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GT Web

DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2003
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Its too bad, because I really can't stand DS at all now...

They banned me for no good reason and have not given me the chance to defend myself in any way. DNF is my home, NP is my garage and DS is the pile of trash which is buring in my yard.

Contract with a minor...hmm, who wants to buy, only $

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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GT Web said:
Its too bad, because I really can't stand DS at all now...

They banned me for no good reason and have not given me the chance to defend myself in any way. DNF is my home, NP is my garage and DS is the pile of trash which is buring in my yard.

Contract with a minor...hmm, who wants to buy, only $

One issue with DS is that some say it is actually too heavily moderated and there is sometimes too much interaction and critiquing of posts and members by the Admins.

Regarding contracts with Minors, that is NOT to be critical so please do not understand, some young members here including GTWeb and NameTower (who I think is quite young - not sure) and a few others are very reliable and excellent members.

The only reason I mentioned that is the apparent fact Dan (or any other minor) could have EASILY got DNF back from GregR well after the sale (and I mean a long time later, when worth a SIGNIFICANTLY more than $5,000) and after the money exchanged (for his used car to get to High School football practice) as a contract or domain/website bill of sale he personally signed was totally voidable as he was a minor and the contract could have been voided from my understanding of the law.

P.S. As low as only $4,500 (with critical mass of 1,200 members, many very active) for DNF circa June 2002 - that is a BIG Ouch still depressing me to this day!

GT Web

DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2003
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RealNames: I understand exactly why you were catious, but if someone wants to scam you, whether they are a minor or not it probably can be done on the net...

I know how you feel, although not the same thing, I missed out on buying a PR6 car website with 200 visitors a day for $250....and now I am kicking myself....

Who knew at the time DNF would become such a massive forum - Greg did an amazing job turning it into a subscription-based forum and then laughed all the way to the bank.

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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GT Web said:
....Greg did an amazing job turning it into a subscription-based forum and then laughed all the way to the bank.

And most said at the time a paid forum would not work. They sure were wrong. Also look at the advertising and affiliate program income here, it is very significant, even more so than paid memberships I am sure.

DCG increased the value and income here immensely compared to GregR (who also did a great job of course).

Another successful paid member forum is webmasterworld where they have both paid and free forums and I understand the paid one is very popular.

GT Web

DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2003
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Greg took at $5000 site and made it into a high $xx,xxx site

Adam is taking a $xx,xxx site to a $xxx,xxx site...

that post looks like an ad for a porno site...too many X's, anyways, good work by both Adam and Greg

Anthony Ng

Legacy Exclusive Member
May 22, 2002
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RealNames said:
And most said at the time a paid forum would not work. They sure were wrong ...
I too underestimated the sign up rate of Platinum membership at that time (March 2003). But unlike some who left DNForum and never come back for disagreeing with a paid forum per se, I was more in doubt of the timing (maturity). I looked awkward being the only person who actually defended that paid forums did work but dissented on going that route right away, I didn't expect anything close to 100 Platinum sign-up's. There WERE indeed close to 100 Platinum sign-up's before Adam (DotComGod) acquired this place in April 2002, but that was still not good enough to justify switching to a subscription-based membership; the real momentum came after that when the new management took over.

On a personal note, I ALMOST left DNForum for good TWICE: first, back in September 2002 when I joined the other place on the 3rd day of their "grand opening", thinking that DNForum would fall without Dan's original mods (we all know that was wrong by now); then again in March 2003 when some blockheads started persecuting political dissidents. I am really happy when that narrow-minded "weekend backyard barbeque" mentality was finally shoved away and replaced by a professional, business-oriented forum culture.


nameslave said:
I am really happy when that narrow-minded "weekend backyard barbeque" mentality was finally shoved away and replaced by a professional, business-oriented forum culture.

I think Adam tried his darn best to make his investment here work, tweaking here, poking there, letting in all the convicts of the previous regime, putting his money where his mouth is, invites, lifetime memberships, free sermons etc etc ... of course when things go real bad, he could always use that wooden club he carries around...


Forum Announcements
Mar 16, 2002
Reaction score
RealNames said:
Hey Dan, Is is correct you were 14 when you started DNF and 15 or 16 when you sold it?

P.S. I sure regret not buying it from you (for that amazingly low price) when I had it within my grasp as I did in 2002. Not buying it was the biggest (by a mile) financial error I have since I have been active with websites/domains on the internet going back to 1996! I think about the missed opportunity all the time.

15 when I first started the site, 15/16 when I sold it? Anyway, I will always regret selling dnforum, just because of how big the site could have been (looking at it now). But at the time, I thought it was the only thing I could do after the mods left. But now, I can safely say I'm happy, as I'm back at making some cash online, that was my dream which I first really accomplished with DNForum.

