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The boycott is on!!

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Domain Buyer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 9, 2002
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Originally posted by beatz
"I'm more concerned about US's nuclear power"


How come the main accusement by Bush&co. is that Saddam has "dangerous weapons" while the US has the exact *same* weapons?

How is it ok for the US to have those weapons?

Again, Anthrax is a US government invention, nothing arabic.

Maybe the world should disarm the US first?

Beatz, if you don't see why it's dangerous for the ENTIRE WORLD if small, radical countires have nukes...then I'm not even going to respond in this thread anymore. Look at the problems Norrth Korea is causing with just 2 nukes.

BTW, anthrax is NOT an invention...please learn your facts before spewing dribble.


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 11, 2002
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I guess my note on Cheney's company violating the spirit of the bocott of Iraq thru French subsiderary companies didn't have much of an impact. :)


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2002
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Originally posted by izopod
Opinions are nothing more than a reflection of ones own desires. Facts without opinion usually bring out the truth. Yet, opinions, not fact get the most headlines.

Anthony Ng

Legacy Exclusive Member
May 22, 2002
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I don't know if any of you are OLD enough to remember the 80s. We were once oh so close to having the LAST world war. It was early 80s and I was in Hong Kong. People there started worrying about going back to the Chinese Communist rule, but I said to myself I didn't think I will ever live through 1997 since the Third World War could happen in just a few years time when Reagan talked about bombing the hell out of "that evil empire". Just who has been threatening world peace??


Cool Member
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2002
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Sure Anthrax is an invention - it's not like it's growing on trees.
And my point is, that it's even more dangerous for thw ENTIRE WORLD if a *big*,radical country has nukes - like the US.
Yeah i call the current way the US behaves "radical" cuz thats what it is - it's about violating international law, it's about Bush reserving the right to bomb Den Hague should an american soldier ever be accused of war crime there, it's about Bush' fanatic religious beliefs ( reread some portions of his speeches and you'll see), it's about getting the oil, it's about the american media not telling the truth, it's about the FBI monitoring americans that live in germany and attacking them for saying their opinion - every aspect a radical country has.
Oh, let's not forget the aspect of torture - something that the US / CIA is very common with.


Level 6
Legacy Gold Member
Oct 9, 2002
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NS, your reply was to a post about aid that the US provides..not politics.

Governments make fight them. I believe that most people in most countries are good people just trying to make their way through life as best they can.

The US, along with other nations, has provided food, medical help, and financial aid to friends and enemies for many years.

So much so that it is expected...especially of us.

I think we should add inspectors and turn up the heat for about 45 days and see what happens. Things wont get worse and at that time if the US deems it necessary to fight this battle then lets go... even if it means we do it alone.

But regardless of what the final decision is, I dont want to be a part of a socialistic one world govt. and I dont want to see US citizens under the rule or command of foreign govt (UN).

We all want to get along and live our lives..the only question is the price we are willing to pay for that luxury.

"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" – P. Henry to the Virginia House of Burgesses

In the meantime I cant do anything to resolve this issue so I'm going to go sell some names.

[NS, early 80's I was selling Hondas - we had huge dealer markups and life was good ;) ]

Domain Buyer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 9, 2002
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Originally posted by beatz
Sure Anthrax is an invention - it's not like it's growing on trees.

Beatz, Anthrax occurs naturally in nature....the scientists just make it more leathal by making it smaller so it can be inhaled easier.


Cool Member
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2002
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Originally posted by Larry
and I dont want to see US citizens under the rule or command of foreign govt (UN).

But Europe citizens under the rule or command of Us govt is ok ?
Man, the UN is not a foreign govt - get the facts straight.
The UN is a circle of countries and the US is *a part* of that circle.

Domain Buyer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 9, 2002
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Originally posted by beatz

Man, the UN is not a foreign govt - get the facts straight.

Your facts about Anthrax are wrong and you're telling someone else to get the facts straight...

Now I'm really out of this thread :laugh:


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2002
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Originally posted by nameslave
I don't know if any of you are OLD enough to remember the 80s. We were once oh so close to having the LAST world war. It was early 80s and I was in Hong Kong. People there started worrying about going back to the Chinese Communist rule, but I said to myself I didn't think I will ever live through 1997 since the Third World War could happen in just a few years time when Reagan talked about bombing the hell out of "that evil empire". Just who has been threatening world peace??

Maybe I should teach an online history class here at DNF. From the posts above, it clearly shows some of you skipped out on your early formative history lessons or got them from a teacher who had their own agenda.

Fact: Reagan played his hand. He called Russia's bluff.

Fact: Russia began spending money they didn't have. Gorbachev knew all along they didn't have the money, but spent it anyway. To create wealth to become strong again they began to slowly "westernize".

