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The sex industry is one area where .mobi could be a gold mine.

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Account Terminated
Legacy Gold Member
Jan 31, 2004
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Regardless of the domain extension, there's always going to be a massive market for mobile porn. That's the way it is. Whether YOU (generally speaking -- no particular individual) or I indulge is really of no consequence. There are millions that do, and always will be.

Yes. The very first thing most young boys do with their computers, magazines, and small-screen devices is look for pictures of tits or a fully naked woman. They pass pics and video clips all day long, during class, lunchtime, after school all over again the next day. And when a picture of the actor who plays Harry Potter showed him full-frontal naked in the play "Equis", with his schlong fully exposed, lots high-school girls were sending the picture back-and-forth thru their cell phones. A small screen enables a kid to stealthily goof-off, even during class!


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 10, 2002
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Yes. The very first thing most young boys do with their computers, magazines, and small-screen devices is look for pictures of tits or a fully naked woman. They pass pics and video clips all day long, during class, lunchtime, after school all over again the next day. And when a picture of the actor who plays Harry Potter showed him full-frontal naked in the play "Equis", with his schlong fully exposed, lots high-school girls were sending the picture back-and-forth thru their cell phones. A small screen enables a kid to stealthily goof-off, even during class!

None of this results in revenue to recoup stupid prices paid for .mobis.


Level 10
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 28, 2005
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since subjects relating to sex are the most popular subjects searched on the internet, it's hard to believe this wouldn't cross over to mobile internet too.

monetizing .mobi is hard to do without mobile ads, which are just at the beginning stages now. similar to how it was hard (not impossible) to monetize .com and other extensions prior to Adsense. it's best to have at least some good generic .mobi's because there is a lot of marketing effort behind it - the mobile market is just too huge to ignore this angle.


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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This brings to mind, what are wireless carriers charging for downloading these days? I dont download to my cell phone, but I would imagine the cost would be very high.


Level 11
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 21, 2006
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This brings to mind, what are wireless carriers charging for downloading these days? I dont download to my cell phone, but I would imagine the cost would be very high.

the rates are coming down all the time. they're headed one way

since subjects relating to sex are the most popular subjects searched on the internet, it's hard to believe this wouldn't cross over to mobile internet too.

monetizing .mobi is hard to do without mobile ads, which are just at the beginning stages now. similar to how it was hard (not impossible) to monetize .com and other extensions prior to Adsense. it's best to have at least some good generic .mobi's because there is a lot of marketing effort behind it - the mobile market is just too huge to ignore this angle.

be nice to have a good one like :yes:


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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Just remember that the iPhone's screen gets all smudgy after surfing.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 16, 2003
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interesting posts...

yesterday it was 'no way porn will fly on cellphones'

today it's 'ok, but .mobi still sucks'

so what will it be tomorrow?


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 1, 2006
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done some looking at wireless phone stores at the websites the demo phones visit and it is mostly porn sites and cnn etc. non of them are .mobi yet there is no real carrier support for it yet.


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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I just find it hillarious that a comment made by one person on another forum all of a sudden is fodder to start an anti mobi thread.

What's next.

Some one start a thread that Fearless is dillusional to think that .mobi is going away because he says it is.

I thought that perhaps since every pro-mobi thread is bombarded with anti-mobi sentiment and vomitus from the mobiphiles that it would be appropriate to respond to these comments.

My God, someone doesn't like a domain extension out of more than 256 available and all of a sudden it is get out the nail guns, it's crucifying time.

So let me make it easy on all those that do not like mobi.

There is no argument at all. It is all opinions. Opinions that are so old and played and worn out like a three dollar whore.

Here are some threads from 2004 and other years on the new extension .mobi. Some are perhaps from current members. Some not. I hear Denny was quite the character.

But to make it easy on the .mobi impaired and to help and those who really can not come up with anything new or can even say why mobi does not and will not work, then by all means...

By using 3 year old material on the same subject you too can appear to be the genius and impress others by seemingly coming up with new material. Some so old no one would remember who said them.

Simply copy and paste into your post any of the aged and dated threads below. A new date and timestamp will then appear in your thread making the old suddenly new again.

First come, first served.

12-17-2004, 10:27 PM

.mobi domains suck
Agree or disagree?

As stlds, they are essentially as useless as .aero, .museum and .coop - you can't speculate on them.

