against the war. no problem...they are sovereign nations with the right to their own opinion.

4 days later a letter was sent to our govt DICTATING OUR RESPONSIBILITY to pay for medical supplies to help fight aids in those same countries. the letter was of course endorsed by several in Hollywood.

listen, dont slap my left hand and then try to force cash out of my right for a problem you created by refusing to deal with this issue all the while TELLING me what my responsibilities are. I get a stomach full of that crap every day from the beautful people in this country.

pretending that the problem doesnt exist got india in such a mess and appears to be headed towards china and russia with their recent denials and attacks on a report issued by a medical group studying the problem.

Anthony Ng

Legacy Exclusive Member
May 22, 2002
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Well, I guess we'll have to distinguish WAR apart from other reasoning because WAR is simply dead wrong no matter what.

Even when the Japanese militarists had bombed the hell out of Pearl Harbor and killed uncountable innocent civilians throughout China and SE Asia, throwing A-Bombs onto the CIVILIANS in Hiroshima and Nagasaki was still WRONG!

Even when the Serbian Milosevic regime had committed the god-damned crime of ethnic cleansing, bombing non-military targets (or even those so-called military targets) in downtown Belgrade and killing CIVILIANS was WRONG!

Okay, this is collateral damage, isn't it? This is also what Bin Laden would have said to the 911 victims. This is WAR! Like Chomsky said (for those esp. Americans who don't know Chomsky, please do some research), 911 was so different because that was the first time since the War of 1812 (again, please brush up your American history) that the American mainland has been under attacked.


Cool Member
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Apr 19, 2002
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Originally posted by nameslave
..because WAR is simply dead wrong no matter what.

Especially when the main purpose is about oil, religion etc. and not about freedom or democracy.
If there is one thing this war is *not* about, it is humanity.
Btw - what most Americans still don't get:
For some countries terror attacks are a way of war; especially by countries/people that don't have the military power to conduct a "normal" war on a battlefield.Which means if the US indeed goes to war we should all expect an increase of those attacks.


Level 6
Legacy Gold Member
Oct 9, 2002
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what most Americans still don't get:

Actually beatz I think most americans do fully understand this and expect it.


DNF Addict
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Aug 13, 2002
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Originally posted by beatz

when the main purpose is .... not about freedom or democracy.

:weird: :weird: :weird:

So you think the Iraqi people are free at the moment do you?


Cool Member
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2002
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No Ed30;

i'm saying the motives of the Bush administration are everything but bringing freedom and democracy.

It's about oil and religion and doing what they wanna do without caring about international law.

Look at Kuwait, look at Afghanistan, look anywhere:

Bringing democracy to a country has always been US' weak alibi for going to war - nothing more.
Just an alibi.


Cool Member
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2002
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Originally posted by Larry

Actually beatz I think most americans do fully understand this and expect it.


Just that it's pretty easy for Americans to expect it as your country is far away in geographical terms.

Much more likely this time the attacks gonna happen here in Europe - but hey, that's nothing the US has to worry about, right?

We just don't wanna be your supporter in this dirty game as a dirty game it is.

As it's only about US interests, not about the world's interest; to be exactly it's against *everyone's* interest but the US.

You see.
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