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How do you think about's finial price?

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DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 6, 2006
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.com names are of course still good but to invest in good .com names would cost a fortune. You can barely even get 1 single decent .com name for less than 5 figures. .mobi is a much better investment unless you have 20 million dollars to invest in a solid .com portfolio. I would also rather own a solid keyword mobi name like or something else than a random .com like ANY day. Of course I would rather own than but that would require a lot of money.


Level 3
Legacy Gold Member
Nov 11, 2006
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I would be happy to buy but I sure won't get it for $10, 000. The .mobi space is a ground floor opportunity, plain and simple. It's new and IMO will become increasingly relevant as mobile internet devices move from business users to consumers. If you didn't see the opportunity and missed the boat, that's your problem. But to degrade an awesome domain like as a result is ridiculous. If you can't see people using their mobile devices to manage their investments then you simply don't understand that people are trying to do that already and millions more will want to do th same in the near future. 99 % of .com registrations are crap too. Should I ignore .com for this reason also? The domain K9casino is crap, no matter what the tld. Knowing that is where you put your money instead of jumping into the .mobi landrush tells me you simply don't get it. I'll take over any day.

If you think that is such a great name then go ahead and place a bid. You will be able to get it for $10,001 (or whatever the next bid is).

Bottom line is that the buyer will disappear and the funds will not be transfered. I see it happen with decent names, and you are likely to see it happen here. Not a single one of you mobi cheerleaders has even thought about placing a bid for this name. Why is that?

Can't wait until about 10 days after the auction ends so we all can talk about what went wrong.

In this business there are no consequences for fake sales and fake bids. Until people have to pay the price for their frauds it will just have to continue.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 9, 2006
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Can't wait until about 10 days after the auction ends so we all can talk about what went wrong.

I hope he is successful selling the name.

Fact is, people are buying .mobis at low price and still regging them because they can. You just can't do it with dotcom. Silver shouldn't be thought of in terms of Gold prices and DotMobis shouldn't be thought of in terms of DotCom prices.
You can make money on both gold or silver. But gold can go up or down $15 per ounce in a day. Silver is only worth $15 an ounce.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 12, 2006
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I get Iggy's point, but i think its too sudden. If it were 1990's and came up, would you think the same? So the same is happening with .mobi. And once www.Invest.Iggy comes about, the same would be said about that extension. But im sure for Iggy, he'd love it!
Its all too early to say anything. but for now, Im keeping mine in case the extension will increase in value. Already, i have been offered more for my names that what i purchased them for. Useless or not useless, they are increasing in value. And if anyone does a scam, great for them and too bad for the victim. Its business. Keeping emotions out of business would be the best thing to say about this thread. Once there is solid evidence of a scam or not, then lets talk about it.


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Feb 22, 2006
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.com could become useless too if every country starts using their own what?

I think answering to a new member who just keep arguing over and over something which is clearly wrong is pretty useless


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 24, 2006
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As far as goes, I only have one wish: Whoever ends up with this name decides to develop it.

Bill Roy

Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 5, 2005
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Iggy there was a member here who had exactly the same thought processes as yourself, anything they disagreed with was a 'fraud', 'bogus', etc., etc..

That member ('WhoDatDog' by the way, who got permanently banned) used to spout off about fraud and bogus bids, but they included after the sale comments, which of course was libelous, do not make the same mistake as that member. You can voice your opinion that a bid 'MAY BE' fake before the event, but if the sale goes through and is recorded then you should either remain totally quiet or simply state that the price paid was higher than you thought the name was worth.

Realise that there are other drinks in the world besides champagne, and indeed many alternative drink manufacturers make a heck of a lot more money money than the champagne producers! Now think along these lines with regard to domain suffixes.


Level 3
Legacy Gold Member
Nov 11, 2006
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If people are going to use reported sales to help sell names then I am allowed to display my skepticism about those sales. It would be very easy for anyone who wanted to set the record straight to simply provide the information as to the transaction (maybe even provide the initial email correspondence...if there was one).

My main point is that I am as certain as I can be that there have been a number of transactions that have been pushed through in order to prop up the extention. If new domainers rely on those numbers then they better be legit.

Once again, all of the suspicious sales I have seen have Private Whois, or Whois information that is impossible to verify. None of the names have been developed, and all of the names have people associated with the sale who have a very strong interest in pumping up the extention.