Re: .mobi domains suck
they are reaching now.

yeh right

same with .jobs

I think is easier to remember

Im just glad Im not the person who is intrusted to brand these tld's

Re: .mobi domains suck ...Brandable? I think not. What the hell's a ".mobi"? A mobile phone? Yeah right...

.Mobi domains will suck. Even worse than dot coop and I didn't think that was possible... However that will not stop whomever is in charge of .mobi sales to offer "free" domains after the first year. You can take that to the bank!
Re: .mobi domains suck
They're even worse than .st and that's saying something.

Thumbs down Re: .mobi domains suck
.mobi names really do suck. There is just nothing redeeming about .mobi.

Unbelievable actually.

Re: .mobi domains suck
Originally Posted by Ed30
They're even worse than .st and that's saying something.
That reminds I've got to renew and

I hate it when I forget to renew names that are worth more than reg fee.

Re: .mobi domains suck
I think .mobi can take off if its specifically for mobile phone sites.

05-17-2006, 08:42 AM

what do you think about .mobi?
yet another sunrise. opinions?

Re: what do you think about .mobi?
Nowhere near as big as .eu.... It will have its squatters just like any TLD..

Re: what do you think about .mobi?
.mobi : another big biz for registrars and patetic tld for crazy squatters

Re: what do you think about .mobi?
I hope it flops. I think it is the worst TLD yet.

Re: what do you think about .mobi?
Besides, a mobile phone I don't use any other mobile device and all I use it for is to make and receive calls. That's it.

But in 5 years time I might be doing a lot more with my mobile phones. I am talking about things that most people haven't even thought about.

That is what .mobi is all about.

I think...
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Re: what do you think about .mobi?
Originally Posted by ponce007
Besides, a mobile phone I don't use any other mobile device and all I use it for is to make and receive calls. That's it.

But in 5 years time I might be doing a lot more with my mobile phones. I am talking about things that most people haven't even thought about.

That is what .mobi is all about.

I think...
You are probably right, but I don't think it will be worth to run in the landrush this time.

Smile Re: what do you think about .mobi?
I am sad because i think .mobi will top every other. This is a busy age. People won't have time to carry and open a laptop while they travel. Even whenthey stay at home, they will start to feel bore to use a big comp than a mobile. I predict it would surpass everything.

Re: what do you think about .mobi?
I think owner of is very-very lucky guy

Re: what do you think about .mobi?
I also wonder if this has any potential, with all the phones, pdas, blackberries supporting wireless internet browsing, etc.

Re: what do you think about .mobi?
Originally Posted by denny007
I think owner of is very-very lucky guy
:greensmilewinkgrin: yeah, totally agree. i bet he wouldnt have ever predicted it

Re: what do you think about .mobi?
I think it will take 2-5 years for this market to really show up, but once here it is going to do very well.

There is talk that web sites surfed via mobile devices will automatically load the .mobi sites not the .com

Also there will be strict coding needed for .mobi sites and when the site is not up to par then the owner will be warned, after 3 warnings the site will be suspended for a period of time, but never taken away.

This would make for much better/user friendly and really useful mobile visited sites. (who knows, I'm confident ppc will adapt to this market for parked sites)

Some of this is speculation, some is stuff I have read around the web and on news sites, etc...


Re: what do you think about .mobi?
I don't really like it. I think if it would catch would be a good 5 years+ before it does. Mobile devices can access .com sites now with no probs. Better phones are being released all the time for faster internet browsing. We don't need another extension.

Most of your average internet users still don't know that the .info/.biz exists! I've even heard people say .us? what's that? why not com?

Re: what do you think about .mobi?
The .mobi extension has been created to differenciate a website designed for mobile devices from a normal one. It is an addition to the com, not really a competitor. Regarding the trademarks, they need to have been registered before 2005, so the fake ones we have seen during the .eu landrush will not be valid for that one. The main problem I see with the .mobi is that you have to buy 2 years of registration minimum.

Re: what do you think about .mobi?
Originally Posted by Fredo
The main problem I see with the .mobi is that you have to buy 2 years of registration minimum.
I think thats only a temporary incentive to repel careless "investment". They create extentions such as .mobi for functional reasons, not for another wild landrush and endless registrations that are going to be dropped next year.

Re: what do you think about .mobi?
Originally Posted by GT Web
The real question is, can the recording artist file a WIPO for every single .mobi name that is registered?

Re: what do you think about .mobi?
I won't be surprised if I am bidding at, 2 years from now using my mobile phone from my private island.

OK...perhaps it won't be my private island...but you get the point.

