Are you kidding me? Speak for yourself kid.
I would be interested to know where you have sold domains. Maybe it is not slowing down for you because you had no sales to begin with. Or maybe you are one of the many domain braggers lying to people about the endless riches you get from domaining.
If you constantly start threads with a price and constantly keep lowering the price every few days then nobody is going to take the names seriously.....$300.....$250.....$180......$80.......everybody knows it is going lower, so why buy?
90 perent of the people put up threads with their wishing price.....and if you hope to get lucky then it won't happen. There is a poster MrsJello, I believe, who puts a ton of names up with prices listed......every time she/he lists names I see the same buyers jumping in and buying immediately.
When you list a price everybody knows that is the MOST that you want....what is the LEAST you will take? If you start putting your best names out there with prices that are good deals for the buyer, then you might get some sales. If you continue to list your worst names because you want to pay your bills then you will get the silent treatment.
If you would actually pay the money you ask for the names listed then it is a good deal. You are dreaming if you think you can put names out that you recently paid reg fee for and have others pay your way....not in this market....unless you come up with more creative names.
If you want to make it in business you need to sell a product that you would actually buy yourself. Just because a name has a decent keyword doesn't mean it is a good name. You have to be a little creative and come up with names that make practical sense.
If you have names of value at a price to match then you will get sales. If you don't then you will quit the business.