I am still waiting for one of those crazy sales that looks legit. Maybe one where someone outside of the domain industry offers to buy the name, and then invests some time and money to build a website or brand around it.

I keep looking and I haven't seen too much of it. Without the fraudulent sales I would never even open my mouth. But if people rely on false numbers and get excited about these names then it takes dollars out of every other seller's pockets.

It is better for me if people chase extentions that I believe are useless, but I'm not going to let sales get reported and trumpeted by the masses without a few minutes of due diligence. Lots of these Sedo Auctions, and a few of these transaction are just rotten.

You may want to use fear and try to run me off the board if you wish, but I am allowed to give my opinion just like everybody else. You would love me if I agreed with the cheerleaders. At the end of the day, if you cheat, or if you are dishonest, then expect someone to stand up and ask questions if the transaction looks absurd. Most people are afraid to do it, but this board has gone down the toilet, and there needs to be a voice that is allowed to say...."wait a minute here".


The Bishop
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 16, 2005
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I think that this goes both ways, if you have proof of foul play I am sure that would give some credence to your comments. I am of the belief "innocent till proven otherwise"

While I would not discount that it is possible, I can not second guess without proof. I myself have sold domains on SEDO, AfterNIC and even Private Sales for in excess of $15,000; the majority of these domains are still parked a year after the sale.

People have mentioned that the SEDO auction system has been overinflated by SEDO themselves in an attempt to promote the program. Despite my contempt for all that is sedo, I would still give them the benefit of the doubt.

You said "if you cheat, if you are dishonest, then expect someone to stand up and ask questions". I see no evidence that could warrant a claim of cheating or dishonesty.

Libelous accusations help no one, and its that sort of attitude that negates this board.

Bottom Line, if a scam is found to be true; have faith in the members here to expose it for what it is. I do.


Level 11
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 21, 2006
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but this board has gone down the toilet, and there needs to be a voice that is allowed to say...."wait a minute here".

figured as much. with just 47 posts & a noob you are a banned member returning.
what were you banned for? also what was your old username?
i notice your whois are different too & a made up name for the most part.
interesting stuff ;)


Level 11
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 21, 2006
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Good call BILLBO, I just cross checked WHODATDOG and IGGY domains for sales and Guess What. The WHOIS are exact.

LOL.. the man who calls scammer, is in fact one himself.

check the whois on the domains here posted by Iggy

now cross reference the domains posted by WhoDatDog

lol. well done namestrands. ;)
figured as much. i already flagged up he has different whois on differnet domains he is selling which is against the rules. guess when you're dishonest, you assume everyone else is, eh iggy?
soon to be bannned member iggy. lol
Pred :-/


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 22, 2005
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back to the topic... I understand that people that own "good" mobi domains want their mobis to be worth a lot and claim other people dont see the vision,...
... but at the same time, none of those that said is a steal at 10K was bidding on it at come???
...that right there tells me that on some level every mobi owner still fears that this whole mobi thing might actually not last but might just turn out to be like an enron stock..but I think it will take 5 years to see where this is going, but I am sure there are gonna be some great sales by some private, new and unknown buyers until the mobi conglomerate is selling their reserved domains...just my opinion...


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 9, 2006
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Back off topic: Does anyone know why whodatdog got banned in the first place? I never found out.

Bill Roy

Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 5, 2005
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NameStrands and Pred, in a way I am sorry I am right about 'Iggy', this will be his second banning since being banned as 'WhoDatDog'!

You see Iggy the members here are far more astute than you give us credit for, when we find a scammer we let everyone know with hard facts, not just some rubbish inuendo and unvalid claims as you do.

Now read 'Domainah's' last post, #53. He points out a basic arguement and gives his feelings without trying to insult anyone, isn't it time you Iggy learned that there are ways to argue/debate things just like Domainah is. His opinion is valued on this community even by those who might disagree with him. Iggy you could learn a great deal by reading other peoples posts and how adults do business.

(Domainah sorry for using you as an example but your posts content and position were just ideal to use as an example of how to put a point across, no insult or association with Iggy/WhoDatDog intended.)

Duck, I will send you a PM now explaining why, to publish it would only give him another Goggle reference!

PM sent.


