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How Much Lower Will It Go, Sedo?

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Rubber Duck

Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 29, 2004
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Since the new feed sedo only pays me 0,06€ for the keyword 'poker' :(

Anyone know of a good place to park poker domains? (besides fabulous)

The biggest problem that you face is that the largest on-line market for Poker was shut down over night. If the business is not legitimate, then advertisers won't advertise. No money in, no money out. Don't blame Sedo. Blame Bush!

Mr. Pim

DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 29, 2005
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The biggest problem that you face is that the largest on-line market for Poker was shut down over night. If the business is not legitimate, then advertisers won't advertise. No money in, no money out. Don't blame Sedo. Blame Bush!

It's european pokertraffic and revenue was ok until the new feed, even after the new usa regulations.

Since the day the new google feed is being used I'm getting +-0,06€ for my pokernames at sedo.


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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The biggest problem that you face is that the largest on-line market for Poker was shut down over night. If the business is not legitimate, then advertisers won't advertise. No money in, no money out. Don't blame Sedo. Blame Bush!

While your at it, blame the US Senate, the House or Representives, the 1961 wire act, supporters of the law and domain holders who took the risk in investing in poker domains.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 11, 2004
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All of my providers are down, no worse than Sedo.

Rubber Duck

Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 29, 2004
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Traffic continues to rise ppc is now 50% less than three weeks ago, I think this actually coincides with when I asked Sedo "experts" to optimis/ze for me- duh!!

You did what? Are you completely mad?!!!


Level 4
Dec 10, 2006
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pure noob in forum can someone point me to the place where i can find more info about said "Sedo" and what it does and how do i get rich, lol the last part was a joke


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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Traffic continues to rise ppc is now 50% less than three weeks ago, I think this actually coincides with when I asked Sedo "experts" to optimis/ze for me- duh!!

Example: My largest money maker is a linux programming extension that by coincidence happens to include one letter X more than a popular adult portal site. Seriously, it was truly by chance that the name I registered would be a typo for an adult portal simply because my domain has 3 x's whereas the adult site only has 2 x' would think it would be the other way around.

Anyways, seeing the hits and what they were hitting for prompted me to change the keywords from Linux software programming to adult portal hardcore xxx. Needless to say, I started making money on this domain and the hits kept coming. It's all about the money, right?

Then along came SedoPro with an account manager designated. He introduced himself to me via email when the program rolled out and told me that he was going to optimize my keywords for me via this new system that they implemented and I should see a significant spike in revenue.

I made the mistake of saying "Go for it".

The account manager took my keywords and changed them to adult products because, as he put it, this reached a broad spectum of the adult entertainment industry. Cool, I thought.

Well, a day or two went by and I noticed the hits were still there but the revenue had dropped dramatically. I committed the number one sin in parked pagedom by typing in my own domain name and visiting the site myself.

If it wasn't so damn hilarious I would have been so outraged and pissed off that I would have pulled all my domains.

What I found was each and every single listing were for adult incontinence diapers or pads. They were, after all, the definition of adult products.

Please, laugh now and get it over with.

Needless to say, I contacted my account manager, demanded that all my keywords be changed back to what they were and forbid Sedo from doing their own keyword optimization on my domains. I was very skeptical that those that had a fetish for adult diapers would equal the traffic I had gotten previously.

I did, however, sign my name as (first) "Diapers" (last).

Take the time to research and implement your own keywords. It is, afterall, your domain name so keep control of it.


The Bishop
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 16, 2005
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bump im a noob help me lol

no one is going to help you if you bump threads.. wait till someone takes time to reply.

While you wait take the time to read the other threads, this is a forum and not a Dummies Guide to SEDO


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 22, 2005
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pure noob in forum can someone point me to the place where i can find more info about said "Sedo" and what it does and how do i get rich, lol the last part was a joke

a good start would be to go to and figure it out with their FAQ


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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Anyways, seeing the hits and what they were hitting for prompted me to change the keywords from Linux software programming to adult portal hardcore xxx. Needless to say, I started making money on this domain and the hits kept coming. It's all about the money, right?

