The first auctions will either make or break this extension. Hopefully make it. Should be interesting.
Yeah, so much for Sedo thinking they were above the law and could do whatever they pleased.Hmm, I remember what happened with Sedo and .mobi, that was catastrophic !!:upset:
Hmm, I remember what happened with Sedo and .mobi, that was catastrophic !!:upset:
This, along with several others in the list...nice to see that someone gets what the keyword + extension is all about and
I think it's pure speculation, even if the UK or the US government wants to go down that route the rest of the world will not follow.I'm also more than certain over the years there will be much discussion about moving all adult sites residing on .com extensions over to that of .xxx, or simply the government stepping in and saying only adult sites can reside on .xxx and all sites remaining on .com will be closed down by ISP's, something will happen in the future surrounding this movement I'm sure, its inevitable based on the structuring of this new extension and there vision they have.
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Exactly. People shouldn't get into the habit of talking themselves (or others) into thinking their recent investment is going to be gold because there is a good chance it will not. People thought .mobi would become the standard for mobile sites. It didn't. mobi is not needed just like .xxx is not needed. Its just vanity and any laws passed regarding it will be in for a very long fight with various groups and companies. also you should note that the .xxx people say they have no interest or intentions on .xxx becoming mandatory. I bought some .xxx domains, about 10. There is a good chance it could be a waste. Like any new tld with so many domains just being parked and many not even activating their icm membership makes it a very uphill battle for .xxx to be relevant.I think it's pure speculation, even if the UK or the US government wants to go down that route the rest of the world will not follow.
The problem is also to define what exactly is adult. Some sites may contain mild contents here and there but are hardly adult.
Not to mention cultural differences: typical advertising in Western countries would be considered pornographic in Islamic countries.
What you describe essentially is an attempt to create a separate Internet.
The last such experiment that I remember (not MSN or AOL) was called .mobi.
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