If you pay with a debit card where you enter your pin number, then yeah, the bank may take it less seriously, After all, who other than YOU knows the pin number right?.
Does Paypal now allow you to enter your pin number online?, It must be a new feature...LOL.
I voted for Bush huh?... Does ignorance run in your family or are you the only one who suffers from it?
If you pay with a debit card where you enter your pin number, then yeah, the bank may take it less seriously, After all, who other than YOU knows the pin number right?.
Does Paypal now allow you to enter your pin number online?, It must be a new feature...LOL.
I voted for Bush huh?... Does ignorance run in your family or are you the only one who suffers from it?
Right....let's do this
Once I opened the dispute, Seller (Patty) had 10 days to respond. On 7/25, with about 2 hours to spare, Patty responded to PayPal saying the domain names and the development deliverables were "in route." Because she responded within 10 days, that keeps the case open until it is finally reviewed by Paypal. Unfortunately, it is a first come first serve basis and my case is simply on the waiting list.
From what I understand, my recovery will be limited to the amount of money in Patty's account at the time I filed the dispute...which I'm sure is zero.
and to note...you don't need a pin number to use a debit card online...
What happened between TwoStep420 and Juniperpark is enough to convince me that Patty is a fraud... I will no longer try to defend her here.
I did so because I thought she deserved the benefit of the doubt.
I knew Patty had a lot of "hot air", high expectations and all... But I never once figured her for a scammer. With all the correspondence we had, there was not a sign of foul play.
I never thought of myself as naive, but I suppose in this case I was.
You still dont get it do you?.... You cant add a "debit" card card ONLY to your Paypal account without it having a Visa/Mastercard logo, It would be run as a credit card transaction, NOT as a debit.
Just because it is run as a credit transaction doesn't mean it is treated as a credit card transaction and doesn't offer you the same protections as a credit card....again do some research....
Just because it is run as a credit transaction doesn't mean it is treated as a credit card transaction and doesn't offer you the same protections as a credit card....again do some research....
This chat was only 2 months ago.....
[10:31] dnpimping: Patty, I've noticed you are an active member on dnforum. What do you feel about people opening threads and accusing you of being a scammer, when a transaction doesn't go as planned? I noticed you were a vicitm of this recently.
[10:32] Patty Similien: As far as being called a scammer
[10:32] Patty Similien: it was disheartening and I have made mistakes in business before but since then, I have tried to do everything as honest, open and forthcoming as possible
[10:34] Patty Similien: Its a hard road, I barely make alot of money doing what I am doing but I know there is an golden future ahead
[10:45] Patty Similien: The time table is contingent on how fast I can raise fund
[10:45] Patty Similien: no joke
[10:59] Patty Similien: mine is S. Patty Similien
Patty Similien: I got kicked of Namepros
Patty Similien: I couldnt really tell you, they said ppl were complaining, I went through a hard season and they thought I was up to some tricks when I wasnt
Agree, lets do it... No sense in going any further.
If you need any help on this, Please feel free to send me a PM.
You are wrong here. In normal consumer transactions, this would perhaps be true. Not where a possible fraud took place for a big amount like $5k. TwoStep420 can take this issue directly with VISA/MC and the bank that cleared the funds.
You can always bypass PayPal to resolve this and take it directly with Visa/MC. PayPal is a not always stringent in investigating who the aggrieved party was.
It does!. Because the transaction is processed through Visa/Mastercard.
I just did one last month on my debit card against Paypal, which has a Visa logo... They recited the 60 day period, not just verbally but in written form.
I think you need to do your homework little boy and stop dispensing the wrong advice.
i never tried to sell juniper's name for 2500
but I have already been shamed, named and whatever else..
Good night
It was trivia night at Children's Hospital, something I like volunteering for. Sorry that didnt fit in everyone's plans.
Seriously though.. I have nothing more to say.. i made mistakes and I own up to it.. but I never scammed anyone! no one!
have a swell night... I already admitted that I was a people pleaser.
my balance is 5700 dollars so whatever floats your boat to think you are scammed already..
I have been in constant communication, but hey who gives..
No....sorry........visa says your wrong
I'll quote from Visa's VP of Corporate Relations:
Jones says Visa considers all online debit card purchases signature-based purchases and that customers are protected under zero liability if the purchase was fraudulent or the customer was dissatisfied with the product.
So, by YOUR OWN ADMISSION, you accepted a payment of $5,000* from another DNF member 3 weeks ago, without my knowledge or consent (until this thread!).
Forget banning, explain why you should not be prosecuted for FRAUD. And make it good, because the 'other person' has a very convincing story and documentation to back it up.
BTW, I am talking about RNR(.)COM, a domain I own.
I deny it!
I own up to it!
I'm a lawyer!
No, I'm not a lawyer!
I sold 38 domains yesterday, and I blog about it!
I have only sold 2 domains before, and they are secret!
Oh No, somebody put $5,000 in my PayPal account and I don't know why!
Oh No, somebody disputed a $5,000 charge on my PayPal account and I'm fighting it!
I've written software... on an "artificial intelligence chip"...
... but I can't produce a screenshot becuase it's 226 MB
... and I have 50 people testing it but they keep asking where it is...
That's not my MySpace page!
Yes, that's me wishing my sister a happy birthday on my MySpace page!
My company is a spinoff of my Texas Corporation...
... which is not mine...
... and I'm not in Texas...
... although my company name is "Equity of Texas"....
WOW... she's had quite a day.
*the exceptional businesses of our esteemed moderators