I lost a good name at an auction at because I was out of town driving on a highway and I remembered it like 5 minutes before the auction ended. I didn't know how to access on my mobile (Is it even possible?).
So I called up my cousin who agreed to log in and bid for me....Except she forgot to refresh the browser and called me back 10 min later to tell me it still says 5 minutes left.

Re: what do you think about .mobi?
I think more extensions only dilute all the extensions except for .com which continues to be obviously #1. .com is sort of like Microsoft Windows and the other extensions like Linux...for every distro of linux I see it only strengthens Windows and makes the linux distros weaker and weaker..sure people will download it and try it but in general it causes confusion in the public eye.

These extensions are just going to be worthless and more worthless as each is released. The value in a name is that it's desirable. If one day I need keyword.ext and I do a search for it..the .com is taken but I have a choice of .net, .org., .info, .us, .eu, .biz, .mobi, and who knows what else...there is damn good chance that one is available. So why should I buy 3rd party from a squatter/domainer a extension when I can get it for reg fee?

.com is king still and while I personally went through a stint of getting .us or info I feel that from now on I will only take .us or info at reg fee otherwise it's a waste of my money.

Re: what do you think about .mobi?
I think this tld will flop... if I'm on a mobile device like a cell phone... I would prefer a 2-3 character extension then a huge 4 letter... I think it matters... or I just think its unncessary being that most devices comming out now are starting to have the speed and capabilities to handle normal websites and its a matter of time when all cells can. .mobi .eu same crap.... here's a news release for .tv when it was comming out endorsed by SEDO.... don't believe the hype.... I say no more

News Release
Wednesday 23 May 2001, 7:00 GMT Wednesday 23 May 2001

SEDO launches world's first dedicated .tv domain brokerage platform

Cologne, Germany. SEDO GmbH, the leading domain name brokerage in Europe has announced its launch of the world's first dedicated .tv domain name brokerage platform.

Considered a pioneer in the domain brokerage industry in Germany, SEDO has come a long way to become the market leader in Europe. Besides offering users a host of domain-related services, from domain escrows to domain appraisals, it now boasts of being the world's largest mega-search for domain offers, consisting of more than 1.7 million entries from all over the world.

Tim Schumacher, CEO of the Cologne-based startup, "We have been very impressed by the performance of The .tv Corporation. At the moment, we are already seeing the .tv extension gain widespread acceptance everywhere. There is no doubt that the .tv will very soon join the ranks of the com, .net and .org as a globally accepted top level domain, and a domain of choice."

Lou Kerner, CEO of The .tv Corporation said, "We're very excited about SEDO. I believe the secondary domain market is going to become even more significant than it is today as the shortage of domain names becomes more and more acute with time. The arrival of SEDO, Europe's leading domain name brokerage, could not have been more timely than this."

About the .tv Corporation

The .tv Corporation ( is a leading global provider of Web identity services and the exclusive worldwide source for web addresses ending in .tv. The company provides domain name registration services and a suite of value-added products and services that enable customers to establish unique web identities. The company created this premier top-level domain so that companies, organizations and individuals can create the Internet brands and identities of the future. Inquiries can be made at the company's Web site,

About SEDO

SEDO is the European market leader of domain brokerages. The German pioneer of the domain brokerage industry offers not only the world's largest Search Engine for Domain Offers (after which it was named), consisting of more than 1.7 million entries from all over the world, but also a host of other domain-related services ranging from domain appraisals to escrow services. SEDO's main investor is 1&1 Internet Ltd, a web hosting and domain registration company based in Uxbridge, London and the UK arm of 1&1 Internet AG based in Montabaur, Germany (a subsidiary of the German Internet giant, United Internet Group).

For more information, please visit

Re: what do you think about .mobi?
.mobi another crappy extension. its longer than com and who cares typing so long?

Re: what do you think about .mobi?
For mobile browsers the default will be set to .mobi

You will NOT have to type, just domain and the Browser will BY DEFAULT add the .mobi ext.

I suppose you can change the default, but really I don't honestly think people will change it. They are either lazy, not "tech savvy", don't even know that is how it works.

Just look at how many people will take the first thing on their desktop for a browser. The OS dumps Safari or Explorer on their desktop so that's what they use.

I still don't think this will kick off for a few years, but it will be around.

labrocca has also raised a very good point about value...But if the .mobi is getting the first choice by default via the mobile device world, well that sounds like a great benefit for the extension to me.

