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If Cigarettes were invented today, do you think they would be legal?

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Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 25, 2004
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I smoke Cigarettes and I am Addicted.


Quiting is easy, I've done it a thousand times.


DNF Member
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Aug 23, 2004
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I am an ex-smoker and the hardest thing I have ever tried to do is change my diet. Smoking was easy comparatively.

Cigarettes would not be legalized if invented today, imo. However I have a slightly different feeling on it. Cigarettes should be legal.

As should all drugs. I believe Reagans "War on Drugs" is the single biggest failure this country has ever endured. Here is how he should have fought the war:

I feel we should legalize and take complete control of the market (Government run): Implement a system which operates much like the ration cards armed service members receive. Im not sure if the military still has this system, but they did when I was in. You can choose not to have a ration card, but you pay a premium on everything. This is controlled by government run stores - like the government liquor stores in some states (Utah and Virginia are the only two I can think of - both State-run I believe. They had these in Canada when I lived there too.)

- There goes your drug-related crimes and prison over-population.
- There goes your illegal importation of drugs.

Use the money to cut taxes and setup programs which help abusers and addicts to get help.

Any new system would have holes, but considering the current state of affairs it is hard to argue the other side. I'd love to hear it though. Convince me the "War on Drugs" is a good thing.

And I need clarification from NS on this quote: "Drug money is used to fund terrorist organizations..."

How would legalizing drugs help their cause then? Unless one implies the terrorist organization is the government.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 16, 2005
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Terrorists use heroin/opium for their sources of money. It is hard to win US-Saudi Oil princes for money now a days. If you ever read into the subject on terrorist funding you would know that.

Rofl, wow too many damn hippees here. Dude, let's smoke some weed and get wasted hahaha. Weed is okay do weed. Pathetic, you guys preach the word of weed to younger kids glorifing it. However, it is an urban legend being legalized. Pot is bad. Most of the drug addicts my father deals with talks about pot being the gateway drug. They said to him they never wish they got started with pot.

Put it in computer nerd sense. You got your first it's nice and fast, 100mhz. You try a 300mhz computer, suddenly you go back to your old one and it is a piece of junk and slow. You crave a 300mhz. Then 500mhz comes cannot simply take the slowness of your computer so u get 500mhz. Wow, 1ghz the fastest computer, you buy it. 3GHZ HOLDUI#WJ(@I)DU(@U(@IU@IU) I NEEED THAT.

It is the same with drugs you eventually want more than what you got. Wow, countries can't trust drug dealers, we would have to operate a cashless society. Take a mark in which without it we cannot buy or sell goods.


DNF Member
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Aug 23, 2004
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So as I understand it, the War on Drugs is going a long way in stopping terrorist organizations from using the drug trade to fund their activities?

I need to understand this better, seriously. Point me to some reputable articles, or even a tv program, cause I have problems reading when Im high.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 16, 2005
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It's in books man. Check it out, use google. Look for Opium + terrorists in google. I think you'll be able to find some stuff. Pick up a good book about terrorism and just read....or get a damned audiobook if you are an illiterate.

You can read this book, it talks alot about terrorist funding and it is a good book, fiction. The facts were compiled, revised and edited by major departments in the US government, CIA, IRS, FTAT. Look in to the FTAT, you will find alot.

The Devil's Banker by Christopher Reich

Look into the FTAT dept. Foreign Terrorists Asset Tracking. It is not verbatim of what it stands for I may have made the s somewhere it shouldn't be so shoot me if I got it wrong.


DNF Regular
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Apr 8, 2002
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Let's say it's true that terrorism is to some degree funded by illegal drug trade.

Wouldn't legalizing be the solution to remove this money source from terrorist organizations?


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 23, 2004
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Im sensing some hostility, NS. I apologize if I offended you with my brazen sense of humor. Im asking around the office now to see if anyone has heard of this "google" thing you mention. Can you smoke it?

Im not arguing your point, NS. I want to understand how the War on Drugs is helping quell the problem.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 16, 2005
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It is true, no removing it would not. You would just be taxing people who wouldn't even claim taxes. It is a flacid way of handling things so to speak. Will never work.

Children are our future, would you want to see the world governed by lazy pot heads telling people to quit school and shoot up. That is the way to go shooting up? Errr no. Drugs should be eliminated.

You're sensing hostility against my hatred towards drugs ruining people's lives. Addiction is what keeps them going and it is not as easy to break as they think. Drugs need to be illegal, they need to be erased.

