Acroplex - You didn't expose anything except for the fact that you really don't know what you are talking about. Here's a great idea, why don't you not send me any traffic like you were last week and I don't have to listen to your crap anymore. I don't need or want you to trust Parked anymore, I tried to gain your trust, but obviously the only thing you care about is bashing us for no reason.
I have not blocked any of your traffic, the hidden image tag is designed to catch bots that are not following the robots.txt file, if you were a web developer as you say you are you would already know this. Every parking company and even uses this same technique today. This is a standard method to determining bots.
I will not go into what we block versus what Sedo blocks versus what Namedrive blocks. Because I do not work for Sedo or Namedrive, if you think we are blocking more than those companies please be my guest and start using them.
If I had blocked anything at my servers, Yahoo would have never gotten the click. Because the idea behind "blocking" something is it doesn't goto to our providers. They never see the hit, search, or any click because we stop them at the beginning.
As I said originally, all you do is complain about stuff that makes absolutely no sense except to you. You are complaining about the naming of a spider/bot catcher, because you had a complaint I changed it. Now you are complaining about the fact that we block spiders, not good spiders, but truly bad spiders that do not follow the robots.txt rules.
I have always been honest with everybody here on how our system works, if you don't feel like you understand ask. It's not that hard. If you still don't like what you see, then leave.
Not all domains work with us, not all domains work with one company, you must try it on your own to figure out which company works best for your domains.
I'm really fed up with this thread especially since it is almost a year old about somebody I terminated for fraud and now we are talking about how we stop bots.