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The boycott is on!!

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Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 17, 2002
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Well that's a good idea. If any fascist like most who answered in a modern American ass-kicking way, would like a personal meeting, I would try to arange it.
The same monsters who anihilated Jews 60 years ago, found another victim, this time Arabs.
The names are different now, but the goal is the same.

This time new US-Israeli axis, under peace talking rhethoric, just like Hitler's in 1939, is trying to finally enslave everything which don't yet belong to Jewish led US corporate world.

It's obviously inevitable, but the evil with fail again.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 17, 2002
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Originally posted by Mr Webname

"The Holocaust was the systematic annihilation of six million Jews by the Nazi regime during World War 2."

Exactly Mr Webname.
Do we need destruction of Arabs today in the same way?


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 17, 2002
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Originally posted by Larry
options - Most of your rhetoric is just silly uneducated attempts to annoy others but if you are interested in discussing the differences between my statement of historical fact and Hitlers pre-war rhetoric we can do that.

The two are not tied in any way regardless of your ability to track down and post speeches made by your hero mr hitler.

The fact that you would know any of his speeches well enough to attempt to draw my words into your hate speaks volumes about you personally.

If you see similarities it is only due to your natural childish desire to create arguments out of thin air where none exist.


Thanks for trying to be at least a bit polite.
However "you" attitude is mostly counterproductive and brings a discussion in a wrong way.

I thought it was obvious that I cited Hitler to connect similar rhetoric of US politics, which doesn't make him my "hero".
The knowledge of evil only helps to recognize one and at this moment besides Sadam and many others, the biggest one is
hijacked US government.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 17, 2002
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Originally posted by draqon
Idiotic racist vermin such as yourself deserve to have your skull crushed by a metal crowbar and then then the urine of long-dead roadkill poured into your gaping eye sockets.

No wonder Jefrey Damer was raised in your Wisconsin neighbourhood. Fortunately you two have an upcoming war to
play your favorite movies again.

Mr Webname

Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 29, 2003
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Originally posted by options

Exactly Mr Webname.
Do we need destruction of Arabs today in the same way?

The destruction of any people is a failure on the part of all.
I am an Englishman who was brought up as a young boy in Kuwait and whose father is buried in that land. It grieves me to see what is happening in and around the land in which my father is buried.
I deplore violence and war and the jingoistic language that we are hearing at this time.
My comment highlighted the untruth of the Hitler statement about peace that you quoted (his untruth, not yours), and hopefully reminded all reading of the terrible consequences of war.
The last Gulf War and similar in Kosova was treated by many as no more than an arcade game like space invaders with video footage of bomb deliveries greeted with excitement and glee by viewers and commentators alike.
People die in war, children are killed and people lose their relatives - that's like your wife and mine, your child and mine!
Terrorism does the same thing - it kills people without regard to humanity, as evidenced by Saddam's gassing of the Kurdish people - men women and children and by those who flew passengers into occupied offices in the Twin Towers.
Death and destruction = failure.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 28, 2002
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It amazes me that there are still people so stupid and racist to blame the 9-11 attacks on the Israelis. I mean, did you seriously suffer repeated brain injury as a child? Did you have too much mercury in your diet?

Jeffrey Dahmer is the least of your worries if you step into my town.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 17, 2002
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Originally posted by draqon
It amazes me that there are still people so stupid and racist to blame the 9-11 attacks on the Israelis. I mean, did you seriously suffer repeated brain injury as a child? Did you have too much mercury in your diet?

Maybe I really had a brain injury, I don't know.
Something preserved my clear mind and made difference between me and you Zombies and slaves.

I am a vegeterian too which could explain the Mercury.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 28, 2002
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I'm a zombie because I believe that an extremist terrorist group with a history of mass-murdering american citizens chose to crash a pair of planes into a major commercial site? Thats retarded. just...retarded. Killing civilians is a normal part of Jihad, blaming Israelis is obviously a way for you to escape into brainless denial. The fact that the terrorists on the planes were speaking Arabic, and that Bin Laden has all but taken credit for the attacks, and you have a puzzle with hardly any pieces missing. The anti-semitic atmosphere that pervades the Muslim world is sickening, frankly.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 17, 2002
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Originally posted by draqon
I'm a zombie because I believe that an extremist terrorist group with a history of mass-murdering american citizens chose to crash a pair of planes into a major commercial site?

Sure, because you believe, don't think.
Before judging something you have to see as much info as possible before a verdict.

Now you can take for granted what you are told, based on idiotic
"evidence" with your inclination doing the rest or you can do some job before acquiring an important decision.

The problem for many is existence of today's free information.
Of course, the motives and attitudes of many sources are questionable, but most of the data presented should make anyone normal at least thinking.

