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legal - Unresolved Namess Sale -

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Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2005
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I'm from Ontario myself. It's my opinion your pushing this kid (supposedly a kid) over the edge. Not on your own but with some help. I find it apparent he has the capacity at this point to cause himself harm. Perhaps make more bad choices. And even after he agreed to help in resolving the issues. Accept his help at this point and allow him to take whats coming to him by the law. A phone call would be the best in this situation but I know from a week or two ago that he doesnt do the phone thing.

My Opinion, For the record: The kid did wrong here (knowingly). The only way for him to come out of this on top is to help clean it up .... Quickly

Im pushing him ? How so by asking him to answer questions, to explain himself ? I hope the police dont ask him to many hard questions he might cry. I have asked him NOTHING except things regarding the theft and to explain lies he keeps telling. I havent told him to harm himself, others or anyone. I find your posts too coddling for my liking. he's a theif who had warnings.

Did you know I caught him bidding and winning a name of mine on sedo and he didnt pay so I cut him a breal told him to straighten out 3 weeks ago and dont screw around this is serious biz. Did you know he was acting as a broker on a name worth 6 fgures no one asked him to and again cut a break and told to straighten up. All this plus others told him and how does he respond, he STEALS and peddles names costing jayspot $120k in losses so far. Ya lets hope the little guy isnt crying over being exposed.

Quite frankly Jack posting he wont do jail time etc is not helping but hurting. You imo now have worked against this community by coddling a theif and assuring him no jail time awaits. Shame on you!


No time to chit-chat
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 25, 2005
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I'm not sympathizing here JP. If you want to get aggresive with me, then do it to my face. I'm still deciding how I want to deal with your comment on me working against this community.


Level 14
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 13, 2004
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Please be direct to the topic of the thread. Personal matters or opinions can be settled via PM.

If you want to be professional then act as professional.



Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2005
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I'm not sympathizing here JP. If you want to get aggresive with me, then do it to my face. I'm still deciding how I want to deal with your comment on me working against this community.

Hhhmmm who is the agressive one ?

You did work against this community by explain how he wont see jail time etc, true or not isnt the point. It encourages bad behavior. You being an adult should know better before you post things, again true or not.

Deal with my comment, how bout you shove it up your *** ? I work hard to protect this community from theives and help other get their funds and names back, you walk in and coddle the theif and explain to him how he wont be seeing jail so no worries.

Sorry Johnn I post one minute after you so I didnt see your post. I apologize yet I stand behind my feelings.


No time to chit-chat
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 25, 2005
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Hhhmmm who is the agressive one ?

You did work against this community by explain how he wont see jail time etc, true or not isnt the point. It encourages bad behavior. You being an adult should know better before you post things, again true or not.

Deal with my comment, how bout you shove it up your *** ? I work hard to protect this community from theives and help other get their funds and names back, you walk in and coddle the theif and explain to him how he wont be seeing jail so no worries.

Sorry Johnn I post one minute after you so I didnt see your post. I apologize yet I stand behind my feelings.

That was enough for me neighbor.

CODDLE: To treat indulgently; baby. See synonyms at pamper


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2005
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That was enough for me neighbor.

CODDLE: To treat indulgently; baby. See synonyms at pamper

Curious now neighbor. You made this comment ina thread the other day.

I've dealt with both of you guys and wouldnt hesitate to send money to 9mm or ca11.

That said I'll offer to back both of you up for the sum of the sale if it falls through. Your both good to deal with and if you guys shake hands I'll bet there will be more good biz between you both. We can all say the wrong thing in a post, I'm sure both of you are big enough to move on.


Neither your trader rating nor 9MM has feedback to show either of you did business with each other. Care to share what name was bought in private, he is peddling stolen names after all. Im sure they are not all stolen but you need to check, for the sake of the community, neighbor.


No time to chit-chat
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 25, 2005
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Curious now neighbor. You made this comment ina thread the other day.

Neither your trader rating nor 9MM has feedback to show either of you did business with each other. Care to share what name was bought in private, he is peddling stolen names after all. Im sure they are not all stolen but you need to check, for the sake of the community, neighbor.

What I do is none of your business unless you would like to make it your business.

I cant comment in this thread anymore..... pm me or open a new thread if you feel the need to tap away at your keyboard more. I may reply.. but doubt it.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 2, 2007
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So is this the Iranian hacker?

I definitely think so based off of his writing style. I briefly communicated with this guy about, before realizing it was stolen.

I believe this is also the guy that hacked my email account right before my eyes one night, a couple months ago. Good thing I happened to be online at the time!

This is probably the source of 90% of the thefts.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2005
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I definitely think so based off of his writing style. I briefly communicated with this guy about, before realizing it was stolen.

I believe this is also the guy that hacked my email account right before my eyes one night, a couple months ago. Good thing I happened to be online at the time!

This is probably the source of 90% of the thefts.

Here is info passed on to me from someone the " Iranian Hacker " contacted just this morning. Question is , does the number turn out to be any good or is it a quick setup and disposed. Worth a shot :sigh2:

ICQ : 487093794
Google Talk : xnxxcompany
Phone : +33.870406493


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 8, 2005
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"Iranian Hacker" = the guy who hacked NP and DNF a while ago?


