Here's a promo you can use to convince more Liberal Americans (your kind) to move to Canada.
C'mon Move to Canada!
No need to thank me.
If hypocrites could fly, DNF would be a Airport.
Watch out for thieves and scammers Patty... If you haven't been to DC before, it's like a Garden Oasis in the middle of a toilet bowl that's never been flushed.
I went there a few years ago so I'm speaking from experience.... Outside the tourists areas, you'll need full body armour to get around. I shouldn't have to tell you this, you know exactly what I'm talking about.
You cant even walk the streets at night, You would think this would be the safest city in America, but it's FAR from it.
I'm just warning others what a hell hole Washington DC is.
We walked all around, and if you looked to the side or behind many of these beautiful buildings, it looked like the ghetto.... NO exaggeration.
I was even scammed by a guy asking to change a 20, and this happened in the hotel parking lot... Everyone knows Tourist's are a easy target, and I think it's more so in DC... Hopefully Patty and other attendees wont be victim to this sort of thing.
No need to get all offended Onward, I'm just telling it like it is.
You would be on the first flight.. There is no bigger hypocrite on this board than you. Everyone sees though the pathetic hyperbole you spew on this board.
Case in point- everyone can see what you said about your nations capital just 2 weeks ago here on this board .. Some freedom huh ? Can't even walk the streets at night ?? You can't even roam around your streets without feeling threatened ?? Well, we can...... Your petty childishness knows no limits with how you fly off the cliff with "theinvestor" here, like you do with most people on this board..
But of course, we wouldn't expect anything more from a die-hard Bush supporter. Now you can go flush yourself in your own words..:lol:.. You're done.
Thanks for telling us all how it is......
Irony is the best form of comedy, thanks for proving that to all of us.
Case closed :angel:
I thought this thread wasnt suppose to get heated... so much for the one word responses! hahaha
That,s the Tube, good find Raider, I,m still waiting here in Canada for the shariah law to pass, to make up to 4 wives legal. Hope I won,t be too old and pass before it doesOf course, if my wife finds out, I will be dead anyways, oh well, I like dreaming ...
Here is a suggestion Acquisition leave Raider alone and she won't bother you. It was you who started it first and continued it through to another thread. Just give it up.
And since when are Americans free? You mean like the government spying on it's people ? Bush destroying the constitution and peoples rights ? With Obama right there in tow.
Funny.. I went to Cuba on vacation twice and had a blast. That's something raider isn't "free" enough to do.. Nevermind the fact that I can travel the world and receive smiles and great hospitality as everyone loves canadians. Try to go abroad with a US passport and you're always looking over your shoulder.
The primitive racism still prevalent in the US is a total joke.. That's what freedom really is ? hmm.. You don't see that on an every day level in Canada, most of Europe, Australia etc like you do in the states.
And of course how the US education system is in the crapper. People who can't afford the high cost of private schools are stuck with a public education system that builds minds resembling that of a toad.. That's free? Well my kids sure won't be in involved in that sort of freedom, that's for certain.
It's free how so many americans are gullible & affected/programmed by what their MSM says ?
It's free to get locked up for years all because of a joint ? That's freedom ? huh ??
The fact that the US has more people in prison for non-violent crimes per capita than any other country on earth, is freedom ? And the fact that the US has more violent criminals walking amongst their citizens than any other country on earth, is free ? But that's a whole other story for another day.....
You mean US freedom like having a drinking age of 21, while in Canada it's 19 (and in some places 18).. You know, when people officially enter adulthood.. People in the States aren't even allowed to drink when they become an adult, and need to wait 3 years into adulthood.. Canada's lower drinking age certainly hasn't affected the intelligence level of our youth, as Canada is ranked firmly in the top 10 internationally when it comes to education, compared to the US ranked in the 40's.. .. And of course it hasn't affected the drunk driving rate as America has a higher rate than Canada does..
You mean the freedom of a country that doesn't even manufacture anything anymore ? A country that has become a service industry nation with no backbone in manufacturing goods, is freedom ???
Freedom is the elite controlling corporations that control the US government ? You don't say....
Have you seen the list of ridiculous laws imposed in the US just over the past 10 yrs ?
Look at all the tent cities propping up in America- (we don't have anything close to resembling that here, or in Europe, Britain, Australia etc- the civilized world)
I guess it's freedom how you will be strangled by the US federal obligations exceeding $65 Trillion, higher than the world GDP, that YOU american citizens will have to pay for.. Did you forget about the freedom of the US federal reserve paper presses imposing on all your freedoms ?
That's Free ? :lol:
I'm very happy to be free of all that nonsense.
I'm a dual citizen of both Canada and the US, but I choose to not live in the US for many reasons (some of which I stated in this thread- but there's quite a bit more to say).. If Ron Paul got elected though, I may have had to reconsider- as he was the only man who could have fixed that country steering it back on the right and proper path.. He really would have changed things... But for now, and the foreseeable future, I will stick to my yearly routine of hitting the Florida keys during January and February-- when I am not in some other country that has a tropical climate at that time of year (as lately I have skipped Florida hitting other countries and enjoyed my time immensely).. But I have a distinct feeling that Florida will be crossed off the list altogether soon the way things are headed.
Acquisition i think you hit the nail on the head with that post....
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