Would you say your earning more $$ using "adult portal hardcore xxx" as your keywords, or "Matchmaking/Dating" at Sedopro? And can you tell me approx what your CTR is?....Thanks for the post!


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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Would you say your earning more $$ using "adult portal hardcore xxx" as your keywords, or "Matchmaking/Dating" at Sedopro? And can you tell me approx what your CTR is?....Thanks for the post!
Good question and perhaps difficult to answer but I will do my best.

The particular example above is, as I say, a common linux/unix term but contains one additional letter x than a porn site. So, is it a typo for the linux term that people are entering or a typo for the porn site? Is it the geeks and nerds hitting porno by accident (no offense to anyone...especially the geek sqaud) or is the perverts typing in one too many X's?

That particular example is getting several thousand hits per month with an average 33%-38% CTR. Currently it is paying 12 cents per click. As the month starts out, it will be at around 18 cents and gradually fall. I expect it will hit 8 cents per click before month's end as is usually the case. The way I understand it, the revenue starts falling as the advertisers' budget is depleted. Of course, I am not an industry insider so I don't know if that is the truth or just BS shoveled out to appease the curious.

To be specific, the current keywords are adult portal sex xxx pornography.

On the other hand, the industry is saturated with those types of sites so don't be surprised if a domain only pays 2-3 cents per click for the same keywords. I have yet to figure that out...same looking landing pages with the same content yet pay a fraction of the other.

In regards to dating, I have a few of those also. The hits and traffic may not be equal and the CTR is only on average 6-8%, but the PPC is anywhere from 16 cents to 24 cents. Keywords are dating dates date. The key here is try different key words. Give it about a month. There is still no guarantee of increased traffic but you've got to try and it may take some effort.

Even with keyword optimization, I have yet to figure out the lock or find the key to open these up. Why do some domain names with the simple keyword domain names pay 3 cents per click when I have had some pay up to $1.81 per click? Again, same look landing page, same content, same advertisers.

It makes no sense so I just simply quit trying to make sense out of it.


The Bishop
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 16, 2005
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Are you taking the geolocation into consideration PPC varies from country to country.

Many have tried to figure out SEDOs methods, and we concluded that it is somewhat of a chaos theory and is not based on direct PPC from google.

Sedo does make the shit up and for whatever reason automatically decline PPC even if the BID price is highly competitive and remains consistant on other programs.

Here is a little test for you. Open an Adwords account, pick a keyword that you use in your parked site.

Sponsor that keyword (highest bid)

I will bet you dont see it on your SEDO Parked page results.


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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Circa1850:Are you taking the geolocation into consideration PPC varies from country to country.
Actually yes. Their new SedoPro tools seem worthwhile to use. It appears to help pinpoint the demographics of the user and the language. But tweaking both the language and the keywords to a specific country or region is an absolute nightmare when you have as many domain names as I have parked with them.

Typically I don't even bother much with keywords at the onset, unless I know specifically what a former domain name was used for and the audience it reached as an expired domain and website.

I have two ways of initially setting my keywords; Google search (sometimes Yahoo works better as there is less overlap) for the word or characters in the domain. Or I list most of the keywords on newly parked domains as domain names. The majority of domain names I find are going to get typed in traffic regardless of the domain name. Once the traffic starts adding up, I'll spend some time inside the domain's stat page on SedoPro reviewing charts, referrals, etc.

Many have tried to figure out SEDOs methods, and we concluded that it is somewhat of a chaos theory and is not based on direct PPC from google.
Chaos does not begin to describe what I have found in many instances recently. After spending time tweaking the keywords of a four letter dot com that is a former tech site and blog for entrepreneurs, here are the keywords that were relevant to the domain name as well as it being a former web site:


Here are the "relevant feeds" on the domain's landing page supported by Sedo and Google:

Press Ganey Associates The leader in health care satisfaction measurement.

Self Employed? Affordable Coverage Custom-Tailored to Fit Your Needs and Budget

United Health Care View United Health Care Info. Get Free Insurance Quotes.

Medicare Plan in York New Find the right plan for you at the official Health Net site

Nursing Homes Find The Perfect Nursing Home For Your Loved Ones. Free Consultation.

