Very cheap... It seems that there were little or no "right" buyers at this event. For example, there is a thread at the largest adult webmasters board (GFY) and one member posted: (quote begin) $300 Wow, that's amazingly cheap. I'd have paid a thousand for that one in a heartbeat, if I had known about it / been at the auction. (quote end). Another member noted: (quote begin) only fetched $600! I bet some program owners would gladly have paid more than that, looking back now in hindsight. (quote end).
However, reading their thread makes me think that (in general) "adult" community does not see a lot of value in domains and are looking for bargains to begin with. There may be some exceptions though, but just look:
"none of these are worth over 10k..."
"latinpussy deserve the money... others are overpriced..."
and, finally,
"Don't forget, the Silent Auction is still going on! There are even more bargains there."
Be careful when lowering the reserve price. Not to mention 15% fees...
Current Silent Bids: 1 bid $ 23,530.00 1 bid $ 5,890.00 1 bid $ 3,530.00
TOPTRAVELAGENTS.COM 1 bid $ 1,180.00 1 bid $ 590.00
MANGAXXX.COM 1 bid $ 360.00
This auction is a prime example why you should not lower your reserves as a way of getting your domains accepted, sellers can easily get burned as many did in this auction.
Thank you. Keep us updated.Sort of the whole list...
Oddly, I looked under "Closed Domains" and found 27 more names, all "extended" auctions expiring 7/17, but with one with a $300 bid -- DATINGINTERNETSITE.COM
Well it's over...and while the bad news is that I didn't sell anything, the good news is also that I didn't sell anything. I had put lower reserves on several of my domains with the hopes they'd get in the auction and then be bid up -- but when the auction turned out to be such a bust, I was praying that no one else would snap up any of my lower priced domains (fortunately I'd put appropriately high reserves on my best names, so I wasn't too worried).
In the meantime, I snatched up and asianf* for $360 each. Time will tell whether they were good buys or not..
So much for my hopes of a windfall in August
I can't express enough how disappointed I am with the low level of bidding that went on in this auction. What do you guys think went wrong? I know part of it was that there were 4 other Internext events at the same time as the Live Auction (how did that scheduling snafu happen??), but still you'd think that would only make the silent auction that much hotter...:?:
*the exceptional businesses of our esteemed moderators