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2005
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Could be. I mean at this poimt it is more a guess then it is factual. See 9MM mentioned he said to him he stole certain names. All those names turn out to be ones stolen by the Iranian Hacker at some point. 9MM being new to the industry would have the knowledge imo to name those lists in such quick reply and link them to his " partner ". To further connect dots money was said to be sent to Iran and Turkey. Add to it the guy in Toronto receiving the funds from jayspot on behalf of this guy is IRANIAN . Hhhmmm the shoe is starting to fit. Giode says styles are the same. I am leaning in this direction. We just spoiled a few names he stole not long ago, it is becoming harder to do what he does. Makes me think he is now using people, to what extent I am not sure. That is how I see it so far. I honestly think 9MM knows more but also am thinking he was a pawn and kept in the dark to an extent. For all we know one of them are two of them, if you follow me :)


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 22, 2007
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DNF Community -

In the interest of justice and in order to provide information of relevance to the thread at hand, I would like to share with you the following information that I obtained in a matter of minutes - regarding the "Iranian Hacker" and his potential associates.

When I ran the following names through the Deep Web - Rent-A-Hitman: Your Point & Click Solution database, I found the following similarities.

DISCLAIMER: Keep in mind that there may be more than one individual with the same name involved in the global Internet community. The results I bring to you may include unrelated or innocent persons. Please use this information wisely. TY

Zafer Ozer

Email addresses at Infospace (Turkey & France), Personal Web Spaces on MySpace, Instant Messaging Profiles on ICQ, Personal Web Profiles on Facebook, and a multitude of other websites and entries.

Aidin Bolourideh
No entries found after scouring the Deep Web.

Ehsan Mahpour
Email addresses at Infospace (Iran), Online Photo Albums - Flickr (he has some photos posted of himself), Personal Web Spaces on MySpace, Online Profiles in the Yahoo Member Directory, Instant Messaging Profiles on ICQ, and Professional Profile & Networking at Linkedin. WEB PAGES: He has contributed to in one form or another - weblogs, server web farm installation, web page redirecting, java script code, WordPress source code, cell phone codes, a gMail anit-spam How To guide and more. He may also be employed by Cruise Connections of Canada in the IT Department.

Arash Irani
Possible residential address in Buena Park, California. Graduate of Savanna High School (1996) in Buena Park. Email addresses at Infospace (Canada, Iran & Kuwait), Online Photo Albums on Flikr, Personal Web Spaces on MySpace, Online Profiles in the Yahoo Member Directory, Instant Messaging Profiles on ICQ, Personal Web Profiles on Facebook, Professional Profile & Networking at Linkedin, and possible business contacts. WEB PAGES: He has contributed to various webpages, some of which I even begin to summarize.

You can perform these searches yourself by clicking here.


PS - No rats were harmed during the writing of this post.


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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Even if he did everything here, If he has no previous criminal record. He wont be doing any time.

I see alot of Canadian, even Ontarionian input here.. includes DNF hosting this (Ontario again). You all might want to realize the implications of your involvement in the event 9mm is not of sound mind, a juvenile even.

Shame on us...sorry kid, you are a good person, good job. :uhoh:


Level 11
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 21, 2006
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One query i have is the one thing everyone believes about 9mm is that hes 16 :eek:

Everything he has done up til now is lies and scamming so why couldnt he be any age, any sex? he may be 50.
remember 'Tiffanyr' anyone? the other day

btw , took one of those links califbob posted, thanks, got these pics at Flickr

bear in mind though, a/ they could be took down anytime b/ potentially it may be another Ehsan Mapour, there could be hundreds of people with same name

This is the largest fraud i have ever seen on here, it really needs professional intervention tbh, has anyone contacted the approprate authorities?


Old Timer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 8, 2006
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9MM ‎(12:21 AM):
i get banned, whoopie
i can make a new account
9MM has being banned many times before.
Guys, lets all be responsible and have a vouching system in place.

I have traded with the guys whose domains were stolen. I hope the have got all of it back and all paid monies are recovered.

i think such a matter shd be reported to the authorities. Ppl dont learn just like that if they are put off the hook. their appetite for risks only gets greater...and 9mm doesnt care if he banned, he can simply make another account. This is bad. knowing no harm to come to them if they commit a crime.


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 14, 2006
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Jeeez, just read the whole thread. Most people have found problems in what 9MM has said except:

My parents are poor
I'm only 16

Sure, this is how we all afford LLL.coms, L-L.coms and CC.nets (see sig).

In his defence, however, I believe the answers will come when we find out more about this Iranian guy. Sure he has done wrong, both here and for the industry, however, at least he is cooperating (relatively).


Level 11
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 21, 2006
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He's quoted as saying, once his mum was dead. Another time, she lives with a rich guy. So that one's gone too.

The cops just need to grill him ad they will find this hacker bloke i'm sure along with his computer records.
So are Canadian authorities onto this? anyone?


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 17, 2007
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When there was that big LLLL/paypal scam, I know an NP member who did some investigations about those hackers and said it is an international crime group, where at least two forum members are involved (including 9MM). He had no proof, and (un)fortunately without proof, there is little one can do here.

I just sent the link to this thread to him. Maybe he can post more info.

And 9MM, the only thing that can be done here is JAIL. You have no respect for the community, and if you would not get punished really well, you would come back with a different account as you said before in the conversation with Alexa.

From being so poor, you had too many money in your hands by scamming other people.

At least I believe you are 16 .. you behave like that. But the problem is really bigger here, there is a network of scammers. 9MM is possibly just one of them, and he needs punishment.
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