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Today's auction grand total: $128

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Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Dec 31, 2002
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Seems that the Sunday auctions have hit a plateu and are on the rebound - downwards, that is.

In my opinion the reason is twofold:

Firstly, a lot of valued members have left or were otherwise ostracized. The old guard of this community is thinning out.

Secondly, the overall sales approach on the Sales forum seems to be that to sell a name prices need to hit single digits. This has been caused to a great extent by agonizing newbies that auction their domains at $1 or thereabouts, in revolving auctions.

I mentioned that before, and the response was that "things will be announced". Ergo, the dnfauctions.com web site was launched. However, it is not serving its purpose as it's monetizing the participation and the $1 auctions still flood the Sales thread with white noise. Sometimes, to the benefit of some good sales that are hiding in-between the dollar minefield. I bought Overclock.net today for $35 because it was really hidden in what seemed to be 12 other auctions advertising rock bottom $1 sales.

Let's get real, the logo says "The online community for serious domain owners".

Ever since the forums were opened to the non-members, what do we get? Outsiders get a glimpse of the selling prices and arrive as members with the attitude that DNF is the liquidation capital of the domain bazaar.

I think the new owners, via the committee or whatever this new thing is called, need to re-evaluate the current business plan.

Most important, it's necessary to be a little tolerant towards those that have been supportive long enough even if they recently appeared to be frustrated or negatively predisposed.

When the head hurts, you don't cut it off ;)


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Dec 31, 2002
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Also Namecaster - UKpro was also treated in the wrong way; and for once, even if the management gets whipped, it's to the common benefit.

Otherwise, next Sunday the auction total will be even less :eek:


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2002
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Less than a handful of names sold for more that $20..
Ok, so we tried the auction with not many $1 starting bids because people (who I need not name) insisted to do away with the walmart people and their $1 auctions.

People insisted that to raise the average selling price that more domains would sell. Well it's clear that approach dosent work.

They didnt see the need for people to actual competitively bid, their logic was to price it all high and "make" them pay..

Well total sales tonight amount to ..$125

These people need to step aside and let the forum members have fun again.. when people enjoy what they are doing , they 'll do it more often and spend more doing it which in turn will bring more people .

You cant whip people into how you want them to be , act or spend..

just back off and let the forum flow again..


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2002
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i spent so long making my signature :(


Level 6
Legacy Gold Member
Oct 9, 2002
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if it's any consolation steve it is a great looking sig :)


Originally posted by sponk
(P.S: I really think whatever remarks CoolHost made, he should be pardoned as he was one of the friendliest members of DNForum filled with humor. Please don't flame me for this comment of mine...)

I bought about $80 worth of names for the heck of it (don't even remember what they are and where its at) on the live auction one Sunday because this CoolHost character was abuzzing all over promoting the Auctions.

Banning Zouzas was absolutely unbelievable, given he never attacked any members or was rude to any of us. Zou was helpful, enthusiatic and showed all of us the exemplary meaning of putting new namespace into action by putting his money where his mouth is.

I think Namecaster deserved what he got, given his horrendously unsensitive post to DCG to get out as captain of the DNF ship. He knew he was in for it as he also asked to be banned.

But for banning CoolHost and Zou, this forum needs a really big Chilly Pill. Yes men and politics belong to the (now defunct) DK private board. Yes, everyone knows mole hated that self-pompous insulting ****. Please keep this board for people with passion for domains, and not suck the juice of this forum dry for selfish reasons.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 18, 2002
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banning zouzas was plain and simply WRONG

No offence to the new owners (I don't want to be banned as well), but I can't understand the concept of taking over an already extablished community where people have started to get to know each others, pay alot of money for it, and then rip it apart piece by piece untill the only thing left is the traffic to sell?

The management needs to rethink if you ask me.

Buy HEY! it's only my opinions, please don't ban me for opening my mind


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2002
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yep, they'll be there come next sunday :)

Mr Webname

Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 29, 2003
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So are we really saying that all of the problems of domain sales are the result of 3 members being banned and another leaving in a huff because he didn't get his way on getting another member banned? I don't think so.
If it were really true and that simple then domain sales at DomainState and Namepros, where some of them have gone, would be going through the roof and this is clearly not the case ( no disrespect to either - just stating a fact ).
Domain sales are just reflecting the pattern of sales in most fields currently - not too many people want to spend their money and those that do are much more selective about what they get for it - period. There were a few good names in the "live" auction but maybe just not enough of a "steal" for the current economic climate.