GT Web said:
Hey Dan!

Good to see you still around, my name is also Daniel, and I am only 16...

You have become somewhat of a legend around here, this is an amazing forum you created!

Thanks, feels good to be appreciated :)

And all about the drama, from how I remember it, it was basically my team of mods presented me an offer for the site ($5,000-$5,500 I beleive), and I turned it down, just because I enjoyed the site and thought it's potential was even greater. Unfortunately, they took it as an insult and left, making their own forum. I think Snoopy is still mad at me for some reason :emba:

I think I'm still cool with safesys and MattyP, heh.

By the way, what's up mole, RealNames, nameslave, and all you other original members? :-D

GT Web

DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2003
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Dan: dont worry about it, I had a sale sort of like that...who remembers:

Either way, you made some good money from this forum, it has been a couple years since you sold it, so its not surprising its grown a lot, just giving the timeframe.

We are all grateful you started DNF and happy you are still around to share your experiences :)


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 28, 2003
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It is always good to remember how we got here by looking at the past. Learn from your mistakes and never regret the past if you are ready to embrace the future...

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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....And all about the drama, from how I remember it, it was basically my team of mods presented me an offer for the site ($5,000-$5,500 I beleive), and I turned it down, just because I enjoyed the site and thought it's potential was even greater. Unfortunately, they took it as an insult and left, making their own forum.......

What really happened judging by my personal involvement is the 3 (now DS Admins) assumed you were playing a game where they first made an offer, you would offer dnf to me for X dollars and I would accept it, and then go back to them trying to make them beat or match that price, and back to me, and so forth to drive up the price.

At the time it appeared they did not believe it was just a total coincidence that I made an offer to buy at the exact time they were attempting to buy the forum (and when I made my first offer I was not aware they were also trying to buy it), but that is the Gospel truth.

It's too bad as IMO we all would be much better off today with 1 large forum rather than the 3 smaller ones we now have. One large knowledge base is better than several small ones. It also would eliminate all the heavy duplicate posts on the 3 forums, especially the constant lists of the same names for sale being posted at all 3 boards.


Level 14
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 20, 2003
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I just read this post for and I need to do right here.

Dan you are now upgraded to Exclusive as you should be.

You will always be welcome here and i consider it an honor to have this forum now, you did a hell of a good job!

I would welcome you here in an active role if you wish.

Best wishes!



Forum Announcements
Mar 16, 2002
Reaction score
DotComGod said:
I just read this post for and I need to do right here.

Dan you are now upgraded to Exclusive as you should be.

You will always be welcome here and i consider it an honor to have this forum now, you did a hell of a good job!

I would welcome you here in an active role if you wish.

Best wishes!


Thanks for the kind gesture, I appreciate it. :cool:

RealNames said:
What really happened judging by my personal involvement is the 3 (now DS Admins) assumed you were playing a game where they first made an offer, you would offer dnf to me for X dollars and I would accept it, and then go back to them trying to make them beat or match that price, and back to me, and so forth to drive up the price.

At the time it appeared they did not believe it was just a total coincidence that I made an offer to buy at the exact time they were attempting to buy the forum (and when I made my first offer I was not aware they were also trying to buy it), but that is the Gospel truth.

It's too bad as IMO we all would be much better off today with 1 large forum rather than the 3 smaller ones we now have. One large knowledge base is better than several small ones. It also would eliminate all the heavy duplicate posts on the 3 forums, especially the constant lists of the same names for sale being posted at all 3 boards.

If that's how they thought things (which is probabaly right considering you knew much of the happenings on dnf), then it really wasn't my intentions at all. Before they made their offer, I remember like a half year before that, I was all ready to sell the site for a couple thousand, and backed out at the last second after some people told me it was a bad idea. All in all, it would have came out perfect if I accepted their offer (which I may should have), but I liked the idea of owning the site myself, and building the site larger. And having pride that it was, my site. And without any furthur notice, right after I declined they branched off, and I thought the site would definitely die if it stayed in my hands without the 3 mods, so Gregr made a last minute move and helped me get the site off my hands, and the site has gone upwards since.

Good times... I think. :) :undecided


DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 13, 2002
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I joined somewhere around Gregr's purchase. Everyone said he was nuts for charging for different levels on a forum. Worked out pretty well, I think.


Visit for domain forsale.
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 10, 2002
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Good to see other old domainer here .... Cheers to you Dan.



Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 18, 2002
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LOL...interesting, so the post was 03-16-2002, 01:56 PM...Should we have a party on 03-16-2008, 01:56 PM ?

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