Level 11
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 21, 2006
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... but at the same time, none of those that said is a steal at 10K was bidding on it at come???
...that right there tells me that on some level every mobi owner still fears that this whole mobi thing might actually not last but might just turn out to be like an enron stock..but I think it will take 5 years to see where this is going, but I am sure there are gonna be some great sales by some private, new and unknown buyers until the mobi conglomerate is selling their reserved domains...just my opinion...

Hi Domainah,
the reason no-one is bidding yet is for 2 reasons. Any experienced bidder in any online auction will not bid until the end imo. The only exception is where reserve is not met & people want to purchase no matter what & will bid until reserve met, at least within thier projected budget.
This is a premium domain, of which there is no doubt.
I have bought many premium names before but not paid over $10k. There are great deals out there, you have to find them. As a reseller i need a constant turnover each month as i do not have an income from traffic names. Therefore i don't hold domains for long periods of time.
It's the old addage, buy low sell high. Don't mean to insult your intelligence as you are an intelligent guy & a respected domainer.
We need to be ultra selective on the domains we pay anything $xxxx low onwards. I will shell out money if i can flip a domain quick , it's a steal or have real plans to develop.
This domain doesn't fit the categories for me. I am fortunate enough to own many quality .mobis imo & have no need to buy them up.
This domain (if sold at 10k) would be able to be resold at a handsome profit in a year or two. It also offers a good opportunity to develop for someone. Just not me. I won't be bidding, but feel the seller would be unlucky not to collect $30k+
Just my humble opinion
Pred ;)


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 7, 2006
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back to the topic... I understand that people that own "good" mobi domains want their mobis to be worth a lot and claim other people dont see the vision,...
... but at the same time, none of those that said is a steal at 10K was bidding on it at come???
...that right there tells me that on some level every mobi owner still fears that this whole mobi thing might actually not last but might just turn out to be like an enron stock..but I think it will take 5 years to see where this is going, but I am sure there are gonna be some great sales by some private, new and unknown buyers until the mobi conglomerate is selling their reserved domains...just my opinion...

cant speak for anyone else but my GUESSES are:

1. mobi owners tend to like anything that pumps .mobi's value
2. a lot of mobi owners cant afford to buy a 10k domain but like to comment on it.
3. people tend to agree with each other.... one member says yes good name another says yes great!

as for myself, i wouldnt pay 10k for it because i have decent .mobi names from landrush, i went all out and did not hold back..except the NNN's dammit, i thought at $60 im not gonna register a buncha worthless NNN.. mistake.

anyway, if sales continue to happen its only good for people holding decent portfolios... why pay 10k for 1 domain when some people are holding little stockpiles of similar or even slightly lesser quality names from landrush.

Domain Jedi

Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 31, 2005
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cant speak for anyone else but my GUESSES are:

1. mobi owners tend to like anything that pumps .mobi's value
2. a lot of mobi owners cant afford to buy a 10k domain but like to comment on it.
3. people tend to agree with each other.... one member says yes good name another says yes great!

as for myself, i wouldnt pay 10k for it because i have decent .mobi names from landrush, i went all out and did not hold back..except the NNN's dammit, i thought at $60 im not gonna register a buncha worthless NNN.. mistake.

anyway, if sales continue to happen its only good for people holding decent portfolios... why pay 10k for 1 domain when some people are holding little stockpiles of similar or even slightly lesser quality names from landrush.
mjnels, Interesting post. Aren't you one of the two bidders who bid up to over 30k? Now you say you wouldn't even consider 10k for How your views on .mobi have changed my friend.


Level 2
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 17, 2006
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I am going to shift this away from the pro/con mobi thing...

Ok, say you get a nice bid for a domain from Sedo. Is it best to start an auction when you don't know if it is popular enough to attract other bidders? I am curious if a domain goes to auction and gets no other bids, will it cause buyers remorse with the sole bidder? I guess the question is, at what time do you think the bid is good and take it and at what time do you send it to auction. I know that people are 'committed' to buying from Sedo, but sales fall thru all the time, so it is a bit of thin ice until the money is in the bank. So, what would you do if you a domain was almost to your 'reserve', would you sell or send to auction?

Bill Roy

Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 5, 2005
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DJ or is it a case of 'dark propaganda' to try and stop others bidding so that he can get in and pick it up cheaply? :)

No harm in that, by the way, but good sharp-shooting DJ.
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