No matter how many local/regional languages are there in the subcontinent, the FACT remains that most of the written info/material, so far primarily in print, have been either in English or the National language; local/regional languages carrying relatively scant amount of folk litertaure and the kind. Let me give you a personal example, my native language (spoken by all of my ancestors and living family members with the exception of kids born and raised abroad) happens to be Punjabi, one of the major regional languages of India and Pakistan. And, I can tell you for sure that in my entire life I've never written or read much in Punjabi and the same is true for vast majority of other Punjabi-speaking folks that I know. The fundamental point to keep in mind is that all these regional/local languages are primarily for oral communication and have never had any significant role in formal education, writings, business, etc. I don't understand why Internet would be any different!