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Why no Female Moderators here?

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Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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I often wonder why their are NO Women Moderators here, Is it because none apply or is it because their turned down?.... I think it would be great to have one on board here, it would not only show some diversity, but would be beneficial to Female members who have issues that Women can better relate to.

Your thoughts....
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Pink Lover!
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 20, 2007
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I think her point is that if a man does something to a woman on this board then others turn their face as though they don't see it happening. There is no real punishment to them. Its not taken serious if a male member is reported. She has an incident that shes apparently reported and nothing came of it.

I don't think shes saying all members are this way but apparently there are some that are. I think she feels by having a female mod she will be more understand to a womans point of view.

I feel as though whether its a man or woman if they are being completely disrespectful to other members there should be some type of ban or something.

This board is known for its high standards so when an issue arises whether its a man or woman involved they should be used as a lesson for others. That all should be treated with respect and EQUALLY!


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 3, 2007
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You wouldn't wanna be in the firing line on that time of the month though.

you telling me...that's seems to be what happened to me when i got temporarily banned in April...........still have no idea what the hell i did....


Canadian Emcee
Legacy Gold Member
Nov 29, 2007
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I think her point is that if a man does something to a woman on this board then others turn their face as though they don't see it happening. There is no real punishment to them. Its not taken serious if a male member is reported. She has an incident that shes apparently reported and nothing came of it.

I don't think shes saying all members are this way but apparently there are some that are. I think she feels by having a female mod she will be more understand to a womans point of view.

I feel as though whether its a man or woman if they are being completely disrespectful to other members there should be some type of ban or something.

This board is known for its high standards so when an issue arises whether its a man or woman involved they should be used as a lesson for others. That all should be treated with respect and EQUALLY!

You may be right, but maybe the issue is that there are not enough mods on the forum? We got the owner Adam, admin MediaHound, then the only active mods I can think of are Johnn and BiggeDon, but this is not enough to take care of every single issue, right? There are so many "personal conflicts" going on in the forum still that monitoring and punishing isn't that easy.

If a mod would actually ignore a female reporting a male that's stupid, it has nothing to do with gender, some people don't even say their gender, that's just silly! :yes:


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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I think her point is that if a man does something to a woman on this board then others turn their face as though they don't see it happening. There is no real punishment to them. Its not taken serious if a male member is reported. She has an incident that shes apparently reported and nothing came of it.

I don't think shes saying all members are this way but apparently there are some that are. I think she feels by having a female mod she will be more understand to a womans point of view.

I feel as though whether its a man or woman if they are being completely disrespectful to other members there should be some type of ban or something.

This board is known for its high standards so when an issue arises whether its a man or woman involved they should be used as a lesson for others. That all should be treated with respect and EQUALLY!


Thank you!... Good example why we need a female mod, I seriously think you should apply Pink Misfit. :yes: I'll try to find the link.

You should apply Raider...who cares how many peope dislike you? Are we here to make friends or money?

Good point Jazz!.... Thanks ;)

Money of course :yes:


Pink Lover!
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 20, 2007
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You may be right, but maybe the issue is that there are not enough mods on the forum? We got the owner Adam, admin MediaHound, then the only active mods I can think of are Johnn and BiggeDon, but this is not enough to take care of every single issue, right? There are so many "personal conflicts" going on in the forum still that monitoring and punishing isn't that easy.

If a mod would actually ignore a female reporting a male that's stupid, it has nothing to do with gender, some people don't even say their gender, that's just silly! :yes:

I think it depends on what you mean by personal conflict. If its just an I dont like you, dont talk to me okay fine lets ignore each other. But when it comes to the fact the person is a total asshole and goes out of their way to cause problems and then the person does the right thing (as an adult) and reports them to staff so it can be dealt with instead of causing a lot of drama and then nothing comes of it? Thats a bit silly (using your words). We are on this board to conduct business, and learn. If you make friends thats great but being allowed to come to a forum and degrade people should not be allowed.


Canadian Emcee
Legacy Gold Member
Nov 29, 2007
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I think it depends on what you mean by personal conflict. If its just an I dont like you, dont talk to me okay fine lets ignore each other. But when it comes to the fact the person is a total asshole and goes out of their way to cause problems and then the person does the right thing (as an adult) and reports them to staff so it can be dealt with instead of causing a lot of drama and then nothing comes of it? Thats a bit silly (using your words). We are on this board to conduct business, and learn. If you make friends thats great but being allowed to come to a forum and degrade people should not be allowed.

...and I do agree with you, while for instance, me and you may not get along, we don't go out of our way to insult each other or anything (at least for the most part). However, if I were to privately insult you, or vice versa, or even to insult you on one of your threads, that's immature and the person should be punished, or at least warned the first time. Personal attacks should not be tolerated, however mods can't always resolve every problem, there is just too much work to be done, therefore the solution is for more mods to join, male or female doesn't really matter as long as they are responsible enough and willing to do the job.