Fact: The Russian empire broke apart in late 1987. Reagan's bluff worked.

izopodian philosophy: Good leaders make difficult decisions at the right time for the right reasons. For this I think G.W Bush will be appropriately remembered as someone who called the U.N's bluff.


Cool Member
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2002
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Originally posted by

Beatz, Anthrax occurs naturally in nature....the scientists just make it more leathal by making it smaller so it can be inhaled easier.

Sheez...Anthrax is a mix of a lot of components that occur in nature - mixing those elements or manipulating them in any way or just producing it or selling it as a weapon is what it's about.

Actually Anthrax is a kind of virus but in order to be able to use this virus as a biological weapon you have to mix it with something like for instance, a certain kind of powder - otherwise you would not be able to put it in envelopes - you can't put a virus into an envelope without having it mixed with another element before.

And again, a virus is nothing that grows on trees - you have to cultivate it and build some kind of "virus farm".

Domain Buyer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 9, 2002
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Beatz, you said anthrax was an're wrong, it's not an invention. The *weapons grade Anthrax* is a naturally occuring organism *tweaked* to be even more deadly.


Level 6
Legacy Gold Member
Oct 9, 2002
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Beatz - I understand the relationship.

I'm pointing out that we are waging a small battle in this country over the issue of power of bodies like the UN and the amount of control they have over our policies.

I do understand that this is not something you would be aware of so don't find fault in your post but to many of us it is not about how other countries "feel" about our politics or decisions. We really do not care.

It's about how much control we maintain over our own destiny inspite of the move towards "All one happy world family" that others grasp for so quickly.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2002
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Originally posted by beatz

Sheez...Anthrax is a mix of a lot of components that occur in nature - mixing those elements or manipulating them in any way or just producing it or selling it as a weapon is what it's about.

Beatz--- A simple question for you. You state in your signature line that "War is not the answer". Would you say that WWII was a "bad" thing??

izopodian philosophy: When you use general statements to define your beliefs you have to wonder what your "committment level" is to those beliefs.


Cool Member
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2002
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Originally posted by Larry
We really do not care.

It's about how much control we maintain over our own destiny

That's it - the "we don't care" part that will destroy America one day.
And unfortunately it's not about the control you maintain over your own destiny but the control you achieve over *other countries*, oil and much more.
That's what the world is fed up with.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 13, 2002
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Originally posted by
Beatz is right...the US did sell Anthrax to Saddam. We made our own bed on this one

I think you mean "the means and materials to make" Ken.


Cool Member
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2002
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Originally posted by izopod

Beatz--- A simple question for you. You state in your signature line that "War is not the answer". Would you say that WWII was a "bad" thing??

Hitler started the war which was a bad thing indeed.After he had started it, every country had the right to defend themselves, no doubt.
But in *this* case the US is the one starting the war - that's the difference.


DNF Regular
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Apr 8, 2002
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Originally posted by

Iraq invaded a weaker country...was the US just supposed to allow an Ally to rape and pillage? Are you saying the US should not have helped Kuwait?

sure, US would not allow its oil supply disrupted. Saddam wanted to strenghten his dominance in Gulf region: He would have become too powerful and unpredictable ally. You stopped his plan and at the same time saved Kuwaiti people.

Answer to your question is NO. Operation Destert Storm was justified. But this time the US seeking for full occupation and seizure of oil reserves. The case is slightly different?

America is the Ultimate Super Power. There's no other country to match with them. Probably any other nation in their situation would take advantage of it.

BUT, please, DO NOT get angry on those who question the motif behind "War on Terrorism". A handful terrorists armed with knives do not pose a threat that has to be dealt with 200.000 troops and their respective toys. The link made between those knife-maniacs and Iraq's weaponry is the master piece in history of deception.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2002
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Originally posted by beatz
Sure Anthrax is an invention - it's not like it's growing on trees.

Again, a lack of understanding. Just for discussion sake, let's get off the "Anthrax" weapon for a minute. I think it's the least of our worry at the moment. Much of it's effect is localized unless you have the ability to "deliver the weapon" via ordinance. Thankfully only a few countries posses the ability to carry out a "all out" anthrax attack on the US.

No the real danger is nuclear weapons. The effect of a dirty nuke bomb on a US city would be devasting. Most citizens would not prepared. The psychological devastation alone would be castrophic to our economy. The other threat would be small pox as it's past from person to person. Very devasting psychologically.

And just for you "Anti-War" folks. We still will protect you in the event this devastation every comes to a city near you. Whether it be Nato forces protecting European countries or US troops protecting the homeland---You will be protected.

Anthony Ng

Legacy Exclusive Member
May 22, 2002
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Originally posted by Larry
[NS, early 80's I was selling Hondas - we had huge dealer markups and life was good ;) ]
You must be an experienced salesman, selling Japanese cars in the 80s and domain names in the 90s/21st Century. ;)
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