Maybe we also share our STR that would be great to check who is selling for profit.
STR doesn't determine profit,
it's only a percentage measurement, of the sold domains from a portfolio, during a year or any given period.
it's the margin of return on each sale, that adds up to whether the portfolio is profitable.
it's possible that:
one may not have had any sales this year, but still receive income from domaining
one may have had only 1 sale, but it was more than enough to cover entire holdings.
some turn down many offers, which affects STR, but that may not affect their operating budgets.
STR can be affected by whether you only take inbound offers or if you're soliciting by email.
still, i only have a couple hundred domain names
mostly two, LLL net/ LLL org, some and a few 3 character .com
also have a couple of IDN's, a .us name and 1 .co
i rarely sell more than a few names per year, if that many.