How is the war on drugs working? Well so far in my hick ass town on the outskirts of some cities, there have been several major drug busts here. 100,000 in coke found with a runner going through my town to one of the cities. Err pot farms found all over this town busted. Several deaths in this town are because of drugs as well. Well I tell you one thing, the DEA is doing a damn good job of catching dealers. Dealers by the drugs from druglords who inturn are with terrorist organazations. Not arabs only, columbian and venezuelan terrorists to name a few.

I also think catching people and catching major shipments of drugs is better than some of your ideas of sitting a down on your lazy asses and saying if they are addicted let them waist their money. My aunt got addicted to crack. She did some crazy things and she has a family. She attempted ODing infront of her daughter saying she was going to kill front of her 6 year old daughter. So really, don't flame for my hatred towards drugs. Thwarting suppliers and not allowing them to sell will put a hold on funds and people to sell to. Getting the suppliers will cut down their dirty money as well. All major countries are doing this and they have systems setup to monitor and attempt to catch money laundering.

Hell with your mentalities, legalize killing...therefore people won't get jailed for killing someone they don't like and we could have a much nicer society.


DNF Member
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Aug 23, 2004
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Well, I can appreciate your hatred towards drugs and addiction. Im not very fond of either, myself.

I applaud the DEA working in your area, and trust they are doing a fine job elsewhere across the country. However, the War on Drugs was started in the 80's and we are more than half way through the first decade of the new millenium....

Shouldnt the war be over? What are we doing wrong that we cant win this war? Im befuddled.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 16, 2005
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I am not DEA, so I do not know. Drugs should not be legalized. That is my view and I'll stick to it to death. For medicinal purposes, yes they can be used. Marijuana is mainly for medicinal uses, not heroin, or cocaine. Although Novacaine is a derivative of cocaine. They are both narcotics. Novacaine however, is not used for recreation, it was made for numbing pain. Could you abuse novacaine? I really don't know unless you like being forced to lay around.

From experience, narcotics and any drug is bad for recreation. I did not do recreation drugs ever, but after my 2nd hand surgery from sshattering my thumb, I got addicted to the painkillers. Once I stopped I wanted more. Then I quit cold turkey and never had them since. Withdrawl was a beech though.

Dale Hubbard

Formerly 'aZooZa'
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 24, 2003
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Navy -- novocaine is a dental anaesthetic. Not abusable unless by local injection. Not a junkey's drug. I am sorry for your experience. But nevertheless you are correct here. The biggest abuse in the USA in this context is 'laughing gas' i.e. nitrous oxide -- I nearly died with a USA dentist. No chance in the UK.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 16, 2005
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Navy -- novocaine is a dental anaesthetic. Not abusable unless by local injection. Not a junkey's drug. I am sorry for your experience. But nevertheless you are correct here. The biggest abuse in the USA in this context is 'laughing gas' i.e. nitrous oxide -- I nearly died with a USA dentist. No chance in the UK.

I never said people abuse it, I said it is a derivative and I don't know who would want to get numb off of it for their high. Any drug is abusable, just depends on personal preference. I never had nitrous before, just nova.

Ahh, you just struck up another point for me.

If we legalize all drugs its madness, most of the drugs if taken will kill you, not an amount factor. It is based on your make up. So you could buy legalized cocaine and OD because you had too much. None the less, it also kills brain cells at a rapid rate. Any country would be idiotic to legalize it. Truly an ignorant nation of damned scum.


Level 9
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Feb 25, 2005
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Scare tactics and making them illegal doesn't stop people from doing them though, so...

Dale Hubbard

Formerly 'aZooZa'
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 24, 2003
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Novacaine however, is not used for recreation, it was made for numbing pain. Could you abuse novacaine? I really don't know unless you like being forced to lay around.

No. As I said.

Dale Hubbard

Formerly 'aZooZa'
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 24, 2003
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Who cares - 100% subjective - needs closing.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 16, 2005
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Most likely... and more kids would do it because they would no longer be penalized...and heroin/coke/X are fatal drugs as legalizing overdosing would result. Kids would die left and right because of arrogant f(#*s who push legalization for their own selfish-maniacal needs.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 25, 2005
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Seems the Dutch liberal laws paint a different picture.

GT Web

DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2003
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Nah, let's keep arguing, it brings the community together :)

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