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Domain Days 2024


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 21, 2005
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Explorer said:
Do you know what % of revenue Google derives from international traffic this year? Do you know that it's projected to be >50% in the next few years?

There are already hundreds if not thousands of developed IDN sites.

As I said before, people will type in URLs in their native language just as we do in English and that traffic will be highly valuable to the local companies.

There are literally ten's of thousands of developed sites for IDN. All of them are waiting for a browser (i.e. IE7, Microsoft owns 90%+ market share in most countries) to allow their customers to freely flow to their sites.

Google just registered their name in chinese characters. Microsoft and Yahoo have registered many IDN's.

Yes, and the international PPC market is something that google, yahoo, msn have overlooked for some time. But not anymore. They have been opening ad revenue streams in every major country for years and are continuing to do so.

Explorer, trying to argue anything logical with Whodatdog is about as useful as ramming your head against a brick wall. I would love to pull up some of his past quotes and will do so if I feel it's need to prove that he doesn't know jack crap.

I guess I'll give back the $130.00 I made on one single Thai idn last mont with no promotion in a country that barely has any idn support. Yes, they have no future. lol.


Level 8
Legacy Gold Member
Sep 24, 2005
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Sarcle said:
There are literally ten's of thousands of developed sites for IDN. All of them are waiting for a browser (i.e. IE7, Microsoft owns 90%+ market share in most countries) to allow their customers to freely flow to their sites.

Google just registered their name in chinese characters. Microsoft and Yahoo have registered many IDN's.

Yes, and the international PPC market is something that google, yahoo, msn have overlooked for some time. But not anymore. They have been opening ad revenue streams in every major country for years and are continuing to do so.

Explorer, trying to argue anything logical with Whodatdog is about as useful as ramming your head against a brick wall. I would love to pull up some of his past quotes and will do so if I feel it's need to prove that he doesn't know jack crap.

I guess I'll give back the $130.00 I made on one single Thai idn last mont with no promotion in a country that barely has any idn support. Yes, they have no future. lol.

The reason you don't like what I say is because it goes against your cult-like beliefs. Your arguments are very similar to those made for companies with no earnings during the tech stock market bubble. Everyone said that the earnings would be in the future until finally it was all over.

My argument is pretty simple....if you haven't made a ton on money in regular dotcoms then what makes you think you are so sharp? And if you have made a bunch of money in dotcoms then why would you give up that gravy train?

Most IDNs and other extentions are traded among the speculators. There are exceptions, but they only prove the rule. You will never get the usage that is required to make it work. Most of the people who speculate in these things have never had a great dotcom, and once again the exceptions prove the rule.

I saw a post on another message board that asked what was the most anyone had ever spent on a domain name and a strong majority of the people said Reg Fee or $50....the types that have the names you cannot pronounce or spell, and in extentions most humans have never heard of. As people make it their life's mission to run as far away from dotcom as possible their defenses become more silly, and their future dates of when it will all come together keep getting postponed.

Many of these same people were in the domain business when they could have had the million dollar names, but they couldn't figure it out. I wasn't smart enough to get into the business back then, but I am smart enough to figure it out now.


Since 1997
Legacy Platinum Member
May 5, 2006
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I love IDN names, although I would guess there is a huge number of people out there that don't even have cyrillic support enabled, which basically makes the name worthless.

I'm curious if anyone has statistics how many people on the net have the cyrillic characters installed and if the value of IDN's is more promising in one country vs. another...

The thing of find most annoying about IDN's is the current process for searching for a name. It's an extremely time consuming task and it's tough to really know if the name is actually available or not. Someone has to come up with a more streamlined and definitive search method IMO.


The Bishop
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 16, 2005
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I have to admit that I have been some what cynical of IDN's but I can now see their value with the help of this thread.

Although I suspect that it will be on Par with ccTLDs, with the odd few making the headlines.

However I wont knock it as no-one knows and we can only speculate, if we all speculated on the same thing then domaining would not be as much fun.

Domaining to me is secondary as I only make about $6k a month on it, but I do respect the few that try to find other routes to market. I know if I had the time I would dabble in all the markets.


Level 10
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 28, 2005
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Next big things, or things that become bigger, IMO:

PPC sites that look like content sites or become content sites. They have to evolve into something more than a page with links. It's already starting to happen but hasn't evolved into what it will be yet.

Pay per action: instead of pay per click, you get paid when a browser takes some sort of action, like a purchase, giving their email, etc. People with highly targetted commercial domains will make a killing with this.

More first-time domain buyers, or someone inventing an application where 'everyone' needs to have their own domain name. Imagine tens of millions of people searching for their own personal domain name? Maybe some sort of application that lets you call someone, text someone, leave a message, get a message, read a resume, etc all through one domain. One domain does it all.

I think IDNs are still to have their day. It just makes too much sense that non-english people will want to surf in their own language. Has only reached a fraction of what it will be, and we're talking billions of non-english speaking people in emerging makets like China, Russia, Brazil, India, etc.

Someone discovers a way to cut down click fraud.

More social and interaction type websites (like MySpace)

More value in Local search domains.

Advertising dollars spent on the internet continues to explode at the expense of TV and newspaper ads.

Big domain players continue to get bigger by buying up portfolios.


Level 8
Legacy Gold Member
Sep 24, 2005
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hugegrowth said:
Next big things, or things that become bigger, IMO:

PPC sites that look like content sites or become content sites. They have to evolve into something more than a page with links. It's already starting to happen but hasn't evolved into what it will be yet.