All of the current moaning just makes a difficult market all the more unpleasant.

Time to lighten up folks - make the sales more attractive, give them a reason to buy - "when the going gets tough ......"

Just my view :)


Originally posted by Mr Webname
All of the current moaning just makes a difficult market all the more unpleasant.

You miss the point entirely, webby. I will be the first to spout the things you say to keep the moral up here. It has been one of my virtual homes for over a year, so go figure. I know you know what is happening, but I guess you need to sell names and uphold the committee.

For every single post I make here today, I run the risk of instant banning for reasons know only to the SS - because of a simple change the wind blows.

Drama, drama, mama?

I honestly don't think so. If you just think about it for one second, was zou or coolhost that bad? Sure, ban the consters, the hucksters, the suicide bombers. But please, I think I've been here long enough to know when a problem is a problem. Good riddence, don't let the door hit your butt, appears to be the rally cry of the KKK today.

DK's board should have remained open. Please leave us in peace.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2002
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Originally posted by bidawinner

You cant whip people into how you want them to be , act or spend..

just back off and let the forum flow again..

I think there is some expectations out there that are "real", and then we have some that "aren't".

MYTH #1: Putting up a name in the live auction with guarantee a 5 figure sale.

TRUTH #1: Come on!! Most of the names being sold won't even sell after twelve "bumps" in the Sale Forum let alone a live auction. Obviously we need to realize that not all names will sell no matter who is present. Remember the "big time" buyers are into "dictionary", dot comish type names. The rest of us don't mind .biz/.us/.info however they have to be "good" at a very minimum.

MYTH #2: Because of recent events we have "lost" big-time buyers!

TRUTH#2: The live auctions have been in decline for sometime now because of many reasons. The big one being that selling names to other domainers is a lot like selling paper clips inside a paper clip manufacturing plant. Intitally we thought (as did I) Live auctions would produce big sales. They haven't. Again, "Big Time" buyers usually go after certain names. Point out any name that "should" have sold for 4 figures and I will give you a reason why it didn't

MYTH #3: Private transactions aren't happening here on DNF (haven't heard of this "myth", but trying to make a point crystal clear).

TRUTH #3: There are probably more sales going on via "User to User" contact than any of you or I realize. I have never purchased a name via any auction here. I guess my own preference is to "seek out" names that have been listed in the appraisal section or elsewhere, then contact the owner "privately". Just purchased a .biz name for $*** last week that way. Smooth transaction! I have been approached several times on various names via pm, as I'm sure you all have.

I think it's time we all realize that we are benefitting because of our "being here". We benefit with or without the auctions. The auctions shouldn't be seen as "the only" way to sell your names. If it is I'm afraid, you haven't quite figured the concept of "buy low, sell high".

MYTH #4: Buying and selling domain names is an easy way to make money.

TRUTH #4: Visit http://www.DNjournal.com and I think you'll find that buy and selling domains is an art. It's a skill. The people who generally sell the most domains know marketing inside and out. They are very positive about what they are doing irregardless if they have a "forum" or not. They understand the concept of "moving" on average names (anything above reg fee is a profit is it not??). They go to great lengths to please their buyer (pay for transfer, fast email, and follow-up, follow-up, follow-up). They have a solid reputation as someone you can deal with (StocDoctor and Name-Maker) are two individuals that come to mind. They know when to "short" names. They can see trends coming a mile a way. They work extremely long hours culivating relationships in the business, and with end users who look for quality names all the time.

izopodian philsophy: Those who seek the "Truths" in their respective industry usually end up on top. Everytime without fail.

Mr Webname

Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 29, 2003
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Mole, I don't sell many names here and I certainly don't need to support the "committee". Neither am I just "spouting" to keep morale up - I have nothing to benefit from doing that.
I also buy names and have bought quite a few since coming here and can see things from both sides.
Sometimes people don't like change, often they think only their way is right - it's never that simple.

