how do you monetize .mobi sites? How does AdSense for Mobiles work? Most people who click on AdSense ads on computers do so because they happen to think its part of the site (hence the tendency to make the ads in the same format/color as the site). How do you think that can happen on a mobile phone when the information is concise and there is no free roaming mouse pointer? Wouldn't a surfer on a mobile site click on ads only if he really wanted to, as opposed to casual clicking, as it happens on a PC, because of the simple fact that you're much more conscious of ads (as they are more prominent) on a mobile than on a PC?
First off sashas, I like that you instantly bring up adsense, as if that is the definition of profit online. That is what any predictive industry is about, predicting that growth. Predicting the next big advertising delivery method for example.
I also like how most of the examples you give in this thread are based on current standards, instead of implied LOGICAL growth. For example, your statement about people in India desiring cheap, working phones purely for talking. Look how quickly the next technology gets cheaper from year to year, hell month to month. The point is, that in no time at all, cell phones used to browse the Internet will be the cheap phones for your countrymen!
So I started reading this thread, and after spending 10 minutes I realized I was going to be here for a while, and took an early lunch.
Is it really that much of a mystery, or are a lot of you completely clueless to Internet business? I cannot believe all the strong voices here with little to no Internet business experience...
A brief list of the most basic advertising/revenue generation ideas...
- mobi sites will advertise on other mobi sites.
- Brand recognition. You know, the mass advertising that is about getting a given image or message into people's heads... where its not always about the click. Big corporate advertising.
- SALES!!! I have actually bought a half dozen things from Amazon on my phone, and have bid on ebay many times.
.mobi is NOTHING like biz, info, or any other country codes. It is a product, that can be used to supplement an estabilshed dot com. .infos can be products too, but they dont tailor to a such a specific growing, heavily used application.
The key here is branding and idiot users. I have seen it in my own family. My living grandparents are hopeless, they will not be using Internet on their phones. But!! I have seen them progress to use a contact list!
My dad just started using the Internet on his phone. He was so excited when seeing a map of thunderstorms in his area, on his phone. These are the users that will truly feel the .mobi PRODUCT, not domain.
Unlike the nets and orgs, as I already stated mobi is more of a product. You can brand and advertise it to the masses on the superbowl, resulting in minimal confusion to the .com. Advertising will logically result in higher amounts of confusion, and .com push.
Another example of it as a huge promotional tool, adn why .mobi is more than just hype.. "Hello world, this is a commercial. We are, you have heard of us! Well our games section is very popular, as you know! Play these games on your cell phone! Visit!!!!"
All it is going to take is ONE spelled-out 30 second commercial. I picture one in the style of these PC vs. Mac commercials, quickly educating the user on how the given .mobi site is a stand alone product, and will be everywhere. Why? Cause CEOs are stupid. One CEO sees Apple doing it and its an overnight chain reaction. "OMG WE MUST LAUNCH LAPTOPS.MOBI! IMAGINE THE SUPPORT AND SALES WE COUULD GENERATE FOR PEOPLE WHEN THEIR LAPTOPS BREAK!" (stupid example i know, but im tired of wasting time on creative examples).
Nothing like this has happened, so please for the love of Jesus, stop comparing mobi to other extensions. There are similarities between .mobi and .info as a product-based domain to supplement a .com, HOWEVER the .info has little to no commercial aspects or just outright excitement.