Pink Lover!
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 20, 2007
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Well this could be debated by several different people and every opinion would be different. Its possible that the staff is short handed and would benefit from having more mods. But this actual thread is targeted directly as women not being taken as seriously as men. She had an issue and reported it more than once and nothing happened. If the something similar happened to a man the person would have probally been banned or more action would have been against them. In her defense shes saying that by having all male mods its more one sided when a gender situation does arise. By having a female mod they would tend to understand the womans point of view and help the other mods determine what discplinary actions should be taken.


Canadian Emcee
Legacy Gold Member
Nov 29, 2007
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Few Points (on topic):

A - Say there are 2000 active members and 100 are female, a fair "un-bias'd" ratio of mods would be 20:1 male, right?

B - Not everyone lists their gender or puts their name on their profile

C - If she reported it several times, how does she know nothing was done? Did the mod reply saying "Can't do anything!" or maybe the person got a warning point (but not ban) and then it stopped?

D - If the mods did know about the situation and decided NOT to take action, then they would be to blame and the problem is not just the "male" but the "mod" as well.

E - If your going to complain, I mean there are about 3 females agreeing about this so far right? Why don't one of you step up to the plate? If you have the credentials and are willing to do good, then it'd be great, but don't be biased and over punish the males and under punish the females.

Someone else say something, I'm out of the convo for a while ;)

domain newbie

Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Mar 13, 2005
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But this actual thread is targeted directly as women not being taken as seriously as men. She had an issue and reported it more than once and nothing happened.

whats the problem biaaaches?? gender has nothing to do with the Raiders problems~ when i report whatever it's taken seriously (nometta how zexy i am :D)

she's probably reporting nonstop


Pink Lover!
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 20, 2007
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whats the problem biaaaches?? gender has nothing to do with Raiders problems~ when i report whatever it's taken seriously (nometta how zexy i am :D)


Well I don't know if she has other issues im going by whats posted. Her point is basically by having a female mod they would understand female members point of views from a different aspect than a man would. Since I been on here I haven't really reported anyone so I haven't been in any bad situations.

Name calling however such as whore, b i t c h, slut those types of things targeted at women should be a no no. No matter who you are.

domain newbie

Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Mar 13, 2005
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hey- i was just going to edit and you quoted me

if raider does not respect anyone- she cant expect it back

p.s. what's the difference between "mans view" and "females view" ?
Last edited:


Pink Lover!
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 20, 2007
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hey- i was just going to edit and you quoted me

if raider does not respect anyone- she cant expect it back

what's the difference between "mans view" and "females view" ?

Man - Whats up b i t c h es! (Slang or can be considered no big deal. Just a way of saying hello. I see this happen a lot. (not necessarily on any board)

OR saying shes such a b i t c h. Most guys dont really take that being said to heart or serious.

If you say this to a woman most will be offended.

Me personally I can be a ***** if rubbed the wrong way and really could care less what people think about me. But I do not go out of my way to be rude or disrespectful to anyone on this board or in real life and I expect the same in return.

A mans point of view and a womans vary on the situation but you get what im saying.

If you was calling me a whore and disrepecting me I would report you and expect some kind of action to be taken. If not then its bull sh i t.


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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C - If she reported it several times, how does she know nothing was done? Did the mod reply saying "Can't do anything!" or maybe the person got a warning point (but not ban) and then it stopped?

Let me get something straight... I don't make frivolous reports, For the year I probably made 5-7 altogether, Most of the time I let them go.... This one case I couldn't, NOTHING was being done about it, I had to make quite a few follow-ups to get any action, Weeks later and another follow-up, I got the word from the higher up.

Warning, with NO points issued.

I've seen people get temp-bans for things that by far pale in comparison... It's not just the reports, It's the sexist comments in the threads, which I almost never report... Nothing would be done anyway, so why waste my time?

but don't be biased and over punish the males and under punish the females.

Nobody is saying that at all... Where are you getting this from?.


Canadian Emcee
Legacy Gold Member
Nov 29, 2007
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Let me get something straight... I don't make frivolous reports, For the year I probably made 5-7 altogether, Most of the time I let them go.... This one case I couldn't, NOTHING was being done about it, I had to make quite a few follow-ups to get any action, Weeks later and another follow-up, I got the word from the higher up.

Warning, with NO points issued.

I've seen people get temp-bans for things that by far pale in comparison... It's not just the reports, It's the sexist comments in the threads, which I almost never report... Nothing would be done anyway, so why waste my time?

Nobody is saying that at all... Where are you getting this from?.

You can't expect people to be banned for just saying something rude. They may be warned, you don't know if they are warned or not unless you have their accounts password.

What I meant was if there is a female mod, they shouldn't respect other females more then males and punish a male worse then a male mod would, it's not about whether the mods have a .... or a ... it's just about whether they are responsible enough to do the job. Either the mods are not doing the job right or there is just too much work for a limited amount of mods to handle.

