Like I said, I don't much believe in forcing Morality through legislation, I would just like to see a little consitency from Conservatives and Liberals alike.
But thanks for confirming my view NavySeals that you are nothing more than a misguided, ultra-conservative who insults others first and does his research after.
There is a little neighborhood cafe not too far from me. They decided to be a non-smoking establishment. So now what you have on any given night is about 5-10 people standing out on the side of the street smoking cigarettes. Before I realized this a friend and I went to there to have a drink. We go to light one up and were told we have to smoke outside. Being the smokers we are, we left and went to a place where smokers are welcome. It's that simple. As a non-smoker you should accept that in a bar there's going to be smoke. If you don't like it go somewhere like the above. As a smoker, cigs and alcohol go hand in hand literally. A beer in one and a cig in another. If I can't smoke in a bar there's no reason for me to go there..
pretty interesting, I am watching right now.
Navy, a particular line you should really absorb... "drugs should become legalized because of their dangers not because their safe".
Further in, it says how marijuana increases schizophrenia. Also it increases laziness and it realesses the chemical dopamine.
*the exceptional businesses of our esteemed moderators