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is parked better than sedo?

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David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Dave, it's another perk Exclusives get :) Affiliate ids are ok. I think I will promote Greg's house for sale :D

A reason I was wondering is in reply to a specific question about a product I mentioned my own website in answer to the request for info which site sells the product of interest and the post was deleted as I was told you can not promote your own services. Maybe the rules have changed since that time a few yrs ago?

P.S. Greg must know there are no members here who could afford his house.


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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Oh, I see what you're saying. Affiliate id's are ok in signatures for Exclusives; but it's not ok to prompt for clicks. Bad boy, Focus :D

Donny Simonton

DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2004
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Actually, I bet you have some trolls/lurkers that could buy his house but aren't really interested in living in Texas. If that house was in Tampa by me or Orlando by Acroplex it would probably be around $5M.


David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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It's actually a lot higher in FL vs TX, one of the lowest price states by far.

I think Greg's house was $10 million so it could be $15 million or more in FL. It would be at least $20 million in CA.


DNForum Moderator
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 4, 2002
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Since the original query of this thread was "is parked better than sedo?", not whether still has traffic 7 years later or if Focus should go get a real job or whether Acroplex is the troll on the right or the left, it was a simple question comparing to Sedo. :) uses a Yahoo and an Ask feed which is basically a Google (AFS) feed. By default domains go to a 2 click/lander page. But about 20-30% of them go to a 1 click/direct to results page. Neither feed has smart pricing.

Sedo uses a Google (AFD) feed. Which is 1 click, but in certain cases you can make it 2 click. Has smartpricing, which is the process of determine the value of where the click is coming from and discounting the amount the advertiser pays based on that information. In the past this used to be based on the overall feed, so crappy traffic from one domain could effect over 200,000 domains. But I have been told that it's now on a userlevel, but I can't verify this. So if a click is $1.00 and your user account value is only 50% based on previous conversions, the advertiser would only pay $0.50 for the click not a $1.00 and then Sedo would get their share of the $0.50. uses an estimate for today's numbers just to give you a estimate of what you are making today. We found that people want to have some idea on what they are making, it's not 100% accurate and sometimes can be manipulated by certain bots, but it will give you a good estimate on how you are doing for today and it is updated every 15 minutes. Tomorrow when we get our numbers from our different providers we combine the numbers and replace the estimates from yesterday with the final numbers from our providers. We pay based on what our providers tell us you earned for the previous day. So if our estimates said you had 5 clicks and $20.00 and our providers say 0 clicks and $0.00 that's what we pay you. The same goes for the opposite if we say you had 1 vistor and 50 clicks and we don't think they 50 clicks are real, and our providers tell us they paid for 50 clicks, we will pay you for 50 clicks. No questions asked. If the advertiser is paying for a click, that means we will be paid, which means we will pay you.

Sedo does get domain level reporting on their domains, but they use it for estimating stats in the future, not paying you on a domain level. So an hour and 15 minutes after an hour is over Sedo crunches all of the data and shows you what you will be paid based on historical information they have collected over time. So if they tell you that you had 5 clicks and $12.00 so far today, that is what you should be paid on. That does not mean that's what they are getting paid, because they don't count more than 1 click per search. Depending on the volume of traffic you have your smartpricing will vary for the first week or so, then it should level out. If their finalized numbers were too high for yesterday, they will lower your precentage today to try and make up the difference. This information may not be 100% accurate, but this is what I remember when I talked to them last time about this.

Parked currently has 3,386 templates. We are adding about 50-75 new ones per day. Currently you can't choose all of them, but next week you will be able to choose any of the templates.

I can't remember exactly how many templates Sedo offers right now, I think it was around 75-100. My account doesn't allow me view the templates.

Parked allows you to choose keywords and it's approved immeditately.

Sedo allows you to choose keywords, but their is a 24 hour wait for them to be approved, unless it's the weekend and it's a little longer then.

Both programs are very good, I have no reason to bash Sedo or even complain about them. I even have a Sedo ipod they gave me for being such a good customer. We do still send some traffic to Sedo ourselves, I won't really say why because you would laugh. But I think each company has their own niche in the parking business.

I hope this helps explain the original question.


Sounds like a very open comparision between the two.

Is it OK to promote your affiliate program in posts? Just wondering if it abides by the rules, or are Exclusives authorized?

No, it is not ok to promote your affiliate program in posts.

Exclusives can have affiliate link in signature, but should not be asking members or soliciting members to click their link within a thread.

In a discussion thread where an "OP" asks for a referral or "how to" join a particular program, it is permissable to "Offer to assist" or "sign-up" that person if interested, as you are responding directly to a request.

Mocus is well aware of forum rules, yet he continues....


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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I did'nt do anything wrong, if someone does want to sign up they can use my link or type-in in their is this different from
"Need A SedoPro Account PM Me"

me :
You can easily sign up right below

I did'nt ask someone to click on my ppc pages or something...why do I want to run a banner if I am not trying to make money or benefit from it being there? This issue arose in another thread about sedo and "someones" affection towards them.


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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Actually, I bet you have some trolls/lurkers that could buy his house but aren't really interested in living in Texas. If that house was in Tampa by me or Orlando by Acroplex it would probably be around $5M.


Very true.


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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Since the original query of this thread was "is parked better than sedo?", not whether still has traffic 7 years... it was a simple question comparing to Sedo. ...Donny
It is about a 7 year old domain name (which happens to be just one of more than 500 I moved to Parked) and happens to be just one domain name which Parked would not pay on. Why? Because Parked's downstream advertisers would not pay Parked therefore Parked does not pay the domain owner.

Meanwhile the downstream advertisers on Parked that is refusing to pay for the traffic and clicks is getting free traffic compliments of domain name holders.

So, getting back to the original question...comparing to Sedo, raw type in traffic is paid at Sedo. Parked claims that they will pay for multiple clicks. But what they don't claim is they will also remove, delete, and erase multiple clicks. So saying they pay for multiple clicks is a mute point when they pay for none, at their discretion or when the advertiser refuses to pay.

So, in essence, I will take a paying click on a one to one basis vs. having multiple clicks deleted at the whims of a parking company and their advertisers.

Why do you have advertisers that are not paying Parked? Why are you permitting them to convince you that they are not legitimate clicks or traffic, yet they still receive the traffic? Does Yahoo allow this with all their advertisers?

Donny Simonton

DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2004
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Doc Com, You still aren't getting it. The traffic you weren't paid for with us was fake traffic. You didn't send us the fake traffic, it was somebody with a very large botnet sneding it to thousands of our domains. And just so you know since we are talking about this particular traffic it didn't even make it to the advertiser, because of certain things that didn't happen once it got to Yahoo. When a click gets to Yahoo/Google 3 things can happen, if you haven't read any of the click fraud lawsuits, the click can be counted and sent to the advertiser, considered to be bot based and not sent to the advertiser, and the last is sent to the advertiser even though the advertiser will probably not pay for the traffic. The last one happens when they think it's an invalid click, but the backend filters have to verify it. If anybody ever wants to learn how to stop clickfraud there are definitely some interesting lawsuits out their that explain how everything is done and a few patent applications as well.

One of the reasons I know so much about Sedo is for a few months our secondary provider was Sedo. So we had an XML feed, so I knew how many clicks we sent them and how many they paid us fior. I learned that they only paid for 1 click per search per x time. But if you did another search it would allow you another click. But in the end, they paid for 48% of all clicks that we sent them. Who is to blame? Sedo? Google? Or the advertisers? The advertisers have no say for what I am paid. Google does smartprice and discard invalid clicks. So I could blame Google. And since Sedo only pays us for 1 click per ip per search per x time and quite a few other things they don't pay for that I won't talk about, I could blame them as well. Sure I told them one day that I could have sent the traffic to an Amazon affiliate program and made more money.

You signed up with at a time that weird because of the botnet clicking which really caused issues with our estimates. You were used to Sedo which pays you based on their estimates, we don't. We pay you what we are paid. I assuming you haven't used Namedrive much which has an estimate system as well and most of the other Yahoo providers estimate in one way or form also. Estimating is good and bad, it's good if you are right, it's bad if you are wrong. I've been told in the past few days that our estimates have been very accurate. The difference between us and Sedo with estimates, is we show the click whether you will be paid for it or not on the day it happens. Sedo doesn't show it to you if they aren't going to pay you for it.

Since you were in advertising which would you rather? You go to company A and company B and tell them you want each to send out 100,000 mailers. Company A tells you they mailed our 100,000 mailers, they expect 85,000 will at least put it in their hands, 50,000 will make it in the door, 15,000 will be looked at, 5,000 people will call about your product, and based on your price you should get about 3,000 orders and tomorrow you will get a final number of orders you really received.. Company B tells you that 100,000 mailers were sent out, based on our estimates and historical information we are going to pay you for 2,000 orders today, if the final number is higher or lower that's company B's to keep.

And on last time, we do not remove clicks because we believe they are invalid/fraudulent. We only remove them if we are told they are by our providers.



Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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If I go back through this thread and one other, I am going to find at least perhaps 15-20 different reasons, each changing with the flow of these threads.

Now, "You signed up with at a time that weird..."

Okay, you win. It is was a weird time.

Mr. Deleted

DNForum Mod
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 24, 2004
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I love Skenzo... but I am going with DomainEmpire when they come out, as one basketball typo with 68 click, had 4 leads, and that made 6.00. (their current site is CPAEmpire, they will change a few things for their domainers' site)


Level 6
Legacy Gold Member
Apr 30, 2003
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I figured I'd resurrect this thread because I had to do a google search to find it and tell you my results so far. I have my entire portfolio at Sedo for the past 3 years and always enjoyed their services. But currently after having 600 domain names parked on their servers and receiving only .40 in revenue in 5 days I knew something was not right.

So I decided to move 125 of my domains over to to see if I could get better results and sure enough I did. I already have a quarter of the revenue in one day at Parked that I have at Sedo for this entire month so far!

While I do like Sedo's brokerage to sell my domains through, I guess I will have to just start handling the transactions myself because there is definitely more revenue to be had at my portfolio anyway.

DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 3, 2003
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i moved all domains from sedo to parked ( after well over 4 years using sedo) 3 weeks ago and so far overall i am happy - some names make less some make the same and some make more - the average is just a few dollars more - i also moved all my names from klickerz to parked and all from trafficz and just like the other names i come out more or less even - however , parked has better features to optimize the domains - parking pages look also better and i like having only to watch one system instead of 3 services .

i only wish that i could strike a deal with donny to move all my other names from domainsponsor and namedrive to parked


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 15, 2003
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While I do like Sedo's brokerage to sell my domains through, I guess I will have to just start handling the transactions myself because there is definitely more revenue to be had at my portfolio anyway.

You can park your names anywhere and still list at Sedo for sale. They charge 10% of the sale price (minimum of $50 if parked elsewhere). Best of both worlds.


Level 6
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 10, 2005
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Parked has been much better for me best domain had a $38.50 day and not for a keyword that pays $2 a click it never did that well other places it was parked. Thank you Donny


Level 8
Legacy Gold Member
Nov 10, 2006
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Despite the high and frequent pay out, the control panel is awesome. By looking at the timely delivered new functions, we all know that Donny and the guys at Parked are working hard to improve it time to time.
Look at my sig too :).

Donny Simonton

DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2004
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Damn, we must have made a really good batch of koolaid this time! :)

I'm really glad people are starting to use and understand how Parked works. Sure we do a lot of things better than Sedo, but they do things better than us as well.

We have a long way to go and my list of features to add or improve on grows everyday. But if anybody has any suggestions, please send them to me.

We did hit a milestone today, that I never thought we would hit and that is our 5,000th template. It was going to be "men's briefs", but I decided to approve "cat health" as the 5,000th template. Now to see if it takes another year to get to 10,000. :)

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