I think the only reason EscrowDNS performs just 100-150 transactions per month is that too few domainers are aware of it, and that it hasn't yet reached popular acclaim. More domainers should use it. I've so far completed 3 EscrowDNS transactions (in the middle of a 4th currently) and I see no reason for choosing any other Escrow service, so long as the buyer doesn't insist on one. And none of my buyers thus far have expressed the slightest qualm about my choice of EscrowDNS for facilitating the exchange.
In my first transaction, the buyer would only agree to choose cashier's check as his payment method, despite that EscrowDNS encouraged him to do otherwise. The envelope containing the check got bounced the first time (because of an incompetent postman apparently), and EscrowDNS immediately called up the buyer to arrange for him to overnight the check and attach tracking to its envelope. The overnight parcel arrived the next day and payment was disbursed to me a couple of hours later. I was very pleased with EscrowDNS' personal touch all the way through, including expressing to me several times during the processs that they understood my frustration at the buyer's insistence on paying via cashier's check.
My third EscrowDNS transaction started on a Friday afternoon and was completed that Friday evening. Just 4 hours from start to finish. Presumably that buyer used PayPal to send funds. I don't even think Chuck Norris could escrow faster than that.
We should spread word of EscrowDNS everywhere we cyber-travel to help Justin & team stay in business.
The only suggestion I'd like to make is that EscrowDNS reps. sign their e-mails with their actual names rather than "EscrowDNS support." It feels less awkward to address a person than a company, plus providing verifiable identities would likely boost EscrowDNS's trust in the eyes of buyers.