The quantity of so called "conspiracy" sites accross internet is huge and is mostly difficult to chose the most reliable ones.
Due to lack of time I'll give here just a few non-carefuly chosen links. Many are already down, in that case try Google or other historical CASHE version.
If anyone is really interested in the matter he can do his own research and find hundreds of other sites, whose reliability varies just as with any news source. (I think the most fair one)

Try also shut down (cache) pages from voxnyc.

etc, etc


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 28, 2002
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The fact that you would even include a KKK site in your "non-carefully" chosen links says a whole heck of a lot. When I mentioned the KKK earlier, I was joking, but apparently I hit the nail on the head.

Its obvious to anyone with even the smallest grasp of psychology what is going on. Much of the Muslim world considers the 9-11 attacks to be a holy and justifiable action. However, arious members of the Muslim world, such as yourself, are unwilling and unable to justify the terrorist attacks and praise the terrorists. So you do the next worst thing, you find someone completely innocent to blame, so you can avoid realizing the harsh reality that Arabs and Muslims are humans too and are quite capable of doing stupid psychotic things just like caucasions can.


Cool Member
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2002
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Problem is, as soon as someone critizises Israel, he's suspected to be antisemitic, or even worse, a nazi.
Just that the world ain't that simple.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 17, 2002
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Originally posted by draqon
The fact that you would even include...

OK, you can label me as KKK Muslim Nazi member or more properly "friend of dogs and indians", but your speed reading ability is awesome.
You obviously didn't even try to spend some time reading before prompt answer.
Does it say something about me again?


Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Dec 23, 2002
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wasn t suppose to come back to this thread but i watched this nice movie yesterday "Bowling for Columbine" from michael moore

some history lesson that movie provide !, i removed part of the list of things that happens not related to this thread (guatelamela and alike):

so here we go:

1953 US overthrow prime minister mossadeq of iran
US install shah as dictator
1980 US train osama bin laden and fellow terroristes to kill soviets
CIA gave them 3 billion
1982 US provide billions in aid to saddam hussein for weapons to kill iranians
1983 white house secretly gives irans weapons to kill iraquis
1990 iraq invade kuwait with weapons from US
1991 US enters iraq
bush reinstates dictator of kuwait
1991 to present: american plane bomb iraq in a weekly basis
U.N estimate 500,000 iraqi children die from bombing and sanctions
Sept.11 2001 osama bin laden uses his expert CIA training to murder 3000 people

dont get me wrong we most likely, have similar list in europe.

So maybe it s time to let diplomacy do his work! since war obviously doesnt fix anything

note edited to remove contras date


Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
May 6, 2002
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So the arms manufacturers are the big winners.

No points for guessing the names of the people that own loads of stocks in THOSE.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 28, 2002
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Originally posted by beatz
Problem is, as soon as someone critizises Israel, he's suspected to be antisemitic, or even worse, a nazi.
Just that the world ain't that simple.

Well, I have a little more to go on than that. Not only was he quoting Hitler and posting links to KKK sites to provide "evidence" for his beliefs, he was also ranting about how the Jewish corporate world is trying to control the United States. This is the usual racist filth that racist people spew out of their talk-holes.

Israel, like any other country, does stupid things on occasion. These actions are a legitimate source of criticism. However, the majority of the criticism of Israel is anti-semitic in nature. There is a very strong correlation between being racist against the jews and criticizing the country with the highest Jewish population. Its obvious that the Muslim world is not just anti-Israel, but anti-Semitic. What makes me so sure? Oh, just 5 centuries of mass-murder and persecution of Jews that preceeded the creation of the country of Israel. Its an open and shut case.


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Originally posted by Larry
hehe...acually I don't have much of an opinion on this one (believe it or not) but just received this one in my email from one of those spammy type groups (love those guys).

Join the "Boycott France" Campaign.

Please review this list of major French companies that
Americans should boycott.

Millions of Americans are joining the Boycott France
campaign led by

Please forward this email to as many friends and
family as possible.

If everyone who gets this list from NewsMax would send it to
just two friends, within 10 days more than 100 million people
will be contacted!

Again, please review the email below, print it out, copy it,
and share it with your friends and family., America's news page, is taking the lead. NewsMax
unabashedly stands for America and American values.

Check out NewsMax's recent ad urging a boycott and join our
campaign, click here now:">
AOL Users Click Here is leading the Boycott France campaign because
American lives and security is at stake.

France has every right to disagree with America. But
France has moved from simple dissent to active hostility
toward America.

French President Chirac warned East European nations that
if they side with America, France will oppose their
membership in the European Union.

