You can't "prove" something is worthless. You can prove something has worth (at least to someone) by selling it. Go to it!
Exactly my point!
And thank you!
You can't "prove" something is worthless. You can prove something has worth (at least to someone) by selling it. Go to it!
Are these worthless to you?
All of them are .com's
afghanistanafghanistan (Estibot Value: $240)
armeniaarmenia (Estibot Value: $350)
austriaaustria (Estibot Value: $380)
azerbaijanazerbaijan (Estibot Value: $340)
belgiumbelgium (Estibot Value: $450)
beninbenin (Estibot Value: $450)
boliviabolivia (Estibot Value: $870)
botswanabotswana (Estibot Value: $230)
colombiacolombia (Estibot Value: $850)
denmarkdenmark (Estibot Value: $330)
dominicadominica (Estibot Value: $590)
estoniaestonia (Estibot Value: $250)
finlandfinland (Estibot Value: $880)
guatemalaguatemala (Estibot Value: $890)
hungaryhungary (Estibot Value: $600)
laoslaos (Estibot Value: $880)
latvialatvia (Estibot Value: $1000)
lebanonlebanon (Estibot Value: 240)
lithuanialithuania (Estibot Value: $1000)
luxembourgluxembourg (Estibot Value: $350)
macedoniamacedonia (Estibot Value: $380)
madagascarmadagascar (Estibot Value: $200)
mauritiusmauritius (Estibot Value: $810)
moldovamoldova (Estibot Value: $290)
mongoliamongolia (Estibot Value: $680)
mozambiquemozambique (Estibot Value: $420)
netherlandsnetherlands (Estibot Value: $590)
palaupalau (Estibot Value: $540)
rwandarwanda (Estibot Value: $200)
seychellesseychelles (Estibot Value: $300)
slovakiaslovakia (Estibot Value: $600)
srilankasrilanka (Estibot Value:$900)
trinidadtrinidad (Estibot Value: $370)
uzbekistanuzbekistan (Estibot Value: $260)
venezuelavenezuela (Estibot Value: $1000)
As they were all regged early this morning, I'm sure libations and ego had a hand in things. Made GD happy at least.Why did you register these?
I wish you the best, I really do.
I think you will have a very difficult path ahead. I hope you have a backup plan.
You'll never be successful if you continue burning bridges. Show some respect or GTFO.
These people are trying to help you. You're just failing to see that.
wiseiesiw, you're under the impression/expectation that because you're new to domaining and to here, that someone/everyone here is going to sit with you and tell you word for word what to not do, and what to do, and here is all our knowledge, skills and secrets so you can run right out next week and be a domaining superstar. Well, in that sense they have, and you can get it all, as it's all written in all the various threads and postings here. So you want inside info....READ IT, READ IT, READ IT. It's all here. But to be argumentative and condescending because you don't like, or feel the replies are inline to your egotistic expectations and satisfaction, is not going to win you any empathy or friendly guidance. And to think you're the only one to come into here or any domaining forum as a new and smarter 'out-of-box-thinker', sorry but the forums are littered with them and their 'short-domaining-lives'.
OK to answer your original posts. Lists are free all over the forum. They're also free from many dropcatchers. So, no, people wouldn't want to buy your lists as they can get them for nothing. With regards to the domains you registered based on estibot value - nobody buys based on estibot value - it's only sellers who quote it. That is therefore going to cause you to run out of money if you continue to register based on that metric.
Domains are sold because either a) they get 'natural' traffic - ie people will visit the site *regardless* of what's on it because it's so generic - eg b) they contain content that has been built up and useful and are easily found from other sites based on a similar market , c) people visit them because they have been heavily promoted (sometimes paid) via search engines and will convert to money for you either via parking (dying model for incentivised traffic) or via some kind of product sale (affiliate system), or d) the site receives traffic and has proven revenue which then equates in a domain sale usually for a multiple of the revenue.
People *don't* buy freshly regged domains with no traffic, no history, no presence, no content, and no obvious meaning. Occasionally people will buy 'brandable' domains but that is not a model you can rely on to consistently make money.
Would you develop them or, for example as I haven't checked availability, just register and hope someone else wants to buy it? If you're not going to develop what is to stop people finding a registration fee alternative and spending the *same* amount of money to build the site up?
Anybody can register some random domain. But truth is, the vast majority of domains are worthless and will never sell.
In general, domains that are still available in 2013 are available for a reason: nobody wants them.
People will not buy domains unless they have a compelling reason. If I can find alternatives of similar or better quality, you bet I don't need your domains.
There is no demand for domains like you suggest.
All I can say is, do research and look at what kinds of domains do actually sell.
*the exceptional businesses of our esteemed moderators