It kind of reminds me of when MS was getting hell for having IE in their OS. People were complaining all over the place that it was unfair business, but it is theirs and they can set it how they want. I think same will go for mobile OS.

Another example is the computer wireless world (keyboards, mice, headsets) there was no standard. The 802.11 freq....Then bluetooth took it and now that what people often call it. Wireless and BlueTooth start to become synonymous.

.mobi could take the mobile device world, but not for some time to come.
Let us also consider how it is/will be marketed & who teams up with it could make it or break it.

But only time will tell, for now .com is King without question.

Re: what do you think about .mobi?
and what about .tel just approved?

Re: what do you think about .mobi?
Originally Posted by italiandragon
and what about .tel just approved?
same crap, different package:tounge_smile: I wonder why they release these extension... functionality? at least for now it probably will be anything but functional

Just remember that the iPhone's screen gets all smudgy after surfing.
I would imagine it would get smudgy from handling other body parts also...then the iPhone.

Do they make "raincoats" for the iPhone?


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 12, 2006
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Shall i!?

If you think there is no porn on mobile phones, and you are so sure that there is no porn on mobile phones, I can go down to the corner store and record the pages for you.

A lot of users have "packet houdai" or "all you can spend packet fee" for a monthly cost of 150/month. so...... why not download and watch!?

Flash Lite 3.0 is coming soon to docomo phones using flash video(end of 2007)which will make video conversion extremely fast and easy.

as for .mobi............ hell. i should just copy n paste the same damn thing i always write.............................

".mobi is not a new technology. It is another way to access to the web via mobile devices"

currently, mobile companies are using .vc, .net, .com (of course), .jp, and .whatever.
With the way people communicate, how the hell can they remember all of those darn extensions!? well, hell. why not .mobi?

[.mobi hater] duh...... they should use.......duh, .com.....duh, cause they are more widely known......duhhhhhh.......duhhh. maybe .startrek n .dungeonsanddragons are a good duuuuuhhh extension....then i can prove to everyone that im cool with my PDA.....duhhhhhhh.

[.mobi owner] .coms are practically gone. taken from $'$'()#')$&ing WIPO and large companies thus monopolizing all of the .com.

Um..... I work at a mobile content company. well, i want my company to have a .com. i dont want to have (which may be taken), but who the hell wants to type that crap into the phone? Id rather be watching porn on my mobile.
ok, well, ill contact WIPO and get but wait, there are thousands upon thousands of mobile companies to get them. Only on will end up with it. well, what about the others? so, they get .net, .jp, .mobi, .mobihater, etc...

1. most of the mobile phone users are Female between 20-30 years old
2. the most accessed content is music and videos (next are images)
3. we "DO" watch tv on our phones while:
a. taking a poo
b. spouse watching boring tv and we use the tv phone
c. we worked late and missed our tv program
d. update on news
e. uh, american baseball is played while we are at work
f. etc

Ah. fyi, there are people watching this forum as well as sedo, so you .mobi-haters are making our sales bad (if any). makes me think that "you" are not the sharpest tool.


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 26, 2006
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A lot of users have "packet houdai" or "all you can spend packet fee" for a monthly cost of 150/month. so...... why not download and watch!?

in Vietnam I have unlimited gprs for 16$ a month.

I've been in the mobile business since 1999, and imho there's absolutely no doubt that adult content is profitable.

Then again - I'm not a .mobi hater, but I still don't see the huge advantage of .mobi. The .mobi sites I've seen so far have all been shrinked - too small for my taste. Modern devices with a horizontal resolution of 416 to 640 pixels (eg. nokia e60, iphone) and modern browsers (opera mobile, safari/gecko) handle "normal" content fairly well.


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 26, 2004
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I just don't get the purpose of "MOBI". I surf on my iphone and it some pages, like YAHOO for example, AUTOMATICALLY detect you're using a mobile device. That leads me to believe that the future of the mobile industry WRT browsing will be this autodetect technology. MOBI is a pipe dream as far as I'm concerned. I've seen nothing that differentiates is as a "mobile" technology. I own mobi names and park them the same way you do any other extension. So it's up to developers to make the sites MOBI friendly? Don't think so... MOBI is a pipedream.

My 2 cents...


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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My God, someone doesn't like a domain extension out of more than 256 available and all of a sudden it is get out the nail guns, it's crucifying time.