This week, William Safire reported in the New York Times
that France has been secretly helping to arm Iraq -- and
has been helping Iraq build long range missiles. These
same missiles may soon be used against American soldiers.

Just as France is exercising its right to disagree,
Americans can exercise their right to boycott -- and avoid
helping companies and countries that do no stand with America.

French Products and Companies to Boycott

The following companies are subject to boycott:

* Air France. Air Liquide. Airbus. Alcatel. Allegra (allergy
medication). Aqualung (including: Spirotechnique, Technisub,
US Divers, and SeaQuest). AXA Advisors

* Bank of the West (owned by BNP Paribas). Beneteau (boats).
BF Goodrich (owned by Michelin). BIC (razors, pens and lighters).
Biotherm (cosmetics). Black Bush. Bollinger (champagne).

* Car & Driver Magazine. Cartier. Chanel. Chivas Regal (scotch).
Christian Dior. Club Med (vacations). Culligan (owned by Vivendi).

* Dannon (yogurt and dairy foods). DKNY. Dom Perignon.
Durand Crystal

* Elle Magazine. Essilor Optical Products. Evian.

* Fina gas stations and Fina Oil (billions invested in
Iraqi oil fields). First Hawaiian Bank.

* George Magazine. Givenchy. Glenlivet (scotch).

* Hennessy. Houghton Mifflin (books). Jacobs Creek (owned by
Pernod Ricard since 1989). Jameson (whiskey).
Jerry Springer (talk show)

* Krups (coffee and cappuccino makers).

* Lancome. Le Creuset (cookware). L'Oreal (health and beauty
products). Louis Vuitton.

* Marie Claire. Martel Cognac. Maybelline. Méphisto (shoes
and clothes). Michelin (tires and auto parts). Mikasa (crystal
and glass). Moet (champagne). Motel 6. Motown Records.
Mumms (champagne).

* Nissan (cars; majority owned by Renault). Nivea.
Normany Butter.

* Parents Magazine. Peugeot (automobiles). Pierre Cardin.
Playstation Magazine. ProScan (owned by Thomson Electronics,
France). Publicis Group (including Saatchi & Saatchi

* RCA (televisions and electronics; owned by Thomson Electronics).
Red Magazine. Red Roof Inns (owned by Accor group in France).
Renault (automobiles). Road & Track Magazine. Roquefort cheese
(all Roquefort cheese is made in France). Rowenta (toasters,
irons, coffee makers, etc.). Royal Canadian.

* Salomon (skis). Sierra Software and Computer Games. Smart &
Final. Sofitel (hotels, owned by Accor). Sparkletts (water,
owned by Danone). Spencer Gifts. Sundance Channel.

* Taylor Made (golf). Technicolor. T-Fal (kitchenware). Total
gas stations.

* UbiSoft (computer games). Uniroyal. Universal Studios (music,
movies and amusement parks; owned by Vivendi-Universal). USFilter.

* Veritas Group. Veuve Clicquot Champagne. Vittel. Vivendi.

* Wild Turkey (bourbon). Woman's Day Magazine.

* Yoplait (The French company Sodiaal owns a 50 percent stake).
Yves Saint Laurent.

* Zodiac Inflatable Boats.

P.S.: Thanks to GOP lawmakers, cafeterias in the U.S. House
of Representatives will today start offering "freedom fries"
instead of you know what.

Please email this to as many friends and family as you can.
Send a message to France that will not be forgotten!

Also, join NewsMax's Boycott France campaign. Check out our
national ad campaign and help us inform
America, click here now:">
AOL Users Click Here

All third party products and services promoted in this email are offered
exclusively by third party advertisers. The HSM Network makes no
representations or warranties with respect to these offers and all
claims for injury and damages related to such offers are the sole
responsibility of the advertiser.

Why stop here ...

I expect U.S. will kindly return the Statue of Liberty to the French people ASAP, since it was a Frech gift in the first place...


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 17, 2002
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Originally posted by draqon

Well, I have a little more to go on than that. Not only was he quoting Hitler and posting links to KKK sites to provide "evidence" for his beliefs, he was also ranting about how the Jewish corporate world is trying to control the United States. This is the usual racist filth that racist people spew out of their talk-holes.

Israel, like any other country, does stupid things on occasion. These actions are a legitimate source of criticism. However, the majority of the criticism of Israel is anti-semitic in nature. There is a very strong correlation between being racist against the jews and criticizing the country with the highest Jewish population. Its obvious that the Muslim world is not just anti-Israel, but anti-Semitic. What makes me so sure? Oh, just 5 centuries of mass-murder and persecution of Jews that preceeded the creation of the country of Israel. Its an open and shut case.