CYA later guys (oh my bad, and girls!)


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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You can't expect people to be banned for just saying something rude. They may be warned, you don't know if they are warned or not unless you have their accounts password.

Temp-Banned would of been fitting, The party was warned and I made a inquiry asking what the punishment was....... Look, if you know me, I cross my T's and dot my i's....I get as much facts as I can before making a claim..

You wont find any "Godaddy Screwed me" Threads started by Raider because she failed to renew her domains.


Canadian Emcee
Legacy Gold Member
Nov 29, 2007
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Okay, so someone broke the rules right? It's still the mods call of what to do. I had someone insult me and call my whole country down on here in open thread and he didn't get punished, but I don't really care. Even a warning without warning points is still a punishment. You don't really have to punish people for everything. So what, someone didn't get banned for it? They still received a "punishment" of which in this case you said was a warning. If they continue to do it after the warning, I'm sure a temp ban will be placed on their account.


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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Maybe a mod can chime in on this question;....

When someone makes a report, a serious offense.. Is it ever discussed between the mods?.... If it is, then its all the more reason why we need a Woman Mod.

9mm... I understand your points, Your concern is that you dont want special treatment awarded to one gender over the other. I dont either and I'm not advocating that.


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 7, 2004
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Raider, I need an education here before I start stating opinion...
Why can't you ignore rude comments made towards you?
We all have our insecurities and personal issues. I just never imagined allowing statements made over the Internet bother me to a point where I have to take action.

Gender doesn't matter on a business forum.

Listen Raider, we all have our flaws. I have a laundry list of personal issues I would be happy to own up to (too emotional, opinionated on religion issues, certain personal insecurities, blah blah blah).

But you do need to own up to the fact that you encourage the bullshit being thrown at you. Even if 100% of all the insults, hurtful comments, etc all came from "truly immature" (i hate calling people immature, its a dangerous word) people, the fact is... you DO encourage it and don't let it drop. This is seen in the debate forums on a regular basis.

I'm not saying I'm any better! But I enjoy it, and learn from it. I refine myself based on all responses. I learn from immaturity, sometimes acting out on my own! The fact of the matter is, I don't let it bother me. Now... if this was called Anxiety Forum, and we were discussing issues like depression, social anxiety, etc... everything would be different.

But your deep involvement with the off-topic extreme debate threads coupled with your unique style... well, that is how The Internets work.


Former DNF Admin
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 25, 2004
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I would like to say a few things here.
Raider started this thread as a direct response to my asking her to remove a quote from her signature that stated that "when a man does something he is being a man and when a woman does something she is being a bi*ch." Thats not verbatim as its not saved on this computer, but its 95% exact, that's basically what it said, I doubt she will disagree with that.
When I asked her to earlier in the day (yesterday), she took the signature down and then started this thread.
Second of all, the DNForum staff that I have come to know are in no way prejudicing others. Raider is not being treated the way she is because she is a female. As John has stated already, we dont discriminate. My comment to her to take the quote down was because I saw it in a thread where she had posted. I quoted rule #1 to her in the request:
1. No content that is considered racist, sexist, obscene, objectionable, or otherwise offensive comments will be tolerated. All such posts will be deleted without notice. This includes avatars. This could result in the loss of your membership without reimbursement.
She claims one thing, and is (misunderstood?) acting another way.
Third, she claims nothing was done when she was at the receiving end of some drama on the forums, when infact as much was done to make the problem go away. I stepped in and took care of the problem, and it stopped. Now the problem surfaces here in this thread as a reincarnation of something that does not even exist anymore to begin with.
Pulling the "woe is me, I'm a female and being treated differently" card is really inappropriate, the truth is that we see beyond the sex of the member, most of us have wives even and love and respect women.
To answer the question raised in the title of the thread,
"Why (are there) no female moderators here?" - is it's simply by chance. Perhaps one day it will change, I actually look forward to it. The moderator would be reviewed and considered the same way as the male moderators have been inducted. We have our eyes on prospects and, in addition, anyone is welcome to apply. Either send me a PM or fill a support ticket here:
I doubt Raider wants to, but she is more than welcome to apply.
We are nearing a point where we can take on a new moderator. Scorpio has been busy lately and the workload is certainly getting greater. Biggie and John and Lord do a great job. And yes, to answer the other question, we do often discuss members and reported posts, and we have several ongoing threads and discussions about these sort of things. Reported posts go into a special forum where the moderators can discuss the issue at hand if it needs to be discussed further with the other mods.
Last, I would kindly like to point out to everyone the following rule:
21. Users may disagree with the decisions or actions of the moderators and/or administrators, however, disagreements, criticism and the like are not to be aired within the forums. Please feel free to PM the person directly rather than air your dirty laundry in public.
We have procedure in place to discuss disagreements, and the forums are not the place for it as you can tell from the rule.
Thanks to everyone for your cooperation. Let's keep it on topic and address the question raised in the title and first post.
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