Pay per action: instead of pay per click, you get paid when a browser takes some sort of action, like a purchase, giving their email, etc. People with highly targetted commercial domains will make a killing with this.

More first-time domain buyers, or someone inventing an application where 'everyone' needs to have their own domain name. Imagine tens of millions of people searching for their own personal domain name? Maybe some sort of application that lets you call someone, text someone, leave a message, get a message, read a resume, etc all through one domain. One domain does it all.

I think IDNs are still to have their day. It just makes too much sense that non-english people will want to surf in their own language. Has only reached a fraction of what it will be, and we're talking billions of non-english speaking people in emerging makets like China, Russia, Brazil, India, etc.

Someone discovers a way to cut down click fraud.

More social and interaction type websites (like MySpace)

More value in Local search domains.

Advertising dollars spent on the internet continues to explode at the expense of TV and newspaper ads.

Big domain players continue to get bigger by buying up portfolios.

Very good.


Level 4
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 19, 2004
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hugegrowth said:
Next big things, or things that become bigger, IMO:

PPC sites that look like content sites or become content sites. They have to evolve into something more than a page with links. It's already starting to happen but hasn't evolved into what it will be yet.

Pay per action: instead of pay per click, you get paid when a browser takes some sort of action, like a purchase, giving their email, etc. People with highly targetted commercial domains will make a killing with this.

More first-time domain buyers, or someone inventing an application where 'everyone' needs to have their own domain name. Imagine tens of millions of people searching for their own personal domain name? Maybe some sort of application that lets you call someone, text someone, leave a message, get a message, read a resume, etc all through one domain. One domain does it all.

I think IDNs are still to have their day. It just makes too much sense that non-english people will want to surf in their own language. Has only reached a fraction of what it will be, and we're talking billions of non-english speaking people in emerging makets like China, Russia, Brazil, India, etc.

Someone discovers a way to cut down click fraud.

More social and interaction type websites (like MySpace)

More value in Local search domains.

Advertising dollars spent on the internet continues to explode at the expense of TV and newspaper ads.

Big domain players continue to get bigger by buying up portfolios.

Bravo. I think your analysis is spot on, and based on solid fact.

Just as companies have been moving online and continue to do so, people will also start building a more sophisticated online presence to showcase/sell themselves to their peers and potential employers. So far it is only a tech savvy few that are doing more than the regular blog.
*There is an article on Sedo about Hollywood stars and the domains of their children's names.
*Enom now have a "map subdomain" feature in their control panel.
I also think domain names will play an increasing role in VOIP. Technically and practically it makes sense.

Something else that I can see developing:
As it becomes harder and substantially more expensive to find that perfect name for a website, owners of high quality generic domains specific to a certain subject area will be able to negotiate for a share in the equity and still hold on to the domain. Although perhaps a 3rd party may need to be involved to secure the interests of both sides.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 2, 2003
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I agree with you guys next big thing will be turnkey sites for domainers with news feeds and content based on key words and lowcost hosting, most domainers can reg names some with lots of traffic but cant build sites,(most domainers not all)first company that provides this at a reasonable cost also turnkey will get a ton of business


The Bishop
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 16, 2005
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Turnkey sites? are you kidding?

Fatter what you describe is con sites that are designed for the sole purpose of adsense, you are talking duplicate content and of no benefit to the surfer whatsoever.

These Adsense sites are just wrong, they offer nothing and look like someone barffed adsense all over them.

what hugegrowth said was PPC sites that looked like content sites or evolved to be content sites, now that sounds somewhat better as his view was that of at least giving something to the surfer.

Creating sites with crap articles and rss feeds just aint gravy.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 2, 2003
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when I said turnkey I meant turnkey for the domainer no work involved other than using the CC. the content portion could be contracted out to countries like india where 50 bucks could probably get a pretty good site


The Bishop
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 16, 2005
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as long as the site offers something real and relative and not just one of these paid for crap adsense sites that we keep seeing, with people just pulling search results from a search engine or rss feed and then filling it all with adsense.

It looks crap and serves no purpose. Google is cracking down on such sites and quite rightly too.


Level 10
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 28, 2005
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I think you summed it up when you said 'give something to the surfer'. If your domain is about recliner chairs, then I think good content would be an article about recliner chairs, massage recliners, what to look for when buying a recliner, etc. something that would provide some useful information to someone on that subject. Sure, have the PPC links on there but also some useful stuff related to the domain. I try to buy domains that describe the product or category, like "chocolate candy", or "business degrees", then find an article on the subject from a free article content site. You have to provide a link to the writer's site but that's a fair price to pay for getting some useful information up on a webpage quick. BTW, most of the domains I buy are .ca so you can still get some good quality terms like the examples I gave. If I can find something decent in .com then I'll grab it too, like "satphone plans" or "adult learning programs" are two I was able to get in the past year.


The Bishop
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 16, 2005
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I own one of the largest Article Sites out there with more than 55,000 pages that do have 2 adsense ads on each page.. also has overture contextual advertising where it picks highpaying keywords inside a document and links it to an advertiser, then it has PPC search results from Miva.

It looks good and it really does give excellent information to the surfer.

it only generates $2000 a month at the moment but its only been live for 3 months.

So lets see what happens in a years time.

content content content.. its the answer.. search engines love it if it is relative and its a great resource for researchers and just for information...
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