First, many narrow minded persons can't comprehend that Israel's and Jewish "cause" criticizm don't have to come from "muslims", "nazis", "antisemitists", etc.
There are many people who don't belong to common religious or
political frames.

In modern Jewish labeling there is no "legitimate source of criticism" if it doesn't come from Israel itself.
That apartheid state is by-law and by-practice fascist in nature and for everyone who is against opression and tyrany it is very natural to raise his voice against the evil, no matter what his name is.

Above all, most of those Jews living outside of Israel are extremly loyal to such monsterous politics and support it by all means.
The problem is that historicaly they organizely try to occupy the highest positions in host society in order to serve their own agenda, which in turn brought them persecutions and near genocidal reactions in almost all Christian world.

Today, USA as the only superpower, is clearly led by such in its highest institutions of power, whether economic, political or cultural.
Country with 2% of Jewish population is so overwhelmingly and brutaly hijacked that the repeating of history and next holocaust is the main danger in tommorow's US, no matter how distant it looks.
The same masses educated by Jewish Hollywood would hardly understand the phrase "peaceful solution" as they already don't grasp it. However let us hope that some organized inteligence would bring back American life (and a large part of world's future) back to Americans in some civilised way.

Kid Kool

Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 12, 2002
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Originally posted by options

First, many narrow minded persons can't comprehend that Israel's and Jewish "cause" criticizm don't have to come from "muslims", "nazis", "antisemitists", etc.
There are many people who don't belong to common religious or
political frames.

In modern Jewish labeling there is no "legitimate source of criticism" if it doesn't come from Israel itself.
That apartheid state is by-law and by-practice fascist in nature and for everyone who is against opression and tyrany it is very natural to raise his voice against the evil, no matter what his name is.

Above all, most of those Jews living outside of Israel are extremly loyal to such monsterous politics and support it by all means.
The problem is that historicaly they organizely try to occupy the highest positions in host society in order to serve their own agenda, which in turn brought them persecutions and near genocidal reactions in almost all Christian world.

Today, USA as the only superpower, is clearly led by such in its highest institutions of power, whether economic, political or cultural.
Country with 2% of Jewish population is so overwhelmingly and brutaly hijacked that the repeating of history and next holocaust is the main danger in tommorow's US, no matter how distant it looks.
The same masses educated by Jewish Hollywood would hardly understand the phrase "peaceful solution" as they already don't grasp it. However let us hope that some organized inteligence would bring back American life (and a large part of world's future) back to Americans in some civilised way.

You site 10 articles, all from kooky leftist and Islamic extremist sites.

Israel's trying to protect themselves from lunatics.

I hate to break it to you, but "Jewish Hollywood" and the jews in the US are overwhelmingly liberal democrats.

The fact that many Americans sympathize with Israel has nothing to do with religion. Americans aren't even religious people for the most part. Americans support Israel because they view the Israeli and Palestinian conflict as a war between civilization and backwardness.

Israel shows an incredible amount of restraint. Much more than the United States would under similar circumstances (such as if Mexico started sending in homicide bombers to reclaim land they lost in the war)

I will say that Israel has made one mistake. That is using the term "occupied territories". It's not occupied territory. Its Israeli territory. They won it in a war(s), in which they were attacked.

We won California in a war. We don't call it "the occupied territory of California". We call it America.

I do sympathize with the Palestinians, but there's no reason for them to resort to violence to get something which the Israelis have already offered them. They clearly will not get everything they are looking for (the complete annihilation of Israel), but whatever they do get will be a gift from the Israelis. Just like Israel gave back the entire gigantic Sinai peninsula to Egypt after Israel had invested billions of dollars in it.

Maybe you don't realize it, but this grand conspiratorial vision of Israel and the "jewish lobby" controlling the U.S. is absurd.
It something that sounds like could only come from the Iranian official press or one of those communist throwaway papers people hand out at anti-globalization demostrations.

Honestly, Israel is not some huge superpower propaganda machine. Its a puny little country that happens to have nukes and an overworked military, whom Americans sympathize with because we think people should be able to go and grab some pizza without getting blown to smitherines because a few fanatics can't live with the fact that some jews have a nation that rests on a tiny piece of the land in the middle east.

At some point the Palestinians will have to conclude that they lost the war and start negotiating in good faith to get a viable Palestinian state. They need some better leadership because the scenile Arafat is simply not cutting it and clearly is incapable of articulating any kind of positive peaceful vision for the Palestinian people.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 17, 2002
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Yes it is always the struggle between those who advocate "jungle law" or the law of the strongest and those who oppose it in efforts for securing general prosperity for all, including all living beings, not only humans.
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