Self Insured & Funding Reinsurance and Stop Loss Medical Self Funded Programs

Coast Medical Billing First Month of Service FREE! Call Toll Free: 800-913-8010

Health Insurance Plans Find the Right Health Insurance, Right Price, Right Coverage Now!

healthcare reimbursement Submitted quickly, rejected claims Appealed & non-payments resolved

Health Care Free information and resources about Health Care

Perhaps google or sedo sees entrepreneur as being a self employed individual needing health insurance. But that is pure BS. Someone or something programmed a program to "see" this. Here you have a very specific geographic location and demographics and still this is the crap on the landing page.

What does nursing homes, medicare, health care claims, and medical billing have to do with this former domain name and Boston based techy website? Not a damn thing. That is why out of 6,331 views there has been a grand total of 20 clicks. And that has been in the first 3 1/2 months since I owned it. So roughly 2100 hits a month and a less than 1% conversion. It is beyond frustrating to spend time and effort only to have all that effort completely wiped away.

Sedo does make the shit up...
I think the two examples I have used in this thread (see "diapers") proves this point.

Not that I am defending sedo, but several of their executive and managerial staff have been in contact with me for suggestions for improvements. The most paramount things that come to mind is better and more timely communication and quit mucking with the keywords.

If I or someone asks for help in setting keywords, then please help. Otherwise, leave the damn things alone.

I think they (Sedo) fails to realize that some of their clients and customers are seasoned pros and don't need to be held by the hand each and every stop of the way. Many of us have put quite a bit of time and effort in researching domain names and studying the market even before we make the purchase and continue to put forth the effort of optimizing the domain name before, during, and after the domain is parked.

By all means, if I have a problem or issue I will contact them. And they do offer a good service and good instruction and assistance to those wanting to get into domain name ownership. But not all of us are domain name newbies

Here is a little test for you. Open an Adwords account, pick a keyword that you use in your parked site.

Sponsor that keyword (highest bid)

I will bet you dont see it on your SEDO Parked page results.
I am well aware of your other post and the method you mention and have been studying it for quite sometime and has really got me interested.

The more I read and the more I review it the along with all the questions, comments, problems, points, and commentary, etc., the more I got lost in the page after page after page after page...

If you care to come up with your own user manual as a quick and simple "how to" guide I would love it.

Damn, I do go on and on sometimes, don't I.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 22, 2005
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I created a sub portfolio a little while back for which I tried a whole new bunch of keywords, over the course of 45 days the average CPC for the whole portfolio dropped by about 5-7% a week.., so its down about 35% from the first week..same keywords..and all keywords have a lot of advertisers and stable adwords bids...odd hmm...?


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 10, 2002
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I created a sub portfolio a little while back for which I tried a whole new bunch of keywords, over the course of 45 days the average CPC for the whole portfolio dropped by about 5-7% a week.., so its down about 35% from the first week..same keywords..and all keywords have a lot of advertisers and stable adwords bids...odd hmm...?

No, I think this is the norm. Another thing I discovered is if you change the keyword to a stronger keyword (high bids and plenty of bid competition) the revenue will skyrocket for 4-7 days and then it will come crashing down to way below any previous low. I wish someone would explain the phenomenon.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 22, 2005
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my guess would be that behind their "dynamic pricing" or whatever other changes they are claiming they are making is something like namedrives model, the system constantly tracks how much revenue actually comes in and adjusts your whole portfolio revenue share 48 hours delayed, so its like namedrive, except Sedo starts you off at what they think those clicks might pay and adjust them down if you are not making enough..that is the only explanation for the up and down revenue I have...


DNForum Moderator
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 4, 2002
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No, I think this is the norm. Another thing I discovered is if you change the keyword to a stronger keyword (high bids and plenty of bid competition) the revenue will skyrocket for 4-7 days and then it will come crashing down to way below any previous low. I wish someone would explain the phenomenon.

my theory is that, those who paid for the advertisements have reached their budgets for the number of clicks at the high rate, thus they either quit the program or choose lower cost keywords.

just a thought!


The Bishop
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 16, 2005
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If that were the case then surely the same would be true for other Parking Programs operating the google XML feed.
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