Aside from a few comments, I don't see the crucifying that you do in this thread, the discussion is mostly about downloading porn to cell phones and using the .mobi TLD, it's apparent that whenever someone speaks against .mobi on this forum, all the pro mobi's come out of the woodwork to defend it, defending their investment that is, and that's understandable.

What I see very often here on DNF, is a lot of self promotion of .mobi's, Since .mobi remains a very speculative TLD, it's WIDE OPEN to criticism and I think everyone on this forum has a right to voice their opinion....My own personally belief is that .MOBI is another TLD slated for failure, and I have my reasons for believing that, I posted a few of them in other threads, but hey, I could be wrong, only time will tell.

In the meantime, I'll be keeping my nail gun unloaded. ;)


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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I just don't get the purpose of "MOBI". I surf on my iphone and it some pages, like YAHOO for example, AUTOMATICALLY detect you're using a mobile device. That leads me to believe that the future of the mobile industry WRT browsing will be this autodetect technology. MOBI is a pipe dream as far as I'm concerned. I've seen nothing that differentiates is as a "mobile" technology. I own mobi names and park them the same way you do any other extension. So it's up to developers to make the sites MOBI friendly? Don't think so... MOBI is a pipedream.

My 2 cents... and is available.

You Know what's funny with all the .mobi hype. If you really believed in the future of your mobi investments and because of this are interested in investing more and if you are SMART, you would be keeping your mouth shut about how great it is.
Of course, the really SMART ones who don't believe in mobi are doing the REALLY SMART thing and keeping their mouth shut and fingers idle and not bashing the hell out of an extension already universally accepted. So the bottom line, someone REALLY SMART is going to look pretty DAMN STUPID a year or two from now.

So I guess it is now a "wait and see".

What I see very often here on DNF, is a lot of self promotion of .mobi's,
Feel free to substitute the .mobi with .com, .net, .org, .info, .us, .ca, .cc, .eu, .cn. and any of the other 250 or so extensions that eveyone on here thinks they have a hum dinger of a gem of a domain.

Me? I love my ELVIS.TW.


Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 18, 2002
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Vision, you left out

reason #4:
Everytime we visit DNForum some chobe has started a new .mobi this or .mobi that thread...


Level 10
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 28, 2005
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That was funny a few posts back, 'cut and paste' .mobi bashing.

There really is no reason not to bash .mobi now, you don't even need to have original thoughts or type out long arguments, just cut and paste the old ones!


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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That was funny a few posts back, 'cut and paste' .mobi bashing.

There really is no reason not to bash .mobi now, you don't even need to have original thoughts or type out long arguments, just cut and paste the old ones!
Wasn't meant to be funny.

That is how factual this whole thread and anti mobi point is. Same shit from 2004 being repeated today in July 2007...I don't like it, I don't need it, it is not necessary, fools, fools, fools...yet it is here and many can't deal with it or even admit that it has a remote chance of gaining acceptance and success.

Once done with bashing .mobi, lets move on to the next exciting domain in the air...




Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 16, 2003
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I just don't get the purpose of "MOBI". I surf on my iphone and it some pages, like YAHOO for example, AUTOMATICALLY detect you're using a mobile device.

My 2 cents...

really ??? because the folks at NYTimes said it takes over 2 minutes to download on the iphone... does yours have special software?


Level 10
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 28, 2005
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Wasn't meant to be funny.

That is how factual this whole thread and anti mobi point is. Same shit from 2004 being repeated today in July 2007...I don't like it, I don't need it, it is not necessary, fools, fools, fools...yet it is here and many can't deal with it or even admit that it has a remote chance of gaining acceptance and success.

I agree, but it still seemed funny because it's been going on so long now you just have to laugh. To say the .mobi extension will fail for sure, given that it's use keeps increasing with big companies, the continued sales from xxx to xx,xxx value, and the excellent job the .mobi registry has done of promoting it, is really going out on a limb. At this point you have to think this extension has at least some chance of getting into the consumer mindset. Some people have hated the extension for so long maybe they can no longer be objective. If the day comes where you start seeing .mobi websites advertised on an almost daily basis, and your friends who aren't domainers are talking about .mobi sites, then this discussion will be over.


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 24, 2006
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really ??? because the folks at NYTimes said it takes over 2 minutes to download on the iphone... does yours have special software?

On the iphone, yahoo automatically redirects to the mobile version of the site.

Everytime we visit DNForum some chobe has started a new .mobi this or .mobi that thread...

And everytime, there's an equal amount of chobes (chobes?) to bash that new .mobi this or that thread.
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