I hope not..... as .mobi makes less than 5% of my total portfolio....As to my post above, I just used your comment as a springboard to talk about my observation over the last several years (not necessarily pointing out at you personally). And, the observation is: How come its almost without fail that holders of .coms/.nets start predicting doom and gloom for every new extension as soon as its rolled out?Has your investment in .mobi now clouded your ability to be rational in discussion ?
Now, in regards to the mobile web almost everything that I've read points out to the fact that we're truly in the early infancy stages of this phenomenon, uniformly predicted to be huge over these next several years. Even well-respected experts have very differing opinions as to how things would evolve in this area, and specifically what would be the role of a dedicated extension (.mobi) in this evolution of mobile web. Now, either our forum colleagues are super geniuses or psychics or clairvoyants that they can portray this uncanny confidence in so affirmatively declaring the demise of this brand new extension...!!
Or, may be its the "vested interest" in reverse thats manifest here. Just think: Its no rocket science to see the vested interest of folks like myself who are investing in this new product but it might be little more complicated to see thru the "vested interest" of those who are NOT investing in it but for some odd reason are bending over backwards predicting its demise...!
I didn't mean anything personal in my comments but if it came across like that I do apologize.