You have a right to your view about zouzas and coolhost - personally I'm neutral - it was not my decision whether they went or stayed - I do know that if this WAS my forum and I had some of the things said to me that have been said here I would have said "thank you very much and goodbye, I don't need your abuse anymore".
All I am saying is that this is NOT the reason for poor domain sales and all of the griping makes it more of a problem and lessens the appeal of the forum.
Just too many moaning posts for my liking - it's a paid forum membership and someone owns it - like it or not it's for him to decide how he wants to run it. At least he has a "committee" to voice some views and he hasn't deleted all of the threads here that tell him how to run his business.
Time we just learned to live with that and moved on.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2002
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Originally posted by mole

For every single post I make here today, I run the risk of instant banning for reasons know only to the SS - because of a simple change the wind blows.


This isn't a war. We all want the same things. I personally don't want to come on DNF everyday where there are complaints with no suggestions as to improve. I think that is the big distinction here.

I think DCG has made several changes here to benefit most everyone. I say "most everyone" because obviously you will not please everyone. Those that don't feel the "benefit" tend to be the ones who complain, yet don't provide suggestions as to why their idea should be implemented. Personally, I abhor complaints without suggestions. I think it belittles that persons' intelligence. I think it also short changes the community..

One thing. I don't think DCG hasn't made any change without input in the community. The forum is littered with, "What do you think about this..." type posts. There have been contests to reward people for their suggestions, etc.

Let's get real. "Complaints" do get heard. Just don't keep whining. I tire of it, as do many other people. Call me a yes man if you want, but don't call me someone without ideas. Lucky for me some of my ideas appear to have been implemented. And people wonder why they have to ask "Why"? instead of "I know why!!"

btw: I was also neutral on Zouzas' banning. However I always said that it would be up to Zouzas if he returns. Certainly not what I say. No comment on CH and NC.

one other thing: I do notice something in your posts Mole. It's almost as If you want to get banned. If that is the case I pitty you. I would refrain from doing so because we do have intelligent people on this board that can see when someone is trying to "get shot". Just to say they "got shot". What a novel idea that would be to go on DS and say "Look at what DNF" is doing! Those bastards banned me!! ;)


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 24, 2002
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This is all too typical of membership type sites. They inherently suck because everybody is a critic and it is so easy to type a few lines to complain about something over and over ad nauseum.

I don't envy the owners of DNF, and got out of owning these types of sites long ago because of all the headaches. My humble opinion is that if you don't like it then leave - plenty of competition out there. The owners have done plenty to try and soothe the savages - I think the only option they have left on some of these folks is to pull their plugs.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2002
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Originally posted by icehole

Buy HEY! it's only my opinions, please don't ban me for opening my mind

Ah, yes more of the "gratitious" =="Don't beat me up, I'll give you my lunch money" comments....

Just think how this sounds ice... People who come here want to do business. They don't come here to get banned unless they want to.

izopodian philosophy: Your reputation should be your most prized possession. How you react to something "contraversial" is how you will react in a business transaction that isn't smooth.

Complaints are sought, but the friggen whining HAS to stop!!!


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2002
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Originally posted by 2gajgops
This is all too typical of membership type sites. They inherently suck because everybody is a critic and it is so easy to type a few lines to complain about something over and over ad nauseum.

I don't envy the owners of DNF

My guess is that is why GregR sold when he did. ;)

I think his first comment after being a civillian was to CoolHost. Coolhost made some comment to the new owners about a "glow" problem. His comments were something to the effect: I'm glad I don't have to deal with comments like that anymore.

All this "contraversy" you all realize is over Coolhost's banning. Try doing a search under Coolhost as of late and maybe you will begin to realize this person may or may not have been who they said they were. This person constantly complained. This person posted, just to post for god sakes. Yes, even GregR tired of CH. Not sure what the reason for the support as of late was about but that's up to him. I respect GregR, and so will just chalk it up to differences of opinion.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 18, 2002
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Originally posted by izopod

Ah, yes more of the "gratitious" =="Don't beat me up, I'll give you my lunch money" comments....

Just think how this sounds ice... People who come here I in business. Making transactions that create capital. They don't come here to get banned unless they want to.

izopodian philosophy: Your reputation should be your most prized possession. How you react to something "contraversial" is how you will react in a business transaction that isn't smooth.

Complaints are sought, but the friggen whining HAS to stop!!!

pod: then PLEASE tell me why zouzas was banned. He never did anything to offend them. He just posted his thoughts.
Get your facts straight before giving us a slab of your